Chapter 564: A Born Director, A Born Actor

Chapter 362: A Born Director, A Born Actor

Yecheng was there, and so did the people.

In Cao Cao’s opinion, now, looking to take advantage of the situation in Jizhou, it seems that the heart of this clan is lacking…

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this was an era when aristocratic families had monopolized official careers, and each clan contained tremendous energy.

In the last piece of Yi Xiaotian’s letter, every word is named, how to capture the heart of the clan, Yi Xiaotian mentioned a person-Cui Yan, and also mentioned one thing…

It happened to be this person, and this incident doubled Jia Xu’s admiration for him.

Yecheng…The government office.

This is the office of Yecheng Ling. Now Cao Cao has just moved into Yecheng and has begun to deal with the hoarding of official duties nervously.

Speaking of which, when Cao Cao was young, he had served as a lieutenant in the northern part of Luoyang, the order of Dunqiu, and he was a good hand in handling grassroots affairs… Yuan Shang and the prosecutors had been hoarding civil affairs for months. Cao Cao dealt with it with a big wave Seven seven eight eight.

Of course, when dealing with civil affairs, Cao Cao looked up at the gate of the government office from time to time. He was waiting for someone, the person mentioned in Brother Yi’s letter…

Sure enough, he came, he really came.

“Meng De, Mr. Cui Yan, a celebrity in Jizhou, is here.” Cao Ren hurried over…

Cao Cao specifically ordered that if Mr. Cui Yan arrives, he must be treated with the highest courtesy, and he must be notified as soon as possible…you must meet him personally.

“Finally here!” Cao Cao suddenly started, ignoring his shoes, and walked barefoot to the outside of the office.

At this time, Cui Yan has already stepped into it…

“I have seen Cao Sikong…” Cui Yan immediately bowed.

“Hahahaha…” Cao Cao laughed. Cui Yan is the first celebrity in Jizhou and has a very special status in the clan circle. He once played for Yuan Shao.

After Yuan Shao’s death, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang both rushed to expropriate him, but Cui Yan couldn’t look down on the prodigal brothers at all, and even threatened that he would not work for Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang even in prison.

Now, Cao Cao sent someone specially to conscript him for Jizhou and let him be the first assistant in governing Jizhou. However, Cui Yan did not act for a long time because of the documents of the imperial convocation.

Don’t want to wait until the evening, he finally came.

“Mr. Cui, no…it should be called Cui, don’t drive, Cui don’t drive here, the people of Jizhou are blessed!” Cao Cao took Cui Yan’s hands with both hands, not affectionate…

“Cao Sikong.” Cui Yan bowed with cupped hands again, “I came to Cao Sikong because Cao Sikong planned to go to Jizhou. The first thing he did was not to check the accounts, but to deal with the things hoarded by the people in the government office. Cao Sikong is like this, how can I not be loyal to me?”

Cui Yan’s words just fell.

Cao Cao seemed to be prepared long ago. The tigers and soldiers on the side submitted the household register to Jizhou in a timely manner… Please Cao Cao count it.

This is normal.

It stands to reason that to take a state, the top priority should be to count the household registers and see how many more people are there? How much tax can be collected? How many more soldiers and horses can be recruited…

But Cao Cao waved his hand and immediately signaled Hu Ben Shidi to step aside, but instead he asked Cui Yan earnestly. “Sir, the Yuan brothers are ill-fated, the people must be miserable. Come and come, Mr. Cui tells me, what is the life of the people in Jizhou? What are the customs and habits? How can I save Cao Cao? Are they in the midst of fire and water?”

With these words blurted, Cui Yan completely obeyed…

His admiration for Cao Cao was suddenly overwhelming.

You know, Fang is in great chaos today, and the princes from all walks of life don’t want to expand their territory and fight for the people and money, but… But Cao Cao, the current court’s Cao Sikong, he…he has nothing to do with the people Qiu, that’s nothing. He even…save the people in the water and fire, this…this…

For an instant, Cui Yan’s eyes were full of tears, and he had been searching for it for half a lifetime…

Isn’t Cao Cao the master he wants to follow?

“Cao Sikong is so sympathetic to the people…please accept my respect from Cui Yan!” Cui Yan gave another big gift with cupped hands.

