At the moment when Anderson's expression changed, Xifa's mind also had a dangerous premonition exploded, but he was already a demigod, and he didn't lose his composure because of this dangerous premonition. He calmly and calmly turned around and saw Someone came towards them.

This man is holding a classical quill, wearing a black cleric robe, dark gold hair, no wrinkles on his face, facial features like classical sculptures, one eye dark blue and nearly black, the other one covered with tiny blood vessels, walking step by step came over.

At this moment, Xifa almost wanted to scold Danitz for 'shit', and suspected that the angel of the 'Fate' pathway did not impose 'good luck' on him, but 'bad luck'.

Otherwise, how could he meet the man in front of him here.

Meet Ince Zangwill!

Almost at the same time, Xifa sensed again. He suddenly looked to Anderson's side. Next to Anderson, there was a priest at some point.

This **** is wearing a very simple white robe, with a pale golden beard covering the lower half of his face, his eyes are clear and innocent, reminiscent of a child, and his expression is even more genial and restrained.

The middle-aged man dressed as an ordinary priest glanced at Xifa lightly, then looked at Ince Zangwill opposite. He half closed his eyes, raised his right hand, and tapped four times in front of him.

On his right hand hangs a silver cross pendant.

This atmosphere, this scene, suddenly became weird.

Almost without thinking, Sifa also knew that the sudden appearance of the middle-aged priest was not simple.

Although he has never seen it before, Cifer has a feeling that he seems to know him, but he can't remember where he saw it.

But now, he has no time to think about it.

There are more serious and complex issues to deal with right now.

Ince Zangwill!

Sifa immediately lowered his head and recited in a low voice in ancient Hermes.

"The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray fog, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck..."

He will immediately inform The Fool of this situation and inform Klein!

At this time, Ince Zangwill stopped. He looked at the **** who was wearing a simple white robe and a silver cross pendant. In his mind, in his mouth, an angry voice sounded: "Adam!"

Naturally, Xifa heard the sound, and her scalp tingled immediately.


That white-robed priest turned out to be Adam!

It turned out to be the son of the creator, the king of angels, Adam!

He felt more and more that he had been unlucky by the Angel of Fate.


In the luxury room of the hotel, Klein suddenly heard the phantom layered prayers, he stood up suddenly, ran to the window, and looked at the Resurrection Square not far away.

The square seems to be normal, people come and go, the fountain is surging, this scene is a bit leisurely. But at the edge of the square, Klein saw Anderson kneeling on one knee with a stiff expression; he saw Danitz closing his eyes tremblingly in prayer; he saw a familiar figure with a solemn expression, it was a 'chariot'!

After knowing that Ince Zangwill had appeared in the Southern Continent, Klein had already made a plan. At this moment, he immediately followed the plan he designed and manipulated the Secret Puppet 100 meters away into the telegraph office, and sent the already written plan. The telegram, address, and Filkin were all handed over to the staff, and they were urged to send it immediately.

The content of the message was: West Balam, Uttar Pradesh, Kukwa City, Ince Zangwill appeared.

This news will be passed on to the major strongholds of the Evernight City in the east and west of Balam!

At the same time, Klein took out the adventurer's harmonica and blew it. His messenger immediately came out. As soon as the messenger appeared, four heads and eight eyes turned to the square at the same time.

Klein took out a letter and a gold coin that he had prepared a long time ago, and handed it to the messenger Reinette Tinichole.

"To Leonard Mitchell, he should have not left the previous sensing range."

One of Miss Messenger's heads bit the letter, and her eight eyes looked at Klein deeply for two seconds before returning to the spiritual world.


East Balam.

On the street not far from the church, Leonard was inspired to see a letter suddenly appear and fall at the bottom of the gas street lamp.

Leonard hurriedly picked it up, took it apart quickly, and saw that there was only one line of words on it: West Balam, Uttar Pradesh, Kukwa City, Resurrection Square, coordinates...

Leonard's expression turned solemn.


Resurrection Square Edge.

Xifa's expression was solemn. After Ince Zangwill angrily called out the name of the white-robed priest, Adam and Ince Zangwill disappeared.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly broke out in the Resurrection Square, and the sharp and piercing sound of the wind reverberated on the square immediately, causing the people in the square to leave in a hurry. In just a few seconds, the Resurrection Square became deserted, even if some passers-by were not fast, Mo Zeng ran and was pushed by the strong wind, and experienced the feeling of flying.

"This is... Mr. Fool is clearing the field?" Sifa instantly grasped that Klein was going to intervene and deal with Ince Zangwill's plan.

At the same time, a thick gray fog appeared in front of him, and he heard Mr. Fool's voice: "Stay away from here and find a hidden place to hide."


Sifa immediately responded: "Mr. Fool, if it's dealing with Ince Zangwill, I can help!"

After that, Klein will get the red priest card, but to exchange Sequence 3 and even the following potion formula and ritual information with Mr. Fool, enough contributions are required.

As for Ince Zangwill, Sifa believes that this achievement should be a lot.

Considering the level of Westfa, Klein, who was above the gray fog at the moment, had already accommodated the Tyrant Card, thought for a moment and then responded.

"it is good!"

The more demigods, the more chance of success.

And this is what Chariot requested, so Klein no longer refuses.

Soon, Xifa received a response, and at this moment, a figure appeared on the square, and Ince Zangwill wearing a black cleric robe appeared on the resurrection square.

As soon as he appeared, Xifa saw a dark light coming from out of nowhere, making the whole sky gloomy, but such a change disappeared in a flash, and everything around him returned to normal in an instant.

Ince Zangwill keenly smelled the without any hesitation, he stretched out his left palm. As soon as Cifer at the edge of the square saw the cleric come out, he passed through the previous experience in Port Damir. Already have a good understanding of what this man is capable of and what he can do, Xifa immediately stretched out his hand to catch him.

He used 'Mrs Christie' to steal Ince Zangwill's 'spiritual shuttle' ability, and he seemed to have good luck. Facing a demigod, Cepha succeeded in stealing it at once, allowing Ince Zangwill to still Standing on the square, and did not enter the spiritual world.

The 'good luck' given by the angel of the 'Fate' pathway seems to be beginning to manifest!




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