"Miss Viril has helped me. Since her clan is in trouble, I should extend my hand to help. You don't have to be too polite."

Xifa put down the wooden cup with the drink and looked at the elders with a smile.

As the direct descendant of Miss Verier, Melinda trembled slightly, as if every pale blue scale on her body was open, she looked at Cifer with a little excitement: "Savior, you...you can Communicate with the ancestor? Have you seen her?"

"You can call me Sifa, this is my name, don't call me the savior again."

Sifa smiled and said, "As for Miss Verrier, yes, I can communicate with her and I have met her."

He didn't tell these scales that their ancestor was his messenger, so as not to hit them.

Melinda was excited at first, then looked sad: "Although the ancestor still answered our prayers, she no longer appeared in front of us, so that we often wondered whether the ancestor answered us or not."

Adalus sighed: "The ancestor is also very helpless. She had to leave the archipelago and enter the spiritual world for some reason. If she appears, it will bring us unpredictable disasters, which she has never had. The reason for showing up."

"In any case, the ancestor asked the savior... Oh, Lord Xifa, the ancestor still asked Lord Xifa to help us, which shows that the ancestor is still protecting us." Another scale elder said loudly.

Sifa also nodded lightly and said, "Miss Verier cares about you very much. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so worried and wouldn't ask me for help."

"However, although I helped you clean up the monsters on the island today, I can't stay here for a long time. You must be clear about this."

Hearing this sentence, the excitement and joy on the faces of the scale people gradually subsided.

Adalus smiled bitterly and said, "We understand that it is difficult for the people of Sifal to stay on the archipelago for a long time, and now we can only hope that those monsters will not appear again."

Xifa clenched his fists and coughed dryly: "Rather than hoping that monsters will not appear again, I think you should rely on yourself."

"If you have the power to protect yourself, then you don't need my help, and Miss Viril doesn't have to worry about you all the time."

"Therefore, I am happy to provide help in other areas, such as potion formulas, such as extraordinary materials."

The elders of Melinda exchanged glances, and they all saw hope in each other's eyes again. Xifa's words made their heart lake that had been dimmed, and bubbles appeared again, and those bubbles contained Hope and light.

Melinda said calmly, "We Scales have the 'Sea Blessed One' pathway, and the ancestor left the relevant formula for this pathway. We have the potion formulas and related rituals from Sequence 9 to Sequence 3."

Sifa asked curiously, "If that's the case, why aren't there any demigods among you?"

Adalus sighed: "We lack materials."

"It's okay for low-sequence ones, even if we can collect the materials for Sequence 5, but for materials above demigods, even if we searched all the nearby islands, including the extraordinary creatures on the seabed, we haven't found the materials needed for Sequence 4."

"In addition, we have no conditions to meet the rituals required by Sequence 4."

Sifa tried to ask: "What kind of ceremony does Sequence 4 need?"

Melinda said: "To advance to Sequence 4, you need to cause earthquakes and tsunamis. You must take magical medicine in such an environment and last until the end."

The other three elders nodded and said: "And we can't cause earthquakes and tsunamis, and we don't have any items in this regard. Coupled with the lack of main materials, so far, we have not been born demigods."

Sifa held his chin and thought: "If it only causes a tsunami, my 'spear of natural disasters' can do it, the big deal is to lend you. But it can't cause an earthquake... Well, after I go back, I will find Miss Verrier asked."

"She should be a demigod, maybe even an angel, but no matter what, she has gone through the stage of Sequence 4."

"Since she can be promoted, she should know how to do it."

"If you write down the materials, I can think of a way. If you don't have it here, I should be able to get it elsewhere."

"Of course, it's not free. You give me the extraordinary materials that you don't need, and I can exchange them for the materials, or sell them for the gold pounds needed to buy the materials."

"What do you think?"

Melinda nodded without thinking, "I have no opinion."

Several other elders also think that those materials that are not needed are also put away, and it is better to leave them to Xifa to deal with them.

So this matter was decided.

The next day, Xifa stored all the materials that the elders had sorted overnight into the spiritual world treasure chest, and then left behind the projections of Amelius, Gehrman, Edwina and 30 'arsonists'.

Amelius is an admiral and has enough experience to lead this 'army' and let these projections temporarily stay in the archipelago for protection.

When the strength of the Scale people increases, then they can protect their homeland, and it will not be too late for Xifa to withdraw this army.

This team cost him less than 100,000 total subscriptions. If necessary, he can consume another 100,000 total subscriptions to project a second 'army'. Anyway, as long as the projection is not dead, it can be used all the time. It is not a waste. .

After dealing with these things~www.readwn.com~ Xifa took the Kardashian projection and Mr. Secret Puppet X, and used the 'Spiritual Shuttle' to leave the Scale Man Islands.

After returning, he can record this archipelago on the "Traveler's Landscape", so that the next time he goes to the archipelago, he doesn't need to be guided by Miss Verrier, and the marked landscape will automatically send him over.


East Balam, above the gray fog.

Through praying for the light spot, Klein saw that the chief of the City of Silver took the initiative to organize a team to explore Sonos City, which was the ruins of a northern city-state suspected of existence of terrifying monsters such as 'Transformers', and the shape-shifters were most likely Klein's Requires Trickery Evil.

Klein also told Little Sun that he did not need to take risks to hunt and kill after encountering the target, as long as he could get a little blood, he would complete the mission.

As long as he gets the blood, he can smear the blood on the surface of "Grossel's Travels", then bring all the equipment, go to the book office to challenge the trickster monsters, and get the extraordinary materials he needs.

After returning to the real world, he was inspired to turn on his spiritual vision, and saw his own messenger lady walking from the void.

"Yes..." "Your..." "Letter..."


Did Leonard reply?

Klein happily accepted a letter that the messenger was biting on one of her heads.

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