Chapter 543 Ask Zhang Zhao for internal affairs, and Zhou Yu for foreign affairs

Chapter 341 Ask Zhang Zhao for Internal Affairs, and Zhou Yu for Foreign Affairs


On the bright side, Cao Jun from Guandu Port and Liyang City retreated.

Secretly, starting from Cao Cao’s hometown of Peiguo Qiaoxian, passing Liangguo, and then passing Guandu, Cao Cao was mobilizing migrant workers urgently and began to open a canal called Suiyang.

This is to facilitate the transportation of military rations during the next Northern Expedition, and to open up the hub of material exchanges between the north and south of the Yellow River. In this way, the grain from the Central Plains can be sent directly to every city and county in the north along the canal.

Yi Xiaotian mentioned that “water can carry a boat and it can overturn it.”

Cao Cao always keeps this sentence in his heart, even if he is now evacuating from the banks of the Yellow River, he must do enough…

The opening of the Suiyang Canal is a project. In addition to military transportation, it is more important to show an attitude, showing that Cao Cao is different from Yuan Shao. He will help the Central Plains and the North to establish material exchanges, so that the people will truly Live a good life.

In addition, Cao Cao also ordered…

When retiring, you can’t touch the people’s food, let alone trample on the farms. If anyone dares to touch one of the people’s chickens, he will kill them as chickens!

While retreating troops, they captured the hearts of the people.

According to Yi Xiaotian’s strategy of “explaining benevolence and justice”… Cao Cao also gained great benefits logically.

For a time, Cao Jun’s army was strictly disciplined, and Qiu’s voice of innocence spread throughout the north.


The streets and lanes of the northern cities and counties all portray the image of Cao Cao extremely tall! It seems…what the people want!


It was the turn of the spearhead. Tens of thousands of Cao Jun cooperated with Cao Cao to perform an annual drama.

Speaking of which, in order to match Brother Yi’s script and this move, there is no flaw in the performance…

In the middle, there was also an episode.

In line with the idea of ​​making a play and making a full set, Cao Cao specially gave Sun Quanxia in the name of the court, and asked Sun Quan to send a Little Brother or his son to Xudu…

On the bright side, it is a bathing Longen and sharing the glory and wealth. In fact, Sun Quan understood after receiving the letter that Cao Cao was worried about him and asked him to send hostages!

Today’s Sun Quan has just succeeded to the throne for only two years. Most of his generals and tribes have not fully surrendered. Warlords who declared independence abound on the borders of Soochow, and Shan Yue, who is not a friendly neighbor, also attacks from time to time…

Sun Quan really couldn’t decide for a while.

Immediately…Sun Quan invited Zhang Zhao and others to discuss it carefully.

“Everyone? I heard that Cao Cao gave up the Northern Expedition and went southward. This is the Bing Feng pointed directly at Jingzhou, pointed at us Dongwu.”

Sun Quan’s face was very ugly, he frowned and continued. “Now, we are in Soochow’s internal and external troubles, but Cao Cao sent a letter asking me to send a Little Brother or my son to Xudu to be an official… You all said, should we give it to the death or not?”

Once this question was raised…

All the ministers of the Soochow Wu talked about it all at once, and when it came to them, the Soochow group of civil servants did not have any other skills, and they were outstanding in terms of their eloquence.

After arguing for a long time, he still didn’t draw any constructive conclusions.

“Lord, send it… Now that Cao Cao is so powerful, we can’t afford it, but we can still afford it!” The Compromiser led by Zhang Zhao suggested.

“You can’t send it. If you send it, it will be counseled. Why should we be afraid of him? Come on, fight, what are you afraid of?” The hard-working faction headed by Cheng Pu put forward a completely different point of view.

The two sides talked about their own reasons, they couldn’t dispute, and there was no way to reach a consensus…

Now even Sun Quan didn’t know what to do.

But at this moment…

“The Governor of Zhou Da has arrived…”

But I saw a handsome, handsome, and handsome young man walking quickly into the government office.

Yes, he is Zhou Yu, the so-called “foreign affairs do not decide to ask Zhou Yu.”

Hearing the letter from Cao Cao, Zhou Yu rushed to him without stopping.

Because he knew that this group of Soochow old guys might have a way to deal with internal affairs, but such foreign-related matters, they are bullshit, even if they argue for ten days and nights, they can’t argue with each other.

Of course, Zhou Yu’s heart is like a mirror. Except for himself, no one in the entire Soochow can understand Cao Cao’s move.

“The Governor of Zhou.”

Seeing Zhou Yu, Sun Quan’s brows stretched a little… “Presumably you have also heard that Cao Cao asked for hostages in the name of the court… Zhou Dudu…”

Before Sun Quan’s words were finished, Zhou Yu directly cupped hands. “Master, this hostage can’t be sent!”The words are firm.

Zhou Yu looked around, his eyes coldly sweeping across all the officials present.

