Chapter 520 Cao Cao must be Cao Cao to catch Yuan Shao’s bait

Chapter 318 To catch Yuan Shao’s bait, it must be Cao Cao

“Brother Yi, don’t go around me! Tell me the answer quickly…”

Cao Cao asked urgently… “I’m not good at fishing, and Yuan Shao is not a bastard. I don’t know what bait can catch him.”

“Ha ha.”

Yi Xiaotian laughed, his eyes blinked, and then his mouth came to Cao Cao’s ear, and a word came out quietly. “This bait is… Cao Cao. To catch Yuan Shao, you must use Cao Cao as bait!”

Ah… Cao Cao? Myself?

Cao Cao was a little confused, what, what, what’s the situation? How did Yuan Shao’s bait become his Cao Cao?

How could he become a bait for someone who is good at Cao Cao…

With this in mind, Cao Cao’s head is full of question marks.

Looking at his expression, Yi Xiaotian was still smiling, and while laughing, his voice came out.

“Brother, don’t you think…who does Yuan Shao hate the most? In the world, Cao Cao ranks second, no one dares to rank first, right? Cao Cao was originally his little brother with a bag, the one he had planted at the south gate. The watchdog is a character that Yuan Shao has always looked down upon… But time has passed. Now this little brother, this watchdog, this little character has risen all at once. Not only has he risen, but he has also taken the emperor to make the princes and make him once His eldest brother rubbed against the ground fiercely… and even destroyed his 700,000 Yuan Shao army in one fell swoop.”

“Under such a major premise, in Yuan Shao’s opinion, Cao Cao and him are not in the same league. It is estimated that Yuan Shao dreamed of strangling Cao Cao by himself…”

Speaking of this, Cao Cao suddenly felt a cool breeze.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a tightness around his neck, as if someone was pinching him, wouldn’t it be Yuan Shao’s ghost possession?

Suddenly, Cao Cao became nervous.

“Brother Yi, don’t say that…it’s pretty oozing.” Cao Cao said, shaking his whole body, presumably this is the resentment from Yuan Shao!

“Brother hide, why are you getting smaller and smaller.” Yi Xiaotian spread his hands. “Yuan Shao hates Cao Cao, and he can’t wait to choke him to death. Cao Cao is the one who won’t let go of a ghost. It’s not Cao Cao to hide his brother. Why are you so nervous…”

Uh… Cao Cao waved his hand, ha ha… He gave a wry smile, he felt colder at the spine.

He wondered, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao, don’t think about it, come to pester me as a ghost!

…After all, Cao Cao concealed his own emotions very well.

Haha, Cao Cao forced a laugh. “Brother Yi, let’s get to the point! Yuan Shao hates Cao Cao who penetrates the bone, what’s next? How to lure him into the encirclement?”

“Next, isn’t it obvious!”

Yi Xiaotian chuckled, then pointed his hand to the location of the warehouse on the map.

“What if Cao Cao led a small group of troops to encounter Yuan Shao in Cangting?”

“Yuan Shao decided not to think that this was deployed early in the morning. He would definitely take it as Cao Cao discovered his traces. The temporary aid troops dispatched… Since it is temporary, it must be an attack along the way. I promise…think so…”

“Isn’t this the only opportunity for Yuan Shao to kill Cao Cao in one go, turning the tide of the battle, but also filling up his grievances? The time is right now. Even if Yuan Shao has a slow personality like a tortoise, he hesitates like a bastard, as soon as he sees it Cao Cao, his eyes will definitely be red like a rabbit, and his reason will be left behind… when he chases like this, Cao Cao retreats like this… won’t he be in an ambush on all sides!”

Yi Xiaotian’s tone is extremely relaxed…

But when this word reached Cao Cao’s ears, it rang like thunder and lightning.


It seems, as if, as if, this strategy that Cao Cao himself entices the enemy to penetrate deeply is feasible.

Yuan Shao had the most resentment towards him Cao Cao, Cao Cao knew the most, the most, the most, the most clear.

In the encounter between the two armies, the opponent’s coach is Cao Cao, and the number of soldiers and horses is not large. It is also very likely that they will be running long distances, and there will be a shortage of people and horses.

With all these signs, Yuan Shao… Isn’t he about to rush to the crown for Cao Cao…Ha ha…

Brother Yi’s plan is really poisonous, cruel, cruel, cruel to Yuan Shao, and cruel to Cao Cao.

You know, even if Yuan Shao was in an ambush on all sides and was surrounded by the Ten Route Soldiers and Horses, it seemed… the small group of troops led by Cao Cao was also surrounded by Yuan Shao.

To put it nicely, this is an inside-out attack. If it doesn’t sound good, Cao Cao might be forced to make dumplings by Yuan Shao at any time!

If Yuan Shao is really desperate, holding the mentality of falling together, then it is not necessarily whether Cao Cao or Yuan Shao will cool off first?

Brother Yi’s plan is good, but practitioners… also need extraordinary courage!

If this strategy is called other princes, it must be rejected directly.

However, the person who made the strategy was Yi Xiaotian, and the person who implemented the strategy was Cao Cao who obeyed Brother Yi…

Cao Cao always likes to win by surprise with his soldiers, and he puts it to death many times before resurrecting.

Brother Yi’s plan to use him as a bait to ambush and sink the boat on all sides is just in line with Cao Cao’s wishes!

Cao Cao was sure that Yuan Shao didn’t dare to give his fate, let alone make a desperate move.

This old Dage is full of eagerness to survive, and he is most desperate for his life.

Knowing that he was in the middle of the game, he was selfish, the first thing he thought of must be to use the lives of these two hundred thousand soldiers to make him a physical shield, forcibly break out, and exchange two hundred thousand lives for his escaped birth. !

Yes, Yuan Shao will definitely be like this!

Cao Cao was very determined…

Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked at Yi Xiaotian again. At this time, Yi Xiaotian was smiling, confidently smiling.

Suddenly, Cao Cao understood everything!

It seems…Yuan Shao’s coping method is also in Brother Yi’s calculation!

He obviously thought of Brother Yi that Cao Cao thought of. He knew Yuan Shao about Cao Cao, but it was obvious that Brother Yi knew more about Yuan Shao, and even more!

Hey, hey… After thinking about it, Cao Cao felt that Yuan Shao must have been planted this time, he was planted to death!

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Thinking of this, Cao Cao laughed out loud. “Brother Yi, what a trick to lure the enemy deeper! Brother Yi, you are really wise… You still have a lot of cruelness in your wit!”

“Brother, don’t praise me.” Yi Xiaotian waved his hand, maintaining his usual modesty. It seems that his words have just begun.

He saw his eyes rolling, and his expression suddenly became a little serious.

“To completely wipe out Yuan Jun is only the first step. This will give Yuan Shao tremendous psychological pressure, which will cause him to suffer from this so-called’war sequelae.’ Death! By then, the first stage of calming the north is half completed!”

Hmm… Yuan Shao is dead? Is this only half of the first stage?

Suddenly, Cao Cao frowned.

According to his analysis, Yuan Shaoliang is gone. The so-called rabbits and sects are scattered. Those clans and clans who are attached to him should be used as birds and beasts. Yuan’s foundation will survive in name only. Then, Cao Cao can erode the north step by step.

This seems to be a relaxed and happy process.

You can see Yi Xiaotian’s expression, plus Brother Yi’s words…

It seems that this is just the beginning.

So… after Yuan Shao’s death, what else would prevent Cao Cao from unifying the Northern Territory? What was the other half of the first stage that Brother Yi said?

When he thought of this, Cao Cao narrowed his eyes, pricked his ears, and listened respectfully.

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