After Gehrman Sparrow reminded the two members to beware of the investigation by the Aurora Society and the Spiritual Religion, everyone exchanged some other things. The meeting soon came to the learning session. After a while, Mr. Fool Said leisurely after the thick fog.

"Come here today."

"Follow your wishes."

After the party, Klein returned to the real world and had dinner. He was about to read the newspaper while holding a decorative pipe. Suddenly, he was inspired when he saw his own messenger come out of the void and sent a letter to him. letter.

The letter was sent by Leonard, with little content but a huge amount of information.

"Ince Zangwill appeared in East Balam and is suspected to have met Palenque Tasib of the Artificial Death Sect of the Spirit Religion..."

Ince Zangwill...... Klein slowly leaned on the back of the easy chair, remembering the incident related to this man.

"In the beginning, he appeared in Damir Harbor, was spotted by the 'chariot' and notified me. Ince Zangwill disappeared after fighting the other two demigods on that harbor, and then I was in Hal. Seeing him again in Port Mann, and now he's in East Balam and making contact with members of the Spiritual Order."

"He seems to be asking for some help."

"Is he not normal?"

Leonard's letter mentioned that he hoped Klein would do some investigation secretly to find out Ince Zangwill's purpose.

"I also want to investigate, but the problem lies in '0-08', which has the characteristics of 'every word must be known'. In this case, it is difficult to bypass the investigation of Ince Zangwill. A quill pen, it's easy to reveal my identity..."

Klein read the letter sent by Leonard from the beginning again, hoping to find more clues and entry points for the investigation.

"East Balam... Spirit Religion... Artificial Death Sect... Palenque Tasib..."

"Artificial Reaper..."

Klein suddenly remembered something that only he and Mr. Azik knew: "Goddess of the Night" initially controlled the "uniqueness" of the "Death" pathway, that is, "Artificial Death", and was currently usurping, digesting and mastering the corresponding authority!

He gradually had an idea, made a decision, and after carefully weighing the gains and losses, Klein got busy.

He used the 'sacrifice and gifting ceremony' to throw two feathers, which were left over from the by-product of the 'artificial death plan', and threw them on the gray fog.

Klein took the two feathers back to the real world, including the 'Full Moon' essential oil, night vanilla powder and other items that he had used for a long time, and then transformed the altar to complete the preliminary preparations for the ceremony.

After drawing the occult symbols such as 'person' and 'secret' on the imitation parchment, Klein pressed Mr. Azik's copper whistle on it, and then he put the white feather stained with light butter on it. into a silver bowl of burning herbal powder.

At this time, when the ceremony reached the final step, Klein breathed out silently and began to recite in Hermes.

"You are the essence of death;"

"You are the lord of the dead;"

"You are the final destination of all living beings."

"I pray for your help, I pray to know the purpose of Ince Zangwill's contact with the Spiritual Religion."


Gu Zhao

As soon as Klein finished speaking, he saw the three candle flames swell suddenly, stained with dark green, making the surroundings feel cold.

After meditating for thirty seconds, Klein came to the front of the altar, picked up the 'Full Moon' essential oil and put a drop on each of the three candles.

Next he put away Mr. Azik's copper whistle, picked up the imitation parchment, set it on fire, and threw it into the silver bowl.

With a swipe.

The white feather that was not damaged in the silver bowl suddenly burst into a pale flame, and after two or three seconds, when the flame completely receded, only a pile of powder remained in the silver bowl.

Those powders moved on their own, forming word after word: Evil spirit possessed and needed to be exorcised.


Also on this night, in the hotel in Kukwa City, Sifa was leisurely reading the newspaper, and inspiration suddenly started. He quickly blinked his eyes twice and turned on his spiritual vision. Miss Er's figure is looming.

This beautiful lady with thick gray hair, pale blue lips, and eyes like a sea hidden in the sea is a little hesitant to say anything, and it doesn't look like she's here to deliver a letter.

Sifa put down the newspaper and said with a smile, "Miss Verier, can I do something for you?"

The sea fog dissipated a little, and the little messenger's lips were slightly saddened between her brows and eyes: "Have you heard of 'scale people'?"

Sifa thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head: "I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it, I only know about mermaids or murlocs, but I haven't heard of scale people, is that?"

"It's an extraordinary race that lives on some islands. They all have scales like fish. They have good water and can dive deep into the sea, but they can't live in the sea."

"I'm the scale man."

There seemed to be sea fog in Miss Verrier's eyes, and her eyes became hazy: "We like music, and we can make various musical instruments out of shells, nutshells, bones, stones, etc."

"We fight against the sea, and we also use music to cultivate our body and mind, so that we will not be reduced to beasts."

"We know restraint and restraint. Our ancestors have been living in an archipelago for generations. The violent sea is our natural barrier. It makes it difficult for us to go to the outside world, but it also protects us."

"But just recently, some weird creatures crossed the ocean and appeared on the archipelago. Although my descendants fought hard, those weird creatures are still eating the archipelago and my people."

"I heard their prayers, but they couldn't open the portal between reality and the spirit world, and they couldn't let me into reality. I could only offer limited help, but it wasn't enough to repel those invaders."

Having said this, Miss Viril raised her head and looked at Xifa: "I need some help, if I don't do something, my clan may go to the end."

Xifa nodded and said, "I Take me to your archipelago and see what I can do for you."

Miss Viril frowned slightly: "Okay, I'll respond to them first, let them do some preparations, and we'll set off tomorrow morning."

After seeing off Miss Verrier, Cepha called Nefi and Church over and explained that they might be gone for a day or two. If someone is looking for it, find an excuse to prevaricate it.

Because the situation of the Scale Man Islands was not clear for the time being, Xifa didn't want to take the risk of taking Naifei and the others, and planned to see it for himself.

The next day, he asked Kardashian to control Mr. X, and he brought items such as the 'Scourge Spear'. When he was ready, Xifa took out the golden harmonica and played it silently.


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