Chapter 587

Chapter 385 What can I do to save you, my Miss Miss

“Brother, Yuan Tan is now in Nanpi City in Qingzhou. After Nanpi City fell, there is a point. You must mention it to Cao Cao and let him pay special attention!”

Yi Xiaotian explained in detail. “After the battle between Cao and Yuan, Nanpi City must be in chaos, and the people are in panic. Do not enter the city directly at this time. First send some generals, and then pass orders through people trusted by the people in the city. In the first place, the people’s sentiment can be stable. Otherwise, the mere reassurance of the people’s sentiment will be delayed for a long time… I am afraid it will affect the next plan and process.”

Having said that, Yi Xiaotian chuckled.

“As for the candidate to be the general, he will naturally meet… Qingzhou, under Yuan Tan, there are a few reliable talents.”

Speaking of this decision to appease the hearts of the people in Nanpi City, Yi Xiaotian thought of a person, who could be regarded as a talent in Qingzhou—Li Fu.

This guy, kind of interesting…

He was courageous. When Cao Cao was besieging Yecheng, he was one of the few talents under Yuan Tan’s command to cross the encirclement and spread the news.

Of course, for these talents, Yi Xiaotian is still very inclined to let them entrust them with important tasks in Cao Ying.

Cao Cao nodded…

Immediately mention the wine bottle…

“Brother Yi, I don’t come here for nothing tonight. After such a conversation, I know what to do next, haha…” Cao Cao looked very pleased with his beard, he said with emotion. “The remnants of the Yuan family are afraid that they will disappear under Brother Yi’s plans, and the situation in the north will be stable, okay, okay…”

Feeling surprised…

While speaking, he drank all the wine in the bowl.

Immediately… stretched out his sleeves, wiped his mouth, and immediately got up to say goodbye.

“Brother Yi, I will stay soon. Cao Ying’s side has already become a pot of porridge because of the next strategy. Cao Cao is still waiting for me to preside over the overall situation! I’ll drink here today, let me say goodbye… ”

At this point, Cao Cao saluted Yi Xiaotian again.

Yi Xiaotian replied with a bow. “Sure, take care of your brother, take more rest, don’t be tired…I will be on the side of the villa during this period. If you have any problems, please come to me.”

Cao Cao nodded, not forgetting to order Cao Ren beside him. “Brother Yi has a lot of things missing in this villa, servants, men, guys, craftsmen…you can help Brother Yi a lot, and help this villa raise all the things that are missing. If you don’t have enough coins, just Go to the house to get it, don’t save money!”

“Dage, I took it down!” Cao Ren nodded.

Yi Xiaotian was slightly taken aback…

“Brother, you are still too polite.” Yi Xiaotian shook his head slightly…

Brother Hu, this is to send the villa to the villa again, and let Aren help raise the servants, which makes Yi Xiaotian a little embarrassed.

Cao Cao patted Yi Xiaotian on the shoulder, with a long heart. “As long as Brother Yi is happy, what kind of money is money, money is the bastard…hahahaha…”

In a word, Cao Cao flicked his long sleeves and walked away.

Cao Ren glanced back at Yi Xiaotian, nodded, smiled, and immediately chased Cao Cao away.

Da Da Da… The sound of horseshoes resounded on the new official road.

In a few breaths, the two of them and two horses had disappeared at the end of the official road leading to Yecheng from a mountain villa.

At this time… the sky is still dark, and the wind at night is getting harsher, colder, and biting.

But whether it is Cao Cao or Cao Ren, their hearts are extremely hot…

Ha ha…

Transparent, thoroughly transparent, and finally understand the situation in the north thoroughly!

After Cao Cao and Cao Ren left.

Only Yi Xiaotian and Zhen Luo left in this wine shop…

Zhen Luo tidied the table, but her expression was thoughtful, as if something was on her mind.

She tried to ask Cao Cao several times, but after all, the words came to her lips and stopped again… it seemed embarrassing, and it seemed that she had some concerns.

“Sister Zhen Luo? Are you on your mind?”

Yi Xiaotian was a man in his two lifetimes and knew countless people. In his previous life, he was a professor of history. The expressions on the cheeks of the students corresponded to the mental activities, and he could figure out a general idea…

This time, I saw Zhen Luo Yinya biting her red lips, her cheeks slightly pale, and all of her thoughts were on her face all at once.

