Chapter 554

Chapter 352 is the first to be strong, and then to suffer

Chang’an City, in front of the government office.

Huh, isn’t Zhong Yao here?

The news that Dianwei reported made Yi Xiaotian a little surprised. Now when is this, Zhong Yao, don’t you sit in the mansion and coordinate the three armies? Do you still have leisure time to go out for fun?

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian shook his head…

Slowly got out of the carriage and scanned the government office of Chang’an City. Speaking of which…this Chang’an City is also poor and broken, right? The whole government office is just a broken house. If it weren’t guarded by a guard in front of the door… Yi Xiaotian would really suspect that this was the courtyard of his hometown in the countryside.

Shabby…it’s like “shabby” fucking open the door to shabby, shabby is home!

Of course, Yi Xiaotian can still understand this. Chang’an in the Han Dynasty, commonly known as Guanzhong, was the watershed between Guandong and Guanxi.

Kansai people are tough and advocate martial arts, and even women have to raise a spear while they go to the ground.

If there is a Qiang invading, just barefoot and stand up the spear to do it, but it is quite a bit of a flathead brother, life is short, and you will do it if you refuse to accept it! Most of their houses are also rudimentary and shabby.

On the contrary, the Kanto people are more elegant, and they are more adequately taught by Confucianism and Mencius… Therefore, the house is well-dressed and well-dressed…

And Chang’an City is located between Kansai and Kanto, which is a bit different.

Neither Confucian nor reckless…

For thousands of years, there have been endless battles here, and even the city of Chang’an has been dilapidated. It is hard to imagine that this place will be the capital of the Tang dynasty for the congratulations of all nations in 400 years.

Yi Xiaotian couldn’t help feeling a sigh of relief when he thought of this.

Of course, he was also keenly aware of the business opportunities, and Chang’an City had huge potential.

Inexplicably, Yi Xiaotian has a feeling of wanting to develop real estate in Chang’an City. Actually, it is not just real estate…Just buy the land in Chang’an City. With the development of the times, the population of Chang’an City has gradually increased and become more and more prosperous. Why don’t you make money?

Of course, all of this can be laid out in advance, and the development of Chang’an City will have to be seven, eight or ten years old according to historical records!

When I go back, I can discuss and discuss with my brother, real estate, this is the most profitable and profitable business!

call out…

Yi Xiaotian was thinking about it, his eyes didn’t hesitate for a moment.

The prefect’s government office is terrible…but it seems that the area around the government office is quite lively, it’s a big market…

I drop obediently… the feeling of this f*ck full of vegetable market. Seeing this, Yi Xiaotian couldn’t help but shook his head. He actually sympathized with Zhong Yao inexplicably!

Although it is known from ancient books and documents that Zhong Yao’s past few years in Chang’an has been very difficult, but there is no one who can suffer from this kind of Realm!

At this moment…

“The son…” A deep and heavy voice came from behind Yi Xiaotian.

Yi Xiaotian turned around and saw a middle-aged man sitting upright. He looked very vicissitudes of life with a beard all over his face. I don’t know if it’s because the sanitary conditions in this place are really bad, or he I don’t care about hygiene, anyway… Yi Xiaotian dislikes this person a little bit!

But I never thought…Next, the middle-aged man started to flicker.

“My son, I think your bones are unique, you are a perfect chess player, I have a chessboard that is related to the situation in Guanzhong! I don’t know… Is the son interested in playing chess with me?”

The words blurted out… Yi Xiaotian looked at the middle-aged man carefully again, and to be precise, it should be said that he was a middle-aged greasy, old-fashioned, deceived god stick.

This kind of god stick most likes to talk about the situation in the world. It is the same as Yi Xiaotian who originally opened a wine shop in Suanzao County, Chenliu County. The difference is that Yi Xiaotian is accurate, and the god sticks are all blind…


Yi Xiaotian became happy when he met his counterparts. Anyway, he had to wait for Zhong Yao to force him for a while and keep him out of order. He could still be lame and make him a fortune.

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian whispered to Dian Wei to properly settle the girls, while he walked alone beside the old road.

“Play chess?” Yi Xiaotian asked.

“Yes… play chess!”

This old-fashioned man was Zhong Yao, and he gave a faint smile, and then he became mysterious.

