Chapter 495 The Most Beautiful Wine, The Most Important Person

Chapter 293 The Most Beautiful Wine, The Most Important Person

The black nest was burned and the grain was cut off.

The main force of Zhang Yun and Gao Lan had already surrendered, and the news came back, and the entire Yuan Junying Village was suddenly filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

From the generals to the soldiers, everyone is facing a huge blow deep in their hearts.

It seems… In the Great Han Empire, this fourth generation and three grandpas, this behemoth Yuan family, its doom is just in sight.

beat? This is still beating your sister!

In this situation, the main force is gone, the food is gone, who is still in the mood to be cannon fodder here, and Sa Yazi slipped away.

Yuan Shao Daying is in chaos…

“Heaven, earth…” Yuan Shao was full of grief and anger. Yesterday there were thousands of troops and horses, but today no one is available… The soldiers are renunciation and this battle is no longer possible!

“Zhang Yun, Gao Lan misunderstood me, Zhang Yun, Gao Lan misunderstood me!” Yuan Shao kept shouting, even now that he didn’t recognize it clearly. The real reason for his failure was Guo Tu, the military division of the abyss, and him. Yuan Shao, the lord who reused the Great Pit of the Abyss!

However, Yuan Shao is still sober.

Now that the main force surrendered and he was still waiting in Guandu, it was no different from waiting to die.

“Withdraw…Hurry up…”

What Yuan Shao can do is to clear the eight hundred soldiers, take a few sons, and flee in a hurry. With unwillingness, with infinite grief and anger, he rushes across the Yellow River towards Jizhou.

Speaking of which, Yuan Shao has always hesitated to do things, like a tortoise…

But in the matter of escaping, he carried forward the spirit of a rabbit, as fast as a gust of wind.

It’s just that… the seven hundred thousand soldiers who came when they came, only 700 people were left when they left. This feeling is really embarrassing!


Watching Yuan Ying’s defeat, watching Yuan Shao’s fleeing, watching the 700,000 Yuan Jun vanish in ashes… even hundreds of thousands of Yuan Jun turned to join him in Cao Cao’s camp.

At this time, Cao Cao finally fell to the ground safely with the big stone in his heart. He rolled over and got off his horse, looking around Guandu.

Happiness came too suddenly…

Cao Cao closed his eyes, enjoying the moment of melancholy…At the same time, he also recalled the general manager here.

The entire battle of Guandu had too much, too much foreshadowing, too much, too much incredible.

He has consulted Brother Yi countless times, and has obtained the best solution in a complex situation and in desperate situations. He looks back on Guandu.

Brother Yi’s plan is simply a gambling game, a dangerous gambling game, and a death gambling game. Fortunately, he won the gambling and Cao Cao won the gambling.

Ha ha…

Cao Cao laughed out loud, and his heart was fascinated.

If, Cao Cao didn’t use Brother Yi’s strategy to pacify Wancheng first, causing Zhang Xiu to surrender;

If, Cao Cao did not adopt Brother Yi’s plan of “sounding the east and hitting the west” and reuse Guan Yu to kill Yan Liang;

If, Cao Cao did not believe in Brother Yi’s analysis of Wen Chou’s weaknesses, he took advantage of his subordinates to rob money and food to attack;

If it weren’t for the Thunderbolt designed by Brother Yi, Yuan Jun’s mound and arrow tower were destroyed;

If it weren’t for Brother Yi to pour a bowl of “poisonous chicken soup”, he would ask Cao Cao to stick to Guandu without backing down;

If it is not for Brother Yi to calculate, the first day of September will be eaten, and no one will come to you in the middle of the night;

If it weren’t for the winning letter sent by Brother Yi before the expedition…then…the outcome of the battle of Guandu is probably going to be completely reversed.Ha ha…

The entire battle of Guandu, in the eyes of the advisers and generals, in the eyes of the other princes, and in the eyes of the people of the world, it seems that… Cao Cao can win, nothing more than a series of accidents. There is the so-called “Ten Wins and Ten Losses” by the mountain villa. “At best, it’s just a flag wave before the war. There is a steel halberd in a blacksmith’s shop, and a Huma in a racecourse may just be able to add a point…

But in fact…the real killer who really dominated this battle and made Cao Yuan lose suspense in the early battle was-Brother Yi!

There is a resort, in the luxury inn of that side, on those familiar tables…

Cao Cao suddenly thought that Brother Yi had threatened that during the battle of Guandu, he would never drink before talking about business. Perhaps it was his attention and determination to this battle!

“I won, I won…”

“We won! Yuan Shao was defeated!”

“Bull off, bull off, you can hold your head high, straighten your chest and go home to see the mother-in-law.”

Countless Cao Jun has begun to shout…

Some even began to indulge in singing, this is the ballad of their hometown.

No matter who it is, participating in this battle of 70,000 people against 700,000 people, the sense of pride and pride in my heart rises spontaneously!

How much military merit this record can bring to them is second, mainly because they have been able to win this battle for ten years.

Along the Yellow River, the surging water of the Yellow River is still rushing, but the soldiers who sleep on the beach can no longer return home safely.

Quack quack…

The crows are constantly circling in the sky, constantly flying around, seeming to see a plentiful food, they keep screaming…

However, they didn’t know that the land under these corpses had changed owners.

After a great battle, Cao Cao stabilized the situation in the Central Plains, and Yuan Shao’s vitality was destroyed. At least for many years in the future, Yuan Shao would not be able to gather so many troops!

Ha ha ha ha…

What came out of the entire Guandu was the sad laughter of Cao Ying.

They cleaned the battlefield while looking forward to the next celebration banquet… Although Wuchao was burned, there were still a lot of delicious food hidden in Yuan Shao’s camp. I heard that there were still a few cows, beef… Tasting for the first time!

“Meng De, in this battle more than 300,000 Yuan Jun was captured, and more than 70,000 Yuan Jun was captured. The number of chariots and bags seized was countless, and the number of civil and military officials captured was more than 300…Among them, there were…”

Cao Ren was reporting to Cao Cao about the battle report. Halfway through the discussion, he paused, his eyes raised before continuing to speak.

“Among them is the former military master Yuan Shao that Brother Yi valued-Jushou! Speaking of which, Jushou is also very strange. He was caught by our soldiers and did not struggle. Instead, he yelled and said, “I am I didn’t surrender if I was caught.” Such words are very interesting!”

“Haha…” Cao Cao smiled slightly. “Well, the person that Brother Yi valued, how boring!” In a word, Cao Cao laughed out of nowhere.

Cao Ren also agreed and reminded Cao Cao while laughing. “Dage, tonight’s celebration party, the soldiers want to toast you a few bowls of wine, Dage must attend!”

I blurted out this…

Cao Cao, who has always refused to drink, waved his hand again and again.

“No, no! You can attend this celebration banquet for me, Guandu Great Victory, what I am thinking about now… Maybe others don’t know, Zixiao, you should be able to appreciate it!”

Ah… should I experience it?

Cao Ren was taken aback for a moment… he scratched his head.

However, after an instant… he understood, he understood, this joyful moment, this ecstatic mood… Dage must go to a resort to have a drink with Brother Yi!

The most beautiful wine, of course, must be drunk with the most important person, and then it is wonderful.

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