Chapter 557 Showdown, I’m Zhong Yao

Chapter 355 Showdown, I’m Zhong Yao

“Dao Master, let’s tell you, I was also a sacred stick before…Ah no, I am also a Taoist priest.”

Yi Xiaotian started to fool around.

Now he and Zhong Yao can’t bother to play chess, staring directly at each other, Yi Xiaotian chirped and continued.

“The so-called Wuji produces Taiji, Taiji produces two instruments, two instruments produces three talents, three talents produce four elephants, four images produces Five Elements, Five Elements produces Liuhe, Liuhe produces seven stars, Seven stars produces Eight Trigrams, Eight Trigrams produces nine houses, and everything goes to ten squares. After I do so, Ma Teng will definitely agree to go to Xudu to become an official.”

This…Wuji produces Tai Chi? Tai Chi births two rituals, has the “Book of Changes” been torn out?

Zhong Yao felt a little stunned, he felt that his own IQ was deeply insulted!

He suddenly felt that the young man in front of him was very unreliable, what is this…

“Young man, am I asking you something very seriously?” Zhong Yao asked back, frowning tightly.

“I am answering very seriously too!” Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, “Or, let’s make a bet!”

Um… a bet?

Zhong You was startled slightly, and Yi Xiaotian’s voice followed. “If I win, you help me ask Zhong Yao for a thousand italics copybooks. If I lose, no matter what the chief Taoist proposes, I will do it all!”

At this point, Yi Xiaotian blinked his eyes.

I muttered in my heart, now Guanzhong is chaotic, Zhong Yao’s copybook is not worthy, but in the future, after Cao Cao calms the north and calms Guanxi, the value of Zhong Yao, together with the value of his calligraphy, is immeasurable.

One copybook can be sold for thousands of gold if it is not guaranteed. This is not a small sum!


Copybook? Regular copybook?

Zhong Yao was taken aback for a moment… he created a kind of calligraphy called Kaiti, it seems… this calligraphy has not spread to the world, let alone recognized by scholars!

But… how did the young man in front of him know?

Also…A thousand pairs are needed to open his mouth. If this bet loses, wouldn’t it be that Zhong Yao is exhausted?

“Young man? How did you know that the prefect Zhong Yao created this regular script? Who told you?” Zhong Yao asked.

“Do you still need to tell?” Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and continued. “I also know that Zhong Yao wants a second child, no, no, no, he wants to have a son, but to be honest, his body bones are ‘normal’…more than ten years of hard work, but he didn’t give birth!”

Ah… Ah…

Zhong Yao’s face turned green all of a sudden, why…he knew this too, it was a wicked one!

Of course, Yi Xiaotian is right. Zhong Yao likes children. After giving birth to the eldest son Zhong Yu, he planned to have another one.

But for more than ten years, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t give birth to a second child. For this reason, he has been searching for prescriptions and taking countless supplements every day…

Of course, what he didn’t know was that now this year is 25 years away from the birth of his famous son Zhong Hui…

This is not the point… The point is that Yi Xiaotian mentioned this, which suddenly made Zhong Yao more convinced of what he said.

After all… even this kind of private affairs, even his Zhong Yao’s thoughts, this young man can count, it is not a problem to think about Ma Teng’s mind…


Zhong Yao coughed out. “Stop betting… I suddenly feel that what you young man said is reasonable and reliable… It is not correct. Master Zhong You rushed to Ma Teng Junzhai to really have a windfall.”

The voice just fell…

Tatata…but heard the fine steps resounding in front of the Chang’an City Government Office, a young little Taoist rushed to Zhong Yao’s side without speaking, but hurriedly handed over the letter in his hand.

Zhong Yao glanced at the person, as if he knew the importance of this letter, he turned around and opened it immediately.

These are two letters…

The first one was sent by Cao Cao. This was the first time he received a letter from Cao Cao after the Battle of Guandu. Zhong Yao didn’t dare to be careless, so he watched carefully every word with his eyebrows.

It’s okay if it doesn’t look…

At first glance, Zhong Yao was more and more astonished, and his pupils became bigger and bigger, almost bursting out.

As for the reason, the two mentioned in the letter.

The content of the first article—in the past few days, Cao Cao will personally lead his troops to attack Yecheng and take advantage of the Yuan brothers’ civil strife to seek Jizhou. This battle will be won. It is only a matter of time to destroy the Yuan family. Yao insisted a little longer.

These few words are nothing…

The next words shocked Zhong Yao, because Cao Cao mentioned a person in his letter. Yes, it was the young leader of the Cao Jun convoy, Yi Xiaotian, who was escorted by the tigers and soldiers along the way!

If you just mentioned his name…

However, Cao Cao’s heavy ink and color enumerated all the wars that Yi Xiaotian had planned.