“I think there is a fierce look on this young man. It seems that you have killed many people recently? I must be in a state of mind. Ha ha… It is better to sit down and play chess while meditation is also a help. You untie the knot.”

Uh…Do you understand your sister’s heart?

Yi Xiaotian sneered. Sure enough, the magic stick is the magic stick, so it is a consistent trick to play mystery.

Yi Xiaotian sat down and asked with interest. “Didn’t you just say that you want the next game of chess in Guanzhong? Don’t be stunned, get ready to make a move!”

It is true that Yi Xiaotian can play Go.

Before crossing, he witnessed the shocking chessboard where the Go master was killed by artificial intelligence!

“Ke Jie” was killed by “Alpha Dog” in seconds. Yi Xiaotian learned from it, how can one lose to a “dog”?

Suddenly, he started to think that I would do my best…

For this reason, Yi Xiaotian has studied Go for half a year, and his level is that he can’t talk about how professional he is. He can be ranked as an amateur.

This time, dealing with a magic stick is not a big problem. As for the chess, gimmick, and gimmick of the Guanzhong situation! Yi Xiaotian is more practical.

“Before the game, let’s talk about something practical.” Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, and he stretched out his hand. “How much is a game of chess?”

His meaning couldn’t be clearer.

Let’s play chess and bet on money, or who will play with you?

Hmm…Zhong Yao was a little surprised. He originally thought that the young man who could kill thousands of Xiliang iron riders in the midst of talking and laughing must be a cold guy, how now it seems…a bit cheesy, he just opened his mouth and talked about money, but he didn’t know it. Talking about money hurts feelings!

Besides, does “Vulcan” also love money? This is a bit of a drop!

“How much did the son say? That’s how much…” Zhong Yao followed Yi Xiaotian’s words and continued… “However, it seems that the situation in Guanzhong is more important than money!”

Then… again, again, and… again, it became mysterious.

Haha…Yi Xiaotian directly “haha”, opened his mouth and talked to me about the situation, today…I don’t need my exquisite chess skills education to educate you, don’t know who is the one who is more transparent about the situation?

With this in mind, Yi Xiaotian plans to raise…

Zhong Yao’s voice came out again. “Is the son going to hold the white son? Or the sunspot?”

When referring to “Baizi” and “Heizi”, Zhong Yao deliberately increased his tone.

At this moment, Yi Xiaotian seemed to be aware of something… No, this bull nose is weird, look at his eyes, look at his expression, this Bai Zi does not mean that Zhong Yao leads the Cao Jun, and Hei Zi is all the way in this pass. Warlord?


Yi Xiaotian suddenly realized that this old-fashioned way is not simple, at least he has to be Zhong Yao’s informant, who is specially inquiring about intelligence and observing the current situation!

If that’s the case, it’s just right…you can use this to bring your own ideas to Zhong Yao through this Taoist priest.

“Most Dao chief knew Zhong Yao, the prefect of Chang’an, right?” Yi Xiaotian threw out the first sentence…

Hmm… Zhong Yao was taken aback for a moment.

He didn’t answer, just stretched out his hand to make a “please” gesture, this is to ask Yi Xiaotian to choose “white” and “black”.

From the other’s expression and eyes, Yi Xiaotian can see the clue…

He directly raised a white piece and was about to drop onto the chessboard.

But at this moment.

Zhong Yao directly reached out and stopped him. “Everything pays attention to rules. The so-called black before and white, the sunspot goes first. If the son falls, the rules will be completely broken!”

“Really?” Yi Xiaotian raised his head, his hands were slightly hard, and Bai Zi had fallen on the chessboard.

The words in his mouth spread out one after another.

“Since our chess is related to the situation in Guanzhong, the’white chess’ cannot be done step by step. The so-called first move is the strong one, and then the move suffers… If you wait for the three-way soldiers and horses of the Yuan clan to converge with the Xiliang warlord, let alone the city of Chang’an. It’s not strong, even if it’s ten times stronger, it’s hard to escape a song called’Cool’! So…’Baizi’ must fight for the first place!”

Phew…Zhong Yao was slightly taken aback!

The words of the young man in front of him were very meaningful, and even… surprised him…

Is it better to start first?

But… facing these vicious Xiliang warlords? How to start?

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