Seeing the size of the castle, the woman with four blond heads was driving the spirit world creatures, as if she belonged to her side, and Xifa then turned his eyes to the real world and to the Resurrection Square.

In the Resurrection Plaza, Ince Zangwill, who was moving at a high speed, suddenly stopped, and the contents written by '0-08' made him a big blow.

At this moment, the sky screeched, and thick silver-white lightning fell, slamming into Ince Zangwill heavily, preventing him from jumping forward and letting out a scream that was not human. In his dark eyes, blood red The light exploded, turning into two bloodthirsty, cruel, crazy light groups.

"Ince Zangwill could no longer control his emotions, maintain a good state, and lost most of his sanity..."

The slightly broken quill gradually faded and stopped.

In the roar that made people goosebumps, the endless darkness spread, pulling Daly Simone and Leonard Mitchell into a dream at the same time, but fortunately, the thunder and the falling lightning made the They woke up.

But at this moment, Ince Zangwill ran towards Dai and Leonard at the speed of leaving afterimages, to brutally shred the participants who could be seen in the resurrection square now!



One after another exaggerated lightning struck down and tried to stop it, but the crazy Ince Zangwill was more flexible than before. Klein.

In the blink of an eye, Ince Zangwill had come to Daly and the two of them, raising one of his arms to sweep it down. Suddenly he raised his head, and on top of his head, a flame leaped from the void into reality, instantly turning into a huge, exaggerated flame spear, roaring through the air, aiming at his head and shooting it down.

This is the 'Iron Knight'!

This is Sifa!

When he left the spiritual world, he noticed Ince Zangwill's actions. He directly transformed into a flame spear and entered reality, and launched an attack on Ince Zangwill.

Ince Zangwill jumped back sharply, leaving an afterimage on the spot, but the flame spear disintegrated into pieces of crimson flames in mid-air.

They came to Ince Zangwill all of a sudden, and wrapped it in a blazing flame, causing Ince Zangwill to roar in pain. Sifa planned to just roast the target into charcoal, which was covered with white The feathered eight-legged monster moved continuously at this time, breaking away from the flame at a high speed, and let the darkness like reality flood into the flame, making the color of the flame gradually lighten.

So the flames that were chasing formed abruptly, and Sifah, whose skin was dyed black, appeared from the flames and punched Ince Zangwill in the face, causing the man's face to sag slightly and smashing his face. His muscles rippling in circles, and then in the exploding annular airflow, the eight-legged monster flew upside down.

Hit Flying Ince Zangwill, and with the other hand, Xifa used the 'Degenerate Whisper', pointing at the monster that had not stopped yet and was rolling, and Xifa pulled the trigger continuously.

Bang bang bang bang!

The rough revolver blasted out bullets. Under the promotion of the 'Iron Knight', each of these bullets was like the shelling of the shore anti-cannon. Ince Zangwill kept getting shot. This incomplete mythical creature gave I can't help myself, it's hard to adjust.

After shooting the light bullet, Sifah stole the distance between him and Ince Zangwill with the help of 'Mrs Christie', appeared beside the monster hit by the thunder, and let the fire crows burning with black flames chase one after another. Bite, leaving Ince Zangwill's body with continuous burning, sticky and hard to extinguish 'dark flames'.

Ince Zangwill, who was constantly attacked by lightning and Zepha, roared frantically in Old Fusac: "I will kill all of you, all of you!"

In the distance, Leonard heard these words and brought back some memories.

At this moment, he seemed to be back in Tingen City, back to the Blackthorn Security Company, back to the day he fought with Megaos, back to the weak and powerless self who couldn't stop anything.

Could it be that I can't do anything and can only passively wait?

He hated his incompetence, and was unwilling to be the old self again. He clenched his hands into fists and hurriedly shouted, "Old man!"

"Old man!"

There was no sound echoing in his mind, and Pales Zoroaster was still sleeping.

His breathing suddenly became heavy, and he continued to shout in a clearly flustered tone, "Old man!"

"Old man!

"Old man!"

no respond.

Suddenly, Leonard's whole body froze for several seconds, and then, his expression was decisive, and he read in ancient Hermes: "The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the Huang who is in charge of good luck. black king!"

As soon as the prayers fell, a picture appeared in his mind: Ince Zangwill, who seemed to have turned into a spider or a deformed feathered wolf, was dodging the lightning strike, but it was difficult to avoid the attack of another figure. The man whose skin was dyed iron black was extremely powerful whether he punched or kicked. He used all kinds of flames at the same time, causing huge damage to Ince Zangwill.

In this picture, Ince Zangwill's figure is quite blurry, replaced by only a piece of red light, which allows Leonard to confirm the location without having to look directly at his mythical creature form.

Leonard was stunned for a moment, then laughed. Tears fell down as he laughed. He raised his palm without hesitation, put the glove on his forehead, and held the 'Luck Stealer' spell tightly with his right hand. . UU reading www.


This time, he can finally act according to the rehearsal.

This time, he can finally use his power to take revenge!

The silver-white lightning suddenly exploded. Nader Mitchell threw out the spell, and shouted loudly, "Go to hell! Ince Zangwill!"

The forest formed by thunder suddenly drowned Leonard. He only felt that his body was numb, with needle-like pain everywhere, as if his body would be completely carbonized at any time.

But the next second, he didn't feel the sharp pain, as if nothing had happened.


On the other side of the square, shrill screams rang out. Although there was thick darkness around Ince Zangwill, they could not counteract the storm intertwined by the silver and white lightning. He took Leonard Mitchell's place to bear it. The fate of being engulfed by the 'Lightning Storm'!

Because of this storm, Xifa was temporarily unable to pursue him. He dodged and appeared in the corner of the square. He picked up the spear that had just been thrown and severely damaged the evil spirit of the 'Red Angel', causing the lightning to reappear and condensed into the spear body again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thor roared one after another, Xifa looked up, and there was dazzling silver in front of him. Even he couldn't see Ince Zangwill.

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