“Mr. Cui please get up soon.” Cao Cao hurriedly helped him…

During this visit, Cao Cao knew that the heart of the clan in Jizhou was completely stabilized, not only Yi Xiaotian mentioned-the heart of Cui Yan can be obtained by the heart of the Jizhou clan and talent!Cao Cao alone is like a master of Cui Yan’s name, he has this ability… he has the reputation and ability to make the Jizhou clan home!

Standing by and witnessing all this, Jia Xu nodded his head…

His gaze shifted down, and he looked back at the letter of Yi Xiaotian in his hand faintly, haha…Isn’t Cao Cao’s current behavior the last line of the letter in the letter?

All of this is nothing but Brother Yi’s plan.

Sure enough, Yi Xiaotian is the best planner in the world, and Cao Cao is the best practitioner in the world…

If this is put in the 21st century, it would be that Yi Xiaotian is a born director and Cao Cao is a born actor.

A perfect match, who can match it in this world?

The land in Guanzhong is full of rugged yellow sand and vast desert.

Not far from Chang’an City, in the dilapidated Great Wall, there is an oasis here, and the army of Ma Teng in Xiliang is stationed here.

It stands to reason that Xiliang people have always been sturdy, but it is rare. Today is an entire Ma Teng camp. Every Xiliang warrior is in danger… It seems to be on guard at any time, and it seems to be ready at any time. Just run…

The reason for this situation, without him, Yi Xiaotian came…

Today, the portrait of Yi Xiaotian has long been spread throughout the Guanzhong area…The name of “Vulcan” is even more resounding.

The ashes burned by the two thousand Xiliang cavalry were wiped out overnight, and there was no bones left…

All the soldiers in Xiliang are worried. If this Vulcan is unhappy and burns the entire army village, then all of them will become dust in the desert!


Every time Yi Xiaotian took a step, there was awe, timidity, horrified gaze, and fear… Little Heart could not bear it!

Finally, Yi Xiaotian and his entourage stepped into Ma Teng’s military account, and it was Zhong Yao who stepped into it first…

“General Ma, don’t come here unharmed!” Zhong Yao greeted with a smile, neither humble nor overbearing.

Hu…Ma Teng looked at Zhong Yao, and then he cast all his eyes on Yi Xiaotian, muttering in his heart, he…is the young general mentioned by Lu’er? Is Megatron the Vulcan in the entire level?

Just thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian also bowed. “In Xia Yi Xiaotian, I specially come to join in the fun and send General Ma Teng a feat!”

Um… fame? This young man is really concise and straightforward…

Ma Teng looked back at Ma Chao and Ma Yunlu who were also in the tent, and then laughed out loud “hahaha”.

Xiliang people are bold and unrestrained, and they love to laugh…this is quite similar to Cao Cao.

“His name is… Yi Xiaotian…” Ma Yunlu muttered silently… “This name is interesting…”

Thinking of this, her beautiful eyes flowed, and she continued to secretly glance at Yi Xiaotian, her curiosity about him became more and more serious.

“Master Yi…so courageous!” Ma Chao took a step. “You have the courage of the bear heart and leopard? You dare to come to this Xiliang army camp with Zhong Yao, but I don’t know…Is Master Yi thinking of a way out?”

Others are afraid of Yi Xiaotian, but Ma Chao is not afraid…He has never been afraid of anyone in Xiliang, let alone the “God of Fire” in mere rumors.

“Retreat?” Yi Xiaotian raised his brows… “Why do you want to leave a retreat? I’m afraid that after half a stick of incense, we are all brothers in the trench…”

While speaking, Yi Xiaotian winked at Zhong Yao.

However, he saw that Zhong Yao took out an edict from his cuff, which was sent by the emperor.

——”Xiliang Ma Teng takes the order…”


Suddenly, Ma Teng was dumbfounded, and Ma Chao was dumbfounded. Even Ma Yunlu looked blank. This…this…you Zhong Yao came to Xiliang Military Camp to read the edict? Don’t you have enough courage?

The point is… the two sides are still at war? Why… You Yi Xiaotian, you Zhong Yao thinks that their Xiliang General will accept this edict?

Isn’t this bullshit!

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