It is hard to imagine a handsome and elegant man whose eyes could release a breathtaking chill. Those who advocated for compromise each trembled and couldn’t help taking a step back.

Zhou Yu’s voice continued.

“If the lord’s Little Brother or his son is sent over, it’s nothing more than a seal. Although it’s more glamorous, it doesn’t actually make any sense. At that time, Cao Cao can issue orders to us all day long. If you refuse to accept it, you will threaten us with hostages, and we will become lambs bound by hands and feet to be slaughtered. They can be slaughtered and cannot move!”


Zhou Yu’s words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the Compromisers, each of them straightened their brows and planned to argue.

“The Governor of Zhou is wrong with this. Now Cao Cao is strong, and his soldiers are pointing directly at Jingzhou and Soochow? With the current situation of Soochow, can you resist it? Governor Zhou, don’t you want to delay the master’s plan and burn yourself. !”

This is what Zhang Zhao said…

The so-called “internal affairs do not decide to ask Zhang Zhao”, Zhang Zhao is a senior veteran and has a special status in Soochow. His words, let alone Zhou Yu, even Sun Quan can’t turn a deaf ear.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Unexpectedly, facing Zhang Zhao’s questioning, Zhou Yu laughed. “Gong Zhang, when I came here, I guessed that some people must think that Cao Cao is so powerful that we can’t afford it in Soochow, haha, but in fact, this is simply a big mistake.”

Speaking of this, Zhou Yu’s voice became louder.

“Cao Cao is going south now. If he wants to beat us, even if the lord personally goes to Xudu to be a hostage, he will also fight over! If he doesn’t beat us, it can only be said that he doesn’t want to fight, and there is no way to do it! So, Sending the hostages is only beneficial to Cao Cao, not to our Dongwu at all. They cannot be sent!”

At this point, Zhou Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Furthermore, his move by Cao Cao to go south is just to cover people’s eyes. His real purpose is to be in the north…he wouldn’t really go south!”

Um… this…

Zhou Yu’s opinion exceeded everyone’s expectations, and everyone was taken aback.

Every day there will be information coming from me. Cao Cao’s hundreds of thousands of troops are heading south every day?

What… Why is it that in the eyes of the governor Zhou Yu, he has become aspiring to the north? Do you really want to fight the north? Why do you want to use troops to the south… Isn’t that… the south is the opposite?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhao couldn’t help but ask.

However, his voice has not yet come out, it has been covered by Zhou Yu’s crisp, hearty words.

“You guys, it is impossible for you to understand this move of Cao Cao. Even if it is me, I have tried my best to understand it. This is-‘sound east to hit west’,’south to the north’,’look at the fire across the bank’,’sit to reap the profit’… Hehe, it won’t be long before the four states of Qing, You, Bin, and Ji will all be in the hands of Cao Cao.”

Huo… the sound hits the east and the west, turns the other side in the south, watching the fire from across the bank, and reaping the profit.

Everyone was startled… They were all thinking about these four words carefully, as if they could understand some of them, but after all, they still had countless door numbers in their hearts…

After these four words are thrown out.

Zhou Yu’s expression became a lot more serious, and his tone became more meticulous.

“Everyone, you must have a lot of doubts, but it’s okay, let’s wait and see! However, I can be sure that Cao Cao will not kill! Cao Cao’s move is a wonderful move, a move that is enough to take the entire north into the bag.”

“The only thing I am curious about is that although Cao Cao was practicing this move, who actually came up with it? Was it Cao Cao? Or was it a talented person in Yingchuan? Or was there someone else…”

“Undoubtedly, the person who can come up with this move, his talent, learning and resourcefulness will be better than that of Zhou Yu. I am afraid that in the future, we and Cao Cao will become an insurmountable one for us in Soochow. Divide and constraints!”

Hmm… Talent and resourcefulness are superior to Zhou Yu.

Huo… A gap and constraints that Soochow Wu couldn’t cross!

Everyone was surprised…

Zhou Yu is an arrogant person, he can say such things…this…

The big guy suddenly became very curious about Cao Cao’s strategy of “sounding the east and hitting the west”, and even more cautious about Cao Cao’s letter to the letter…

Everyone wants to know, is Governor Zhou’s prediction correct?

How did Cao Cao take this move? Where is the beauty?

Will all the North belong to Cao Cao?

A series of doubts condensed in everyone’s forehead, but Zhou Yu saw through everything…

It seems… the entire Soochow Wu, including Sun Quan, including Zhang Zhao, including the officials, and including him Zhou Yu himself, have all become pawns on this chessboard…Although it is not important, it can also promote the development of the situation!

Most importantly, even if he knew Zhou Yu well, he had no way to destroy this shocking chessboard.

Phew…Zhou Yu Changhu’s tone.

The Yuan family is afraid that it will be completely ruined because of this strategy!

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