Chapter 503

Chapter 301 The pillars of Hebei are all broken, so I didn’t lose my family at first

In the counselor circle, this Realm…

Counting them carefully, Yuan Shao actually has eight great counselors, and this number is even two more than the six great counselors under Cao Cao.

It’s just that the quality is a little bit different, good and bad.

Now, Jushou has been captured, Tian Feng is in prison, Xu You also surrendered to Cao Cao, Guo Tu maintains his always cheating nature, “fruits but useless” in every discipline, and “specialty but no conspiracy” in trial and marriage. Xin Ping and Xin Pi, they want to shine, but their strength doesn’t allow them.

But it’s just such a group of people… I was surprised to establish countless small groups. The Gongdou drama here is comparable to the Qing Dynasty’s erotic history, and it is more comparable to the girls’ dormitory before crossing.

For example, Feng Ji has a strategy, but unfortunately he is as narrow-minded as Guo Tu, and they have a good relationship with Tian Feng, but a bad relationship with Tian Feng!

Today, they don’t care about Guandu’s defeat.

Isn’t this the base area hasn’t been lost yet!

As long as the base area is still there, there is a chance to make a comeback… but, but, but if you let your old rival Tou Tian Feng Xianyu stand up, then Feng Ji can’t accept it anyway.

You can relax your vigilance against external enemies, and you must not let go of internal opponents…

So let’s say… these few people are here, no… it should be said that there are these cheating small groups, Yuan Shao is far from the days of reusing Tian Feng!

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand slightly. “Brother, you can put a hundred and twenty hearts, Tian Feng will not be reused, but… if Guandu is defeated, he may be about to cause death.”

Hmm… Upon hearing this, Cao Cao was taken aback.

“Brother Yi? Where does this start? Yuan Shao should have a wise man after eating a ditch? In troubled times, he is looking forward to a good general, and a country is hard to think of a good minister. He is in such a miserable situation, can he not think about Tian Feng’s good? Entrusted with important tasks?”


Facing Cao Cao’s remarks, Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud.

Sure enough, he is still very stupid and naive… If Yuan Shao can really do “hope for a good general in troubled times, and think about a good minister in troubled times,” then he is not Yuan Dazui…

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian reminded him.

“Brother, you said that it’s Cao Cao who eats a ditch and grows his wisdom? Yuan Shao’s temperament is quite different from Cao Cao. On the surface, he looks like a courteous corporal with a broad mind. In fact, he is very narrow-minded. My stomach is full of hatred…”

“He will never remember how loyal his counsellors are to him, he will only remember who bluntly persuaded him and refused to give him a face, so that he would not be able to step down.”

“If you win the battle this time, it’s okay and you are in a good mood, you will definitely be able to let Tian Feng go, and get a few more insults to retrieve Face. But now he is defeated, full of anger, and is looking for the Backpot Man! Alas… The unlucky Tian Feng is afraid that he will become a tool for Yuan Shao to vent his anger!”

At the end, Yi Xiaotian sighed.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity that Tian Feng’s tragedy can only explain one problem. Men are afraid of following the wrong general, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man… alas…


Cao Cao finished listening patiently. He raised his brows slightly, half-trusting the destiny of Tian Feng mentioned by Yi Xiaotian. Cao Cao felt that Yuan Shao was not so stupid and would break his arm…

It’s just that he looked at the heart of the once old Dage.

Anyone who dares to tell Yuan Shao some unfaithful words to keep it intact, even if Yuan Shao doesn’t want it, he will have to fight with you all his life.

What’s more, are there so-called secret messengers of countless small groups under Yuan Shao’s command?

…If Tian Feng can survive, pigs can fly.

Yi Xiaotian and Cao Cao are still having a drink…

At the end of the drink, Cao Cao and Yi Xiaotian couldn’t stand it anymore. They couldn’t help but fell asleep on the table, especially Cao Cao, constantly chattering!

