When the captains in the room came, they basically guessed that the Loen Kingdom should take action against the 'Dark Emperor'.

After all, when the 'Pritzer' made its debut, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, Agusid, announced that the advent of the 'Pritzer' would bring doom to the pirates who call themselves generals and kings at sea.

But it has been more than a year, and none of the big pirates' ships have been sunk by the 'Prize'.

Therefore, there is only an action against the 'Dark Emperor' now. Whether it is the navy or the kingdom, they all need to fight a beautiful victory to promote their military power and at the same time affect the Loen Kingdom's position at sea and in the world.

Xifa raised his hand and said: "It's not enough to have a high-ranked Sealed Artifact. The 'Black Emperor' is a mysterious ship that can travel through the spirit world. Even if it can be induced to a designated sea area, how can it be prevented from escaping through the spirit world? The battlefield is an unavoidable problem.”

Ken Angus exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth: "Don't worry about this, the issue has been discussed above. At that time, someone will be in charge of it."

Is it a demigod of the 'Arbiter' pathway...

Cepha recalled the battle of Admiral Amelius that day, the demigod who was able to utter decrees and influence reality. If an 'arbiter' of this level is dispatched, it should be able to make the spiritual world shuttle of the 'Dark Emperor' unavailable.

Then, Ken Angus said again: "Lieutenant Colonel Xifa, what advice do you have for inducing the 'Dark Emperor'? My idea is to spread the news and let the 'King of the Five Seas' know that I have the 'Dark Emperor' in my hands The high-rank items of the pathway, and then you pretend to **** them to catch Nast."

Many captains looked at Ken Angus in confusion, not knowing why he asked Cifer alone, which made them feel left out.

What they don't know is that the reason why Ken Angus only asks Westfa is because there is a sequence in Westfa's path that is 'conspirator'.

Xifa also knew the captain's intentions, he shook his head after thinking for a while: "No, we don't do anything, including spreading news."

One of the captains sneered suddenly: "So, what Lieutenant Colonel Xifa means, as long as we stay at sea, the 'Dark Emperor' will be delivered to the door by itself?"

"Yes." Sifa smiled and nodded.

"What a joke." The captain stood up, "Lieutenant Colonel Sifa, this is a very serious meeting, please put away that excess humor."

Xifa said indifferently: "I'm not joking, I'm serious."

"Extraordinary characteristics have a tendency to aggregate with each other. High-sequence items in the same pathway will intermittently and unconsciously attract medium- and low-sequence Beyonders to its vicinity, and high-sequence items can perceive this attraction."

"The 'King of the Five Seas' Nast is rumored to be a powerhouse of Sequence 3. He can fully perceive this attraction and the existence of high-ranking items in the same pathway."

"So, it is absolutely unnecessary to spread news and pretend to snatch. On the contrary, these unnecessary actions will cause Nast to suspect that there is a conspiracy."

"And the real conspiracy is often presented in the simplest form. So, if it was me, I wouldn't do anything, just wait for the 'Dark Emperor' to come to the door."

Many captains had never heard of the laws of Beyonder characteristics at all. They were confused and looked at each other in dismay.

At this time, Ken Angus made a final decision: "I will report this suggestion and let it be up to the top to decide. For the time being, don't leave for now. I will make other arrangements when the news comes down."

"Now, you can move freely."

After leaving the captain's room, Sifa and Edward got together for a while, met Miss Pharmacist, had a drink with Captain Roger, and did not return to the 'Exploration' until the afternoon.

But until three o'clock, Xifa was not pulled above the gray fog. Lying on the bed, he opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling, and said to himself, "Mr. Fool is on leave today?"


quack quack-

Klein raised his head, and in the ancient church in front of him, crows were flying and circling, croaking.

Looking at the crows, Klein smiled bitterly. After he was sent to this town by the eraser angel in the Chanis Gate, he met Mr. A and 'Ms Despair' Pan who had participated in the Great Smog of Backlund Naya, and was chased by these two successively.

Then in the church in front of him, he encountered Zarath, the leader of the Secret Order, who often appeared in Roselle's diary.

Now Klein can be sure that this town is related to the Kingdom of Night and the Antigonus family, but so far, he has not found a way to leave.

Now, he has to try again.

Klein entered the church. Above him, there were figures hanging in the middle of the church. Some of those figures were wearing black classical robes, some were wearing brown jackets, some were wearing long fluffy skirts, and some were tattered.

Looking down at these hangers, Klein came to the wall behind the statue, picked up the obsidian slate, and inlaid the slate into the gate.

The door quickly became transparent, and Klein quickly drew the 'Fool' symbol composed of half a 'eye without pupil' and half a 'twisted thread'.

Yes, the transparent door has not changed.

Klein's expression was a little bitter. He shook his head, rearranged his thoughts, and looked for other clues.

Soon he had new ideas.

Klein let out a sigh of relief, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com raised his hand again, and drew a sketch pattern of the dark holy emblem. Suddenly, the scene behind the transparent gate shook like a wave, and the gate changed.

Did it work?

Klein was stunned and couldn't believe it. He subconsciously stretched out his palms and pushed open the door.


The cold wind was blowing outside the door. Klein was about to step out, but he paused again. He took out the gold coins and made a divination, and obtained the revelation that there was no danger to the outside world.

Next, he drew a 'crimson moon' on his chest, and then stepped out with his right foot and passed through the illusory gate.

Klein's eyes dimmed at first, and then he found himself on a certain mountain top, with snow and rocks beside it, but other than that, there was nothing.

He didn't do much observation, and directly made the 'creeping hunger' transparent, and tried to activate the ability of 'travel'. In an instant, his body faded and disappeared in place.

Klein successfully entered the spiritual world!


It is already night.

Not far from the mooring of many boats, a bonfire was burning on the beach of the island. Sifa and Edward sat around the fire, baking food while listening to their stories.

"I became a 'Nightmare', Lieutenant Colonel... no, I should be called a Colonel now. Yes, Colonel Ken Angus allowed me to leave the Wavebreaker and own my own ship." Edward said with some distress , "After becoming a nightmare, many times I couldn't distinguish between reality and dreams. I had to use a notebook to record some important things, which made me look forgetful, and the crew on my ship always made fun of me because of this." Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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