"I understand."

Leonard the Star thought The Hanged Man was very straightforward, he nodded in response, and at the same time calculated in his heart, I sold the 'Tinder' gloves and had 7,000 pounds in hand, plus other savings, even if it was I can get it for £12,000.

Of course, normally, I can ask the 'Fate Hermit Society' for purchases, but that gathering is held only once every half a year, so the 'Tarot Society' is more convenient.

At this time, Xifa coughed dryly.

"I have a weapon..."

He looked at the top of the long bronze table, and after obtaining the consent of Klein the Fool, he showed a rough revolver, with scratches and rust scattered on the gun, and the thick barrel made people intuitive. feel its power.

"It's called 'Degenerate Whisper', it corresponds to Sequence 6 and has four abilities: 'Demonization', 'Malicious Perception', 'Foul Bullet-Slow', and 'Foul Bullet-Degenerate'."

Sifa briefly introduced the functions and negative effects of those abilities, and then smiled: "It basically meets your requirements, the only thing is that it is not concealed enough. If you want, you can get it for 7,000 pounds."

Now 'Depraved Whisper' has less effect on Sifa, 'Foul Bullet - Slow' can be replaced with 'Shadow Mire', 'Devilization' provides less physical strength than his 'Man of Steel', also 'Malicious Perception' and 'Foul Bullets - Corruption' also works a bit.

The former can sense and detect the source of danger, and the latter can weaken the effect of stand-in spells.

But now that he is a demigod, the opponents at the demigod level have too many means to hide their malice, and Xifa who is below a demigod does not need to pay attention to it at all.

As for substitute spells, he now has the ability and means to restrain them, such as asking Mr. X to say, "Substitutes are prohibited here."

Now, the role of 'Degenerate Whisper' is also a more powerful revolver, and this can be completely replaced.

'Star' Leonard thought for a while and said calmly: "Okay, I will consider it, if I need it..."

Sifa smiled and reminded: "You can pray to Mr. Fool."

"Yeah." Leonard responded loosely.

Alger the Hanged Man glanced at Sifa next to him, and said calmly, "I'll also help you pay attention."

In this way, the trading session is over, and the party has entered the session of free communication.

Derrick the Sun raised his hand at this time and said, "I have returned to the City of Silver. The chief told me that after a while, the preliminary exploration of the Royal Court of Giants will begin."

"What does he mean to let me hurry up and be promoted to the 'Priest of Light'?"

The King's Court of Giants!

Xifa was refreshed when he heard it, and the City of Silver was finally going to explore the place that disappeared in the long river of history? It's a pity that I can't enter the "Land Abandoned by God", otherwise I would like to participate in the exploration. Of course, the City of Silver will not believe me and will not let me participate.

Others have their own ideas when they hear the news.

Xifa noticed that Mr. Xingxing was stunned, and he was very surprised. Xifa could understand this. After all, according to normal cognition, the 'Royal Court of Giants' was destroyed in the Second Epoch, and now everyone would be surprised and absurd when a teenager said that he wanted to explore the 'Royal Court of Giants'.

However, Xifa found that Miss Judgment seemed to have known it for a long time and was very calm. This lady and Miss Magician are roommates. It is very likely that Miss Fors has already made up lessons with this lady. Well, this is very logical.

"The 'Royal Court of Giants' is in the 'Land Abandoned by God'."

'Moon' Emlyn said with a faint smile at this time. After he glanced at the 'star', he turned to the 'sun' on the other side and said, "You have already obtained the 'priest of light'. materials?"

"Well, it was exchanged from Mr. World."

Little 'Sun' answered honestly, but didn't say what the exchange was for.

Leonard the Star tried his best to digest what he heard and adjusted his understanding of the Tarot Club. At this time, he heard the Chariot say in a more relaxed tone, "Explore the Royal Court of Giants. 'It's definitely not a safe job, so yes, your chief wants you to grow as quickly as possible to be a helper."

Alger the Hanged Man added: "Don't forget that you also have an elder Shepherd. She is a destabilizing factor. Compared to her, your chief is obviously more willing to trust you."

"That's it."

"I understand, thank you, Mr. Chariot."

"Thank you, Mr. Hanged Man"

After Derrick the Sun sincerely thanked the two gentlemen, Xuan Ji talked about an exploration he had participated in before.

"That is the ruins of a city-state in the north. According to our records, it is called Noth."

"We crossed the barren and dead plains, and after many days of trekking, we finally arrived at a lifeless city, which was filled with light fog, and even lightning could not illuminate it."

"Our chief said that North City also belongs to the 'Royal Court of Giants', but it is very close to the kingdom ruled by another ancient god."

Xifa moved slightly and asked, "Which ancient god?"

Derrick the Sun said solemnly, "The King of Demonic Wolves, the Destroyer, Fregra."

'Star' Leonard was once again stunned, with a sense of stepping into history. The city where the boy who didn't know where he came from ~www.readwn.com~ went to explore is right next to the country ruled by the Demon Wolf King.

Little 'Sun' continued: "We got ready, and after entering the city, we found that the city was extremely quiet. The strange thing was that there were people walking around on the street, and there were people."

"Some of them wear linen robes, some wear animal skin clothes, and they are busy with each other, as if they can live in North City unaffected."

Forsi the Magician couldn't help leaning back in the chair, and couldn't help thinking, every time the little 'Sun' explored the place was very eerie, the last afternoon town, this time North City, were all so. However, this is good story material, and it makes people scared and want to continue listening.

Derrick the Sun continued to tell that after they made several attempts, under the command of the chief, they withdrew again. And the chief pointed out that this was not the same as when he was exploring at the beginning. Then they walked around the periphery of North City, looking for other places to enter, but they were all scared off by the city-state 'daily life' that seemed to be real but had no sound. .

"Finally, we gave up our in-depth exploration and returned to the City of Silver, ending the operation."

Xifa nodded indistinctly and said, "It's very rational. If you explore deeply, maybe it will become part of that 'daily life'."

PS: All the leaders of the big brother Xiaoxue have been added and updated. Thanks again for the support of the big brother, and also thanks to every subscribed friend~

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