“Don’t pack up…” Yi Xiaotian reached out and grabbed her slender arm. “Come on, sit down and talk to your husband, what’s upsetting…”

Um… this…

Suddenly mentioned by Yi Xiaotian, Zhen Luo was a little embarrassed at first, but after all, she sat down.”Sir, yes… yes…”

When the words came to the lips, they seemed to be choked up. In short, they were hesitating, or there were total worries in my heart.

“Can’t you even say it, sir?”

Yi Xiaotian was curious, he asked meticulously…

“It’s about relatives?”

“It’s about friends?”

The friend blurted out, and Yi Xiaotian noticed that Zhen Luo’s small mouth shook slightly, as if there was a throbbing in his heart.

Yi Xiaotian immediately got a general idea.

“Let’s talk…” Yi Xiaotian spread his hands. “Your friends are also friends of your husband. If you need help, your husband will spare no effort. You hesitate like this, don’t you think that your husband is so stingy?”

“No, no…” Zhen Luo waved his hand again and again. “Actually… Luo Er doesn’t want to embarrass her husband?”

“Embarrassed?” Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly. “In this world, I am afraid that there is no one who can embarrass the husband. What about embarrassing things, let’s talk about it…”


Hearing this, Zhen Luo lightly patted her chest, as if to calm down her throbbing, and finally spoke. “Mr. Fang Cai and Master Man mentioned Yuan Tan in Qingzhou…he…he…”

Hmm…Look at Zhen Luo’s stumbling tone. Could it be that she knows Yuan Tan?

Yi Xiaotian reached out and knocked on his forehead. Shouldn’t it…

It stands to reason that there is a gap between their ages. Zhen Luo definitely shouldn’t have anything to do with the eldest son of the Yuan family. Then…could it be?

Can’t think about it… Zhen Luo’s voice continued.

“Mr… Yuan Tan’s daughter Yuan Yi is my good friend. She… She was married to Cao Cao’s third son, Cao Zhang, but… But now, according to Mr.’s plan, Cao Cao and Yuan Tan are going to fight each other. My sister… She… where does she go?”


With these words blurted, Yi Xiaotian finally understood, dare to love, Zhen Luo still has a Miss sister in Yecheng!

Calculating the age, Yuan Tan’s eldest daughter is about the same age as Zhen Luo, and they are both well-known families and have contact with each other when they were young, which is not surprising.

However, the question raised by Zhen Luo is a bit difficult to understand…


Yi Xiaotian put his chin in his hands and fell into deep thought.

Seeing the appearance of her husband, Zhen Luo covered her mouth with a look of guilt. “Sir, don’t be embarrassed, Luo Er knows it is wrong, how can the military affairs care about the feelings of a small girl… blame it, you can only blame Yuan Yi from the Yuan family!”

After some words, the tone became lower and lower, and in the end, Zhen Luo was a little bit about to cry out the smell of voice…

Yi Xiaotian could see that her sisterhood with Yuan Yi was not shallow, and it was definitely not the plastic sisterhood of later generations.

As for… the fate of Yuan Yi!

According to historical records, Cao Cao’s third son, Cao Zhang, didn’t like women. There are records in ancient books that he even traded a concubine for a handsome horse. He was a strange brother!

It was hard enough to be his woman, but, on the contrary, she would become a victim of war.

Soon, Yuan Yi will be sent back to Yuan Tan by Cao Cao. Only then will it be that his father doesn’t hurt, his mother doesn’t love, her husband’s family dislikes it, and Lang Jun ignores it…

Alas… how miserable it is!

In fact, Yi Xiaotian doesn’t want to take care of this kind of meddling. It’s hard for an upright official to break the housework. Looking at Zhen Luo’s cheeks with rain, Yi Xiaotian shook his head helplessly.

Then, he reached out and touched Zhen Luo’s little head, and nodded her forehead, but it was a bit “nod to kill”.

“Sister Luoer, don’t panic and cry first…”

Yi Xiaotian’s voice came. “Actually, there is a way to save the fate of your Miss Yuan Yi…”


Zhen Luo’s eyes blinked again and again, as if she didn’t believe the words in her ears.

A victim of a war, a man abandoned by a prince, a poor woman that his parents don’t love, she…what will she do to turn around gorgeously and come back against the wind?

For a while, Zhen Luo’s eyes opened wide, and she stared at her husband closely, as if every slight change on her husband’s cheeks, Zhen Luo would have to see clearly.

She wanted to know her husband’s so-called method too much.

What can I save you? My Miss Miss——Yuan Yi!

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