Chapter 585

Chapter 383 Both hands must be grasped, both hands must be hard

The position of Jizhou’s judicial and documents can be regarded as supplemented.

At the commendation meeting, Cao Cao also silently remembered…Next, we will talk about the specific details of seeking Bingzhou, Youzhou, and Qingzhou…

For example…Bingzhou?

Really, as Brother Yi said, just a commendation meeting and a re-use of Gao Rou would attract the provincial governor and Yuan Shao’s good nephew Gao Gan to return?

It seems… it’s not that simple.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao’s cheeks became more serious, he asked curiously. “Brother Yi, even though Cao Cao has an advantage now, Bingzhou, Qingzhou, and Youzhou are still hidden dangers. Brother Yi will deploy and capture the specific plans of these three states!”

Cao Cao deliberately brought the topic to the details of conquering the northern border…

His tone also became heavier, and he continued to ask. “For example, Binzhou, just by commending the commendation meeting and relying on the use of Gao Rou, will the senior cadres of Binzhou return? Why do I always feel that this seems a bit too simple.”

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Facing Cao Cao’s questioning, Yi Xiaotian laughed out loud. He pointed his finger at Cao Cao… “You are still as timid as you were before. As expected, the more bold your business, the smaller you will be. This is really true!”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian suddenly got up, he turned and stood with his hands…

Organized some language, and then spoke. “But… Brother Han looked very thorough this time. The commendation meeting may make Bingzhou officials tend to return to Cao. Reusing Gao Rou can also make the minds of senior executives infinitely fluctuating… However, if you really want to merge the state, it’s not so bad. The two-flavored drug introduction!”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian closed his mouth and deliberately sold it.

“Medicine Yinzi?” Cao Cao was almost dying. He was too eager to know what the so-called medicine Yinzi was. “Brother Yi, don’t betray you, I’m waiting to hear it!”

“Haha…” Yi Xiaotian laughed again, and then explained in detail. “The first drug introduction is-Cao Cao’s attitude!”

Hmm… Cao Cao’s attitude?

Hearing this, Cao Cao looked around himself, his attitude was very correct, whether it was the attitude of asking Brother Yi for advice, or the attitude of flattening the northern realm with all his might? What does Brother Yi mean?

Without waiting for Cao Cao to think deeply…

Yi Xiaotian’s words followed.

“Brother, do you think, what official title does Cao Cao have on his head now? It’s Dahan Sikong, it’s Yanzhou Mu… But where is he going to seek now? It’s the northern three states…”

“Geographically, the three northern states and Yanzhou Mu can not fight together. In this case, let alone Yuan Shang, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Gao Gan, who are sitting on Wu You, are the generals under Cao Cao’s command. Not resolute… but also slack, there is no determination and will to sweep the northern realm at all!”

“You need to know why Cao Cao was able to win more with less in the battles of Guandu and Cangting. It was because Cao Cao and Cao Jun…they were like the former king Xiang Yu when he conquered the Qin army. Guan always belongs to Chu’s courage. Now, this advantage is gone… Such Cao Cao, such Cao Jun? Even Yuan’s remnants will not be afraid! Not even the slightest threat. Why surrender?”

Phew… Cao Cao sighed softly, this…

He pondered Yi Xiaotian’s words carefully.

The more I think about it, the more I understand it…

In the final analysis, it is because of him that Cao Cao is recuperating next? It was still hesitating in the rush of planning, which made the soldiers of the three armies hesitate and slack off one by one.

This is a dangerous signal. As the commander-in-chief, whether to advance or retreat, he must make an early decision…

The ambition and will of Cao Jun’s generals can’t be broken!

With this in mind, Cao Cao still seems to have made the final decision!”Brother Yi, I understand. When I see Cao Cao tomorrow, I will propose to him…”

Cao Cao’s tone is meticulous…

Yi Xiaotian asked rhetorically. “What are you suggesting? Tell me about it…” He was worried that he didn’t understand him, but don’t be wrong.