As far back as that year, the moth thieves were cleared away, Qingzhou soldiers were formed, and the barren land was reclaimed to implement the system of military and civilian garrison;

Later, the imperial emperor Yuan Shu was conquered, the two tigers competed for Xuzhou, defeated Lu Bu, and blitzed Liu Bei;

There are also recent battles between Guandu and Cangting, watching the fire from across the bank, and waiting for the Yuan brothers to take advantage of the fisherman’s infighting… one pile, one by one, Cao Cao wrote three pieces of Xijuan!The most important thing is that Zhong You can recognize that this full three pages of words were written by Cao Cao himself…Each word is sonorous and powerful, and it seems to be pinned to admire this young man named Yi Xiaotian…

Although in the letter, Cao Cao did not boast of Yi Xiaotian’s single word or sentence, but this time the plan was like a stone falling on Zhong Yao’s heart, and he couldn’t breathe.

Even, he was surprised to find that even when he recommended Zhong Yao to come to Guanzhong to preside over the overall situation, this Yi Xiaotian suggested.

It can be said that Cao Cao can have the current situation, if you want to talk about a person who is the first to do it, it is no surprise that Yi Xiaotian is.

However, Cao Cao repeatedly emphasized in the letter that he should conceal his identity for Cao Cao.


A young man who allows Cao Cao to reach out without hesitating to conceal his identity, a young man who can transform Cao Cao from a prefect of the East County to the overlord of the Central Plains through a series of plans, a young man who makes Cao Cao extremely admired…

It’s…it’s terrible. His strategy, his wisdom, his judgment of people’s hearts and the current situation are simply terrifying.

call out…

At this moment, Zhong Yao’s heart was already incomparably shocked. His Yu Guang looked towards Yi Xiaotian, and his heart was very complicated. He suddenly felt that with this Yi Xiaotian, the situation in Guanzhong was as stable as Mount Tai!

My heart is here…

Zhong Yao was about to turn around and introduce himself again, but suddenly saw that there was still a letter in his hand.

This was sent by his mentor Cai Yong.

The master has not sent him a letter for many years, this time…how…

Thinking of this, Zhong Yao didn’t dare to care too much. He quickly unfolded it. This is a bamboo slip. The font “Feibaishu” on it was created by the master Cai Yong…

Let Zhong Yao feel more cordial all at once.

But this touch of cordiality only stayed for a moment, and then, Zhong Yao seemed to be shocked again, his eyes suddenly widened and round…

As for the reason…

There is only one content mentioned in the letter of the mentor, and this content is… it is also closely related to the man Yi Xiaotian in front of him!

——Engong Yi Xiaotian is about to rush to Chang’an. He has great talents in his chest. The apprentice must take care of the teachers and students, and there must be no mistakes!

Concise and concise…

Cai Yong is everyone in the world, he has always cherished words like gold, and this letter is no exception, but it is just such a line of small characters that makes Zhong Yao’s whole person confused!

The emotions in his heart were first dazed, and then they were shocked thoroughly and deeply penetrates the bone.

This this…

If only Cao Cao sent a letter to take care of Yi Xiaotian by himself, then it is still the past, after all, he Zhong Yao has also appreciated the talent of this young man.

But… his master Cai Yong, unexpectedly… even called Yi Xiaotian his benefactor, this… this is very meaningful!

You know, Cai Yong asked someone to take care of a young man. This was the first time in Zhong Yao’s memory…

Besides, what is Cai Yong’s identity? His disciples are all over the world, and his benefactor in this life is countless times more valuable than Wanliang Gold… The key is, how did Yi Xiaotian save his mentor? Why is it so favored by the mentor…

One question mark after another appeared on Zhong Yao’s forehead!

He feels that his own IQ is not enough…

But at this moment.

“Zhong Dage, why are you here?”

A crisp female voice came, but she saw a quiet and elegant woman coming. She was dressed in plain clothes and looked extraordinarily beautiful, and her conversation was also awe-inspiring…

The person here is Cai Zhaoji…

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Cai Zhaoji calls the magic stick in front of him Dage, Zhong Dage? Is it Zhong Yao?

Yi Xiaotian reached out and knocked on his forehead…

Then he looked back at Zhong Yao with suspicion.


Zhong Yao was embarrassed right now. He was Cai Yong’s student, and Cai Zhaoji was Cai Yong’s daughter. The two of them were in contact with each other. Even after a few years, how could Zhong Yao’s face, Cai Zhaoji, fail to recognize it?

But… this is embarrassing.

The identity was suddenly revealed!

Zhong You smiled bitterly, then turned around and patted his chest. “Looking up to the name of Mr. Yi for a long time, Mr. Yi is looking for Zhong Yao, the prefect of Chang’an this time, who is just incomparable…”

As he spoke, Zhong Yao arched his hands. After all, he is a great calligrapher. Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his color. Even if he was seen through, his words were still calm and composed!


This time it’s an early showdown.

——The showdown, I’m Zhong Yao!

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