Chapter 497: A New Journey, A New Chapter

Chapter 295 New Journey, New Chapter


What the husband said is true!

If someone else is saying this… then maybe a lot of beauties will still hold a reservation, but the appearance of the show to help the gentleman proves that he is hiding…

He is the only person who has a good relationship with her husband and can participate in front-line decision-making. He said so… That is basically certain, and the husband’s predictions are all correct.


Diao Chan whispered quietly, if Cai Zhaoji and Lu Lingqi were just taking Huye as reliable guests.

So… Diao Chan really knows the true identity of Master Shao, Master Shao is Cao Cao, who is the real protagonist of this Guandu decisive battle… He said so… It can be seen…

Subconsciously, Diao Chan touched her chest.

Cao Cao came back, and…backed Mr., then, this decisive battle concerning the world hegemony was undoubtedly won by him, and he returned again as a winner with Mr.’s plan!

Diao Chan is still in shock, Lu Lingqi and Cai Zhaoji are also dumbfounded…

Step on…

Taking a sonorous step, Cao Cao walked in quickly and walked in front of Yi Xiaotian.

Apart from anything else, he first had a cupped hands, and then he planned to kneel down…

Cao Cao’s kneeling weight is not light…

However, it seems… he is sincerely grateful to Yi Xiaotian!

“Brother Yi has a great calculation. In this battle, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao. He killed more than 100,000 Yuan Jun overnight, and received more than 400,000 Yuan Jun. From the surprise attack on Wuchao, every detail of the entire battle was exactly the same as Brother Yi predicted. Brother Yi, you have made great achievements in this battle, and you have made outstanding achievements that have never been seen before!”

Seeing Cao Cao, he was about to kneel down, Yi Xiaotian hurriedly helped him up, humiliating brother is his gold master! How can the gold master kneel down? The gold master is God!

“Brother, you’re not seeing you again?” Yi Xiaotian frowned and opened his mouth, joking. “If you want to kneel, then Cao Cao should kneel on me. It’s not Cao Cao if you hide your brother… Why do you kneel on me…”

Having said that, Yi Xiaotian chuckled. “Furthermore, I helped Cao Cao with advice, not simply to help him… This is not… but also to conceal your brother’s position, as well as our two financial resources… To be honest, the more stable your position will be. , The better you break, the more at ease I will be! Get up quickly, get up quickly…”

While talking, Yi Xiaotian had already helped Cao Cao.

Phew… Diao Chan sighed.

Her heart was even more shocked, my God…the ruler of the Central Plains, even after this war, there is no doubt that Cao Cao, the most powerful prince in the world, he…he actually wanted to kneel down and thank Mr.’s great favor. This this…

With a “gudong” and swallowing under the water, Diao Chan’s mood was already shocked beyond words.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Cao Cao naturally didn’t notice the expressions of these beauties, his attention was focused on Yi Xiaotian.

He didn’t seem to hesitate to praise Yi Xiaotian.

“Brother Yi, how come you are like a god? You can count today’s Heavenly Dog eclipse sun, that’s all; how can you count it, Yuan Shao’s main force will not rescue Wuchao? You can count Zhang Yun, Gao Lan Surrender to Cao Cao?… These series of judgments are simply amazing!”

In fact, even today’s Cao Cao is particularly shocked, excited, excited, and ecstatic.

The entire Guandu War, from the beginning to the end, was incredible…

Brother Yi was like opening the eyes of the sky. Although the plan proposed was unbelievable, every time he came to life from desperation, he was put to death and reborn.

Not to mention that the hesitant Yuan Shao was overwhelmed, even if he faced this series of combination punches, it was most likely that Cao Cao could not escape the defeat.

“Also…Also…I finally understood the purpose of the 70 altars of Du Kang wine from Brother Bai Yi!”

“Miao, Miao… How could you think that Brother Yi, Wuchao’s guard Chun Yuqiong is a drunk fairy?”

Cao Cao’s words were boasted one after another.