“Haha…” Cao Cao patted his chest, his tone very sure. “Cao Cao was originally Sikong and Yanzhou animal husbandry. Sikong represented the court, and Yanzhou animal husbandry represented the place. This means that the court and the locality grasped with both hands. But after Brother Yi reminded me, I realized that Yanzhou is now stable, Cao Cao It’s meaningless to do this Yanzhou animal husbandry anymore, it’s better to…”

At this point, Cao Cao paused, his tone aggravated. “It’s better to persuade him to resign from the official title of Yanzhou Mu and lead this Jizhou Mu…In this way, Cao Cao has obtained the management right over Jizhou, both in name and in fact, and he also remnants to Yuan’s family and to the generals of Cao’s army. Sending a message—the messy northern border is still waiting for Cao Cao to clean up, and it’s not time to take a break—in one gulp, wipe out the Yuan clan and pacify Hebei…”

Mentioned the last twelve words-“In one blast, destroy Yuan’s family, and pacify Hebei.” Cao Cao’s tone increased a bit, and the whole person appeared extremely awe-inspiring and domineering…

He who was set a little lower, became the decisive hero. The hesitation between his eyebrows disappeared in an instant. The court and the north must grasp both hands, and both hands must be hard!

This drug primer was found and resolved, but… Brother Yi also mentioned a drug primer.

What is the other drug primer?

“Brother Yi…you just mentioned that you need two drug primers to get Bingzhou. I understand the first one. So what is the second drug primer?”


When referring to the second drug introduction, Yi Xiaotian chuckled, and then blurted out two words. “Qingzhou…”

Huh… Qingzhou?

Isn’t this talking about Jizhou? Why did you get to the topic of Qingzhou again? In order, it should be the senior officials who have planned Bingzhou before it is Yuan Tan’s turn in Qingzhou, right?

“Brother Yi? What do you mean?” Cao Cao reached out and knocked on his forehead. “Is Jizhou separated between Bingzhou and Qingzhou? How did Qingzhou become the drug primer of Bingzhou?”

For a while, Cao Cao didn’t understand, he was a little confused.

“Brother, I have mentioned it to you many times before.” Yi Xiaotian explained in a calm tone and patiently. “The so-called, one-handed lollipop, one-handed killing mighty stick, one side is sweet jujube, and the other is Senhan’s machete, both enlightenment and power…only then can you win the game without blood.”

At this point, Yi Xiaotian waved his hand and then explained. “If it is just like my previous plan, for the senior leaders of Bingzhou, he has already given birth to the intention of surrender, but… it’s still a bit of a taste from his surrender, it tastes… it’s a mace! The mace on his forehead!”

Yi Xiaotian’s conversation turned, his tone suddenly became sharp, and he pointed directly at Qingzhou every word.

“As far as I know, Yuan Tan in Qingzhou has been uneasy during this period… Cao Cao’s attack on Yecheng is a bit of a villain. He is smashing the city and recruiting troops and food, and his career has been very busy…”

“Even in Qingzhou, those sites that did not belong to him, such as Ganling, Bohai, and Hejian… have also been conquered one after another. These sites…hehe…”

Yi Xiaotian paused, then said. “These sites originally belonged to Cao Cao, please take a look at them carefully.”

“This series of actions by Yuan Tan took advantage of the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shang. He continued to incorporate his little Little Brother’s territory, and constantly attacked Cao Cao’s territory, just like sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight and grow bigger. Be stronger and challenge Cao Cao’s sense of sight…”

“Such a double-faced villain is the most dangerous. If he is not wiped out with the power of thunder, there will be hidden dangers in Hebei after all.”


Cao Cao exhaled. He knew what Brother Yi said.

For this reason, from the very beginning, Cao Cao judged that Yuan Tan’s previous surrender was nothing more than a false surrender. Now… it is time to teach this Yuan family’s son who is watching the fire from the other side.

Of course, just giving birth to this decision is not enough…

The crux of the problem is, Yuan Tan from Qingzhou? how to spell? Now… Yuan Tan, who has developed quietly, is really not a soft persimmon!

In this regard, Cao Cao would like to hear Brother Yi’s advice!

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