In a dilapidated apartment.

Due to the effect of the "Feast of Betrayal", the items in Botis's hands were temporarily unavailable.

At this time, Cattleya heard a 'voice' from her heart: "I'm here."

This is the voice of Mr. Chariot.

This is an angel of Sequence 2!

At the same time, Cattleya felt that the spirituality that she had consumed after using a few spells just now increased out of thin air.

And, he gained extra power.

She understood immediately.

This is a blessing from an angel!

She immediately raised her right hand, half-holding it to her mouth.

Cattleya's palm instantly condensed an ancient horn.

This dark horn carries a very heavy and powerful connotation.

This is the 'magical horn', the horn of destruction!

Botis immediately felt the danger and did not care about dealing with the sealed object.

He raised his right hand and grabbed it, and the area he was in was twisted and hidden.


The horn in Cattleya's hand let out a low whistle, echoing through layers of the room, but nothing came out of the apartment.

The shadows shattered and the ground cracked under the superposition of sound waves.

The space hidden by Botis was like heavy glass hit by a heavy hammer.

Countless cracks appeared at the same time, intertwined together.

At the same time as the smashing, the surrounding scenes, including Botis himself, showed signs of 'burning'.

This is the 'power' allocated to Cattleya by CIF!

in the room.

In the shadow on the other side, a black tall knight in full body armor suddenly appeared.

This is 'Dark Saint' Kesma!

He carried a long and wide straight sword, and two dark red rays of light flashed in the eye sockets.

Go straight to Cattleya.

Suddenly, a huge flame spear smashed through the window and slammed into Kesma with a mighty force.

Kesma had no choice but to give up the original choice, and stabbed the spear with her straight sword.

The two collided to create a raging fire wave, as well as a deep light and shadow.

Kesma was knocked backwards.

The flame spear reassembled the Sequence 3 'War Bishop'.

This 'War Bishop' was ironed as soon as he stepped into the room, and his skin was dyed an extremely heavy and strong iron black.

Catch up with Kesma, the iron fist carrying flames, collide violently with Kesma, and suppress him.

At the same moment, Cattleya blew the horn again, making everything in the room seem to solidify into translucent amber.

But she carefully controlled the range, avoiding the corner where the 'War Bishop' and Kesma were fighting fiercely.

This 'amber' shrouded the area that Botis hid, and as the 'amber' shattered and split, that area returned to reality.


Botis seized the gap between the two horns and wanted to use his own ability to leave.

Just as he made the illusory doors appear one after another around him, his brain suddenly became dead and his thinking became dull.

His eyes looked out, as if there was a thick layer of glass between himself and reality.

The 'Saint of Secrets' immediately thought of a terrifying Beyonder.

'Master Puppet'!

No, the one who can control himself so quickly is probably a 'Crafty Mage'!

Botis guessed it was very close.

But he's still not accurate enough.

Because the one who is manipulating his 'spiritual body thread' is an 'ancient scholar'!

The situation is dangerous.

Kesma was suppressed, and he was controlled.

Botis seemed to see his end.

But he remained calm, and although his thoughts became sluggish because of the manipulation of the 'spiritual body thread', he still managed to let himself send out a silent scream.

This is an ability recorded by Botis: Wraith Scream.

It has little effect on the many demigods on the field.

However, it is enough to interrupt the control of the 'ancient scholars'.

Sure enough, as soon as the 'Wraith Scream' sounded, Botis returned to normal.

He quickly sent the sealed item in his hand into a gray-blue illusory door with seven brass keyholes.

This is the 'exile' of the 'Mystic Mage', this is the means of dealing with the 'betrayal' of the Sealed Artifact.

the other side of the apartment.

Kesma, who was completely suppressed in the frontal battle, personally experienced the horror of the 'War Bishop'.

He responded immediately.

He turned himself into a thin blanket of flesh and blood, which was the ability of Bishop Rose.

This thin blanket of flesh and blood cut the battlefield and separated the 'War Bishop' from the others, making it impossible for the 'War Bishop' to deal with Botis.

At the same time, a twisted and wobbly black shadow rose from the corner.

This is a soul grazing by 'Dark Saint' Kesma.

It comes from the powerful vampire of the Land Forsaken by God, and corresponds to the Sequence 4 "Wizard King" of the "Moon" pathway.

This twisted and swaying ‘Wizard King’ reached out and dug out one of his own eyes, an illusory eye, a bright red eye.

The eyes were rippling with clear and crimson light, which illuminated the entire room at once, as if the red moon had descended here.

In its child hole, the lady in the purple-patterned black robe and the dark hood is reflected.

Wait for it to act.

A grayish-white, thick mist suddenly filled Cattleya's side.

While it made Cattleya's figure look like a lake, it also made Cattleya lose sight of Cattleya in the eye in the hand of the Witch King.

This is 'Mist'!

With the concept of "Mohu", it makes it impossible for the enemy to lock on Cattleya.

Suddenly losing his target, the 'Wizard King' being herded did not know what he was going to do for a while, and stopped temporarily.

Originally, the 'Saint of Secrets' Botis wanted to cooperate with the actions of the 'Witch King' and target Cattleya together.

But now the 'Wizard King' has no further action, he can only deal with the cold-faced 'helper' in the room first.

Botis 'flashed' behind the enemy in one step, and then 'flashed' followed by 'flashing', so that eight Botis appeared beside the 'helper'!

This makes it difficult for opponents to capture their "spiritual body thread" and at the same time can launch attacks.

But at this time, the 'helper' stretched out his hand and held it, and put a transparent glove on his hand.

'Wriggling Hunger'!

Later, this 'helper' also used 'flashing', and also 'flashing' followed by 'flashing', making Botis dazzled and unable to capture the real deity.

When the scuffle on the first floor of the apartment was getting more and more intense, a few seconds ago, in a room on the upper floor of this old apartment.

Hugh the Judgment jumped directly from the window according to the predetermined plan.

Turning around in mid-air, pointing to the target area, solemnly announced: "Teleportation is prohibited here."

After doing this, she immediately moved away to avoid distracting her own personnel.

Meanwhile, on the first floor of the apartment.

It was found that the plan could not be carried out smoothly, but Botis released various attacks.

Some unleashed a lightning storm, some condensed a blazing white spear, and some covered black full-body armor, and slashed forward with a deep sword that could cut through everything...

This was to disrupt the enemy's actions, and taking this opportunity, he used 'Teleport'.

The next second, Botis found that he had not entered the spiritual world!

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