After exaggerating the general aspect, exaggerate the details… After exaggerating the details, exaggerate the handsome appearance and the wise head of Brother Yi. In short, Cao Cao wanted to praise a person, and that would be nothing.

Uh… Yi Xiaotian feels a bit overwhelmed… If you continue to boast like this, he is going to float away.

“Calm down, you are calm…you calm down!”

Yi Xiaotian stretched out his hand and patted Cao Cao’s shoulder to remind him to be more stable. We are a big merchant, and we are Cao Cao’s chief adviser. How come we are as happy as a child now.”Brother, let me ask you first? The battle of Guandu is over?” Yi Xiaotian asked directly…

“It’s over, it’s over!” Cao Cao replied without thinking. “Yuan Shao was defeated. I heard that he took the eight hundred guards and fled to Jizhou, Hebei, panicking like a dog in the family!”

“Oh…” There was no wave in Yi Xiaotian’s eyes, as if all this was a matter of course.

He nodded and said with emotion. “It’s just the end, it’s the end.”

Then, Yi Xiaotian grinned openly, as if he was aware of something. “Brother Cao, Cao Jun won a big victory… Since you didn’t stay in Cao Ying to participate in the celebration banquet, you came to my inn instead, wanting to come here to greet the fine wine here, do you want to come and have a good drink?”

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Hearing this, Cao Cao laughed and raised his hand. “What’s the point of drinking with those rough people in Cao Ying? I can’t wait to have a good drink with Brother Yi, and get drunk.”

Yi Xiaotian nodded, speaking of which, he was also nervous during this period of time…

I haven’t drunk for several days, and immediately ordered. “Zhao Ji, go and prepare some snacks…”

The voice just fell…

“I’m going to cook.” Diao Chan took the initiative…

Hmm… Will Diao Chan still cook? Yi Xiaotian was a little surprised…

“Then I will help Sister Diao Chan.” Lu Lingqi also asked…

It seems that…Mr. is watching the fire, but Shenju Inn can fully explain the whole battle. The details here…are not bad. The planning here is very mysterious. This made Lu Lingqi and Diao Chan admire her from the bottom of her heart.

“Then I’ll get the wine…” Cai Zhaoji also took the initiative to take an errand…

But at this moment… Outside the inn, there was a sudden hustle and bustle.

Everyone is looking for prestige…

It turned out that the villagers in the resort were exclaiming that the Heavenly Dog eclipse day was about to pass, and the shallow beam of light once again shone on the earth.

For a while, the villagers cheered…

A halo appeared in the dark sky. This is the corona. Gradually, next to the halo, there seemed to be one of the most splendid gems and then shone unscrupulously. It was the prominence…

Under the corona and prominence… the entire sky is extremely magnificent!

Everyone was attracted by the most magnificent landscape in nature.

Diao Chan folded her hands together, as if praying… Cai Zhaoji murmured in her mouth, as if she was blessing…

Lu Lingqi’s thoughts are written on her face, she is willing to stay in the villa for the rest of her life, staying around her husband.

At this time, Cao Cao looked at the sky and murmured in his mouth.

“The sky is finally bright, it’s just right…”

Yi Xiaotian also nodded. “Yes, it’s dawn! This beam of light, I am afraid it will illuminate the boundless darkness of Kyushu!”

The words of the two of them seem to have some meaningful flavor…


It’s a long way from the end of Cao Cao’s “Wei Wu Yangbian” hegemony…


There is still a lot of distance from Yi Xiaotian’s dream of doing business throughout Kyushu, and bringing the most beautiful beauty in the world into the villa…

But… as the sun reappears…

They all took a big step away from their goals. At this step, Wei Wu Baye Yang Fan set sail. At this step, Yi Xiaotian’s knowledge and vision in Yi Xiaotian’s chest entered a new chapter.


Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian are both sober, they don’t have time to stop for a long time, at most they can only stop for a short time to enjoy the scenery along the way.

After a drunk and a rest…

Next, waiting for Cao Cao and waiting for Yi Xiaotian is a brand new chapter.

And at this time… new problems have emerged!

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