Cai Zhaoji, who is still a warm wine, saw this scene when he passed by…

Huh… Cai Zhaoji stretched out her hands, “Mr. and Master Hou are really, drinking so much!”

What can I do? Carry it back… You can’t let your husband catch a cold, right?

Cai Zhaoji was helpless, she greeted Lu Lingqi and Diao Chan to come…together they carried Yi Xiaotian into the room, put on a thick bedding, and carefully washed him.As for Cao Cao… it’s a bit bleak, no one will take care of it!

In the lobby of the inn, snoring Cao Cao seemed to feel a cool breeze in his dream…

He is especially dreaming to himself.

“Brother Yi, I’m cold…”

It is a pity that Brother Yi has not been by his side long ago, and Brother Yi has already been covered with a thick quilt!

Let’s talk about the other side.

Jizhou, Yecheng, the gloomy claustrophobic prison.

Across the prison door, the jailer was happy to Tian Feng. “Mr. Tian, ​​great joy, now, Mr. Tian must be reused!”

The jailer’s expression of ecstasy was beyond words, and he spoke again and again. “You are right, Yuan Gong was defeated in the battle of Guandu. Now, he will definitely think of Mr. Tian and let you go out… In my humble opinion, the Ling Shu who promoted you is probably already on the way.”


Tian Feng turned his back to the jailer. He sat on the ground facing the blue stone wall in the prison.

Without failing to show his voice, he curled the corner of his mouth downwards, shook his head, and said with a wry smile. “Promote me? No, no, I’m afraid the end is coming!”

This… the jailer was taken aback, before he could speak.

Tian Feng’s words continued to spread. “You all say that the Lord has a big heart, but in fact, his heart is smaller than his little finger, and his mind is full of resentment. I have repeatedly offered advice and bluntly committed crimes and made him lose Face… If this time Guandu wins, He will let me out and humiliate me to get Face back, but now…”

Speaking of this, Tian Feng paused.

“As I expected, when Guandu was defeated, where would he save my life? Where does he have the face to reuse me! Haha, Yuan Gong is a person who wants to face after all!”

Tian Feng slowly got up, and he waved his hand, seeming to say goodbye to this world.

“Hey…” He sighed, then muttered to himself. “There are still too many villains around the lord. With these villains in the four northern states, I am afraid that they will change hands!”

The voice just fell…

The sound of “tatata” footsteps came from outside the prison.

“The lord has an order, Tian Feng deceives the crowd, and deceives the military’s mind, ordering me to wait and kill Tian Feng immediately!”

An Euphorbia Shiro said…

Immediately, countless halberds opened the prison door to drag Tian Feng and escort him into the execution ground…

“Haha…” Tian Feng didn’t have any fear, he laughed out of the blue, and it was no surprise that he had expected this result early in the morning.

He just muttered and asked. “This strong man, dare to ask, but did Guo Tu and Feng Ji speak ill of me to the lord again?”

“Oh…” The Euphorbia was also quite helpless. He knew that Tian Feng was a scholar of the country and a talented person.

It’s a pity… the lord wants to kill him, and he can’t be violated by a pawn at all.

“Mr. Tian Feng, the main hero was defeated. I felt ashamed when I thought of my husband. It is a pity that Guo Tu and Fengji two military divisions said that they heard the news of the defeat in front of him in prison, and they danced with joy and applauded vigorously… Relying on the prediction of the Guandu battle, he is slandering Yuan Gong wildly!”

The Euphorbia’s voice is getting lower and lower. To be honest, he is also chilling. Mr. Tian clearly did not do anything. This is an unwarranted charge… But what can be done?

Ha ha…

Tian Feng sneered, and as expected, his life was over!

“Come on, kill me… so that I won’t be chilling the day when I see this alien master in the northern world!”

In a word, Tian Feng closed his eyes and walked out of the prison silently, going to death…


Yesterday, the Jushou army was lost, and Tianfeng died in prison today. The pillars in Hebei were all broken. I didn’t lose my family at the beginning!

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