"Guest?" Cifer looked at Melinda with surprise.

The gray-haired and blue-eyed scaly elder nodded slightly: "She came from other islands. What happened on their islands is similar to ours, but a little bit different. I think, Sir Xifa, you have to see her."

Sifa nodded. He called up the projections of his Sequence 7 and asked the 'arsonists' to instruct the scale people how to use guns. Then he followed Melinda to her residence and saw a strange life.

This is a female, or female.

She is generally similar to a human woman, with no scales on her body, but her skin has a light blue layer and a strong sea breath. Her hair is dark blue, and the strands are extremely thick, and these hairs are flying in the air, like seaweed floating in the water, they seem to each have their own spirituality, constantly exploring in all directions.

And, the tips of those hairs would split from time to time, forming a mouth like a poisonous snake.

"Elder Lina, this is the one I mentioned, Sir Sifa, the savior of our scale people." Melinda gave a brief introduction.

The creature called Lina stood up, and the snake hairs on her head were all facing Xifa, and they opened their mouths one after another, spit out the low neighs of snakes.

Xifa snorted softly, he knew that this creature was probing him, and immediately turned several muscles on his face into crimson flames, creating strange patterns, which formed a strong impact and made the creature named Lina. She screamed, covered her eyes instinctively, and fell to the ground.

Xifa showed a bit of his divinity and showed the tip of the iceberg of incomplete mythological creatures. Even so, it still caused a terrible impact on the lives of demigods and above.

If it wasn't for Sifa to make this divinity disappear, I'm afraid this creature named Lina would have lost control on the spot.

Melinda also gave Xifa a fearful look, then lowered her head, and warned herself again in her heart not to neglect this 'savior' or try to spy.

After recovering, the creature named Lina lay on the ground, not daring to raise his head, his forehead touched the ground and said in ancient Fusac: "Respected savior, please forgive my recklessness, I swear I will never do the same thing again. mistake."

Only then did Xifa say "um" and said lightly, "Who are you?"

"We are demihumans, and demihumans are what the ancient gods called us to distinguish us from humans, and it is also a general term. If we are divided into specific divisions, we were called snake-haired people in ancient times." Lina replied, still lying on the ground. , "Our ancestors used to be slaves of giants. After the fall of the giant king, we went through a journey of ups and downs, and finally arrived at the island where we live now, and have survived on that island to this day."

Seeing that she was already in awe of herself enough, Xifa found a place to sit down and said, "Raise your head."

"As you wish."

Lina of the Snake-haired tribe raised her head, but she still did not dare to look directly at Xifa, and bowed her head respectfully, as if she was ready to answer at any time.

Sifa asked with interest: "Apart from the Serpent, what other demi-humans do you know?"

"According to our records, there are also deep sea naga, mermaids, murlocs, winged people, tree people, highland dwarves, orcs, etc." Lina said, "Of course, there are many demi-humans that I don't know about. Yes, because in the Great Migration we lost a lot of documents, like..."

She looked at Melinda: "Like scale people, I didn't know they were our neighbors."

Sifaqi said, "Have you never been here before?"

Lina said in a heavy voice: "Before this, there was a powerful extraordinary creature living in the sea between our two islands. Our people tried to explore this direction, but they all became the creature's food."

"But recently, the creature disappeared. I don't know if it left or was killed. In short, without this 'obstruction', I was able to cross the sea."

Sifa then asked: "You have been exploring the sea near your residence?"

"Yes, my lord." Lina nodded lightly.

Sifa asked curiously, "Tell me about your findings."

Lina said "yes", and after organizing the language a little, she said, "There are many islands in the sea area where we are, and there are also extraordinary creatures or demihumans on many islands."

"However, compared to ancient times, extraordinary creatures and demihumans are much rarer today, both in number and variety."

"Through our long-term exploration, taking the Blue Tree Island where our gorgonians live as the origin, there is an island chain to the east of us, where there are many dangerous extraordinary creatures and demihumans, therefore, we need to Build a line of defense on the east side of the island."

"For countless years, we have been resisting the invasion of hostile creatures on that island chain, which we call the 'Dark Corridor'."

"On the west side of us, on the sea farther from our island, there is a huge island formed by the remains of ancient extraordinary creatures, which we call the 'Dragon Turtle Island', where there lives more people such as winged people and gray dwarves. Friendly Asians."

"They have the materials and properties we need in their hands, so from time to time we will send a fleet to Dragon Turtle Island to exchange items with them."

"South of our Blue Tree Island is a vast sea. There are fewer islands, and it is almost impossible to see extraordinary creatures or demihumans. We once sent an ocean-going fleet, but in the end they did not return."

"Just judging from the last message they sent back, there seems to be a piece of land at the southern end of the ocean, and there may be a large number of extraordinary creatures and demihumans there."

"Unfortunately, our ability is limited and we can no longer organize an ocean-going fleet of that size, so we can't confirm the authenticity of this news."

"As for the north, as I said before, because of the existence of dangerous creatures, we have been unable to explore until today."

After listening to it, Xifa gained some understanding of the nearby waters, and at the same time was curious about the possibility of a continent at the southern end of the ocean.

"Master Savior."

Lina, with thick hair like a viper, pressed her forehead again and said, "Our Blue Tree Island is facing a disaster similar to that of the scaly people. Monsters we have never seen before appear on our island, and they destroy our defenses, and even ' The enemies of the Dark Corridor' have invaded our home again."

"I originally wanted to go to Dragon Turtle Island to ask for help. Due to some accidents, I came to this archipelago and heard the scales talk about your deeds."

"I beg you to lend a helping hand and save my clan. As long as our clan can be preserved, our snake-haired clan is willing to serve you. We have extraordinary materials, rich specialties, and brave warriors!"

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