Chapter 589: Husband or Father? This is a difficult choice

Chapter 387: Husband’s or Father’s? This is a difficult choice

Nanpi City…

The entire city was shrouded in a strange atmosphere. I don’t know where it came from. There are rumors that are extremely unfavorable to Yuan Jun in the streets and alleys, in the military camp.

If it’s just rumors, it’s nothing.

By the way, this rumor sounds so true to everyone, it hurts the heart, and the ice is biting.

As for the content of this rumor, there is no one else, closely surrounding a person’s name-Cao Cao!

Speaking of, Cao Cao’s reputation in the Central Plains and the North over the past few years is not so loud. Apart from anything else, those who have fought against him have ended up miserably.

The first was Tao Qian. He even dared to rob Cao’s convoy and nearly killed Cao Cao’s father.

After Yuan Shu proclaimed himself the emperor, he didn’t put Cao Cao, “Song of the Son of Heaven”, to put in one’s eyes. As a result, Yuan Shu’s power was also defeated by Cao Cao.

Then Lu Bu…

At first, it caused Cao Cao a little trouble, and it became a thorn in his eyes and a thorn in his flesh. The Battle of Yanzhou has been fought for two years.

But the further back, Lu Bu’s stamina became weaker, and in the end he was submerged in water, and this unparalleled warrior was also cold.

Let’s talk about Yuan Shao, how powerful and domineering he was back then.

However, Guandu was defeated, and Cangting was defeated. Cao Cao’s elite welders were decapitated by Cao Cao’s decapitation and surrendering. The food, equipment, and equipment accumulated over the years became Cao Cao’s trophies. Yuan Shao also died in depression. .

The luckiest one was Liu Bei. He was the luckier, and he was the first to realize that Cao Cao could not be offended, so he fled as soon as he touched Cao Cao, and escaped to Jingzhou to avoid Cao Cao’s edge!

in summary…

In recent years, Cao Cao is basically the terminator of the local tyrants in the Central Plains and the North.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant you are, but as long as you meet Cao Cao, the point is that the end is very miserable.

Now… the entire Nanpi City, the streets and alleys, and the military barracks, are spreading and talking about Cao Cao’s glorious deeds over the years.

One by one, one by one, one by one, the end of the local tyrants made all the soldiers of Yuan Jun, and General Yuan Jun feel chilly, flustered, and panicked in his heart.

And these rumors that are extremely unfavorable to the Yuan family, no one would have thought that it was Yuan Tan’s precious daughter, Yuan Yi who was sent back by Cao Cao, quietly spread out.

Because of Zhen Luo’s advice…

Yuan Yi knew that she had to choose one between the family and the prince.

In addition to the girls, the people who married out, the water poured out, even if they were favored by Yuan Ying before marriage, but now that they are returned, Yuan Yi will definitely get blinded everywhere.

Besides, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the destruction of the Yuan clan is inevitable. Is it still necessary to choose?

Marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog, marry Cao Zhang, then… the heart must be on Cao Ying’s side. Without status, you can fight for your own status. Without emotion, you can move the man with practical actions!


In front of the boudoir, Yuan Yi, who was looking at the moonlight from a distance, sighed slightly. “Luo Er Big Sis is right. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety are hard to make a difference… if you are willing to give up, you can have money… I’m sorry, daddy, I’m sorry, mother… the daughter can’t help herself.”

Huh, huh, huh…

Long gasps were heard throughout the lobby of Nanpi City Government Office.

Cao Cao’s army was overwhelmed, and Nanpi City was screaming. Under internal and external troubles, let alone other people, Yuan Tan was terrified in his heart.

Yuan Yi’s unfavorable remarks not only bluffed other people, but also scared his father half to death.

Can you be scared?

Even if Yuan Tan’s wings are hard now, in terms of ability, he asked himself to be no better than his father Yuan Shao, his uncle Yuan Shu, and even his Little Brother Yuan Shang.

The mentality collapsed…

Hearing the unfavorable battle reports returned from the front line, which lost again, and which surrendered, Yuan Tan felt as if he was caught by a cat.

On the one hand, he was afraid of losing to Cao Cao, on the other hand, he hoped that Cao Cao would come soon!

As time passed, Yuan Tan’s confidence gradually faded away…

It was as if someone was holding a knife on Yuan Tan’s neck and was dangling it all the time. Yuan Tan hoped that the knife would not be cut off, and he hoped that it would be cut down at all, so as not to be afraid…

Even when Yuan Tan was still thinking about death or not, how to die?

Tobeornottobe’s philosophical question… Cao Cao’s army is already on the ground.

In an instant, what the counsellors put forward was nothing but a fool’s arrogance in Yuan Tan’s view.

Who is Cao Cao? The “local tyrant” terminator.Yuan Tan thought that he would not be able to hold on for a few more days, and he really led the army to attack, and what awaited him was a song of coolness…

Speaking of which, Yuan Tan was still very heroic when he was two-sided and three-sided, but facing Cao Cao, his true character was clearly exposed.

This is due to his daughter Yuan Yi…

It is also closely related to his own personality. The so-called “two-pillar spirit” of “if the sky is clear and the rain stops, you will think you are OK” is very cheating in this era.

Outside Nanpi City, Cao Jun Dazhai.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Sad laughter resounded throughout the barracks… Cao Cao laughed happily.

“Unexpectedly, this Qingzhou is so vulnerable, either abandoning resistance or absconding from the city, Yuan Tan is really gone!”

Cao Cao smiled with emotion while wiping his beard.


Jia Xu nodded, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately reminded him.

“I heard a rumor that it was spread throughout Qingzhou during this time… it was all about Cao Sikong’s great achievements! Zhu Tao Qian, Ping Yuan Shu, killing Lu Bu, and killing Yuan Shao, the one who beat Liu Bei hugged his head, and panicked. Such feats and deeds are spreading one after another in Qingzhou like the dog of the bereavement. Why are these defenders still in the mood to resist?”


Hearing that, Cao Cao laughed again, and he waved his hand, “How can it be such an exaggeration? Others don’t know, don’t you Jia Wenhe still know? In these years, I have Cao Cao fought in the north and south, although I have a small amount of credit, but the other half. My son’s credit goes to Brother Yi!”

At this point, Cao Cao paused and continued to speak. “Wenhe, I’m telling you a secret, do you know? Why are there all over Qingzhou that is beneficial to our army?”

Hmm… When Cao Cao raised this question, Jia Xu scratched his head, he really didn’t understand.

It stands to reason that such a detailed listing and such a rigorous dissemination should definitely not be unplanned, that is to say, it is like someone deliberately done it! It has been planned for a long time!

But? Spread from outside? How easy is it?

internal? Who would help Cao Cao like this?

For a while, Jia Xu couldn’t figure it out.


Seeing Jia Xu’s appearance, Cao Cao let out a big laugh again. When the laughter fell, Cao Cao put his hand on Jia Xu’s shoulder and explained with a smile. “Actually, it was Yuan Tan’s own daughter-Yuan Yi who spread these remarks!”


Jia Xu’s eyes snapped, and Cao Cao’s words followed.

“Yes, it was sent back to Nanpi City some time ago, my wife of the third son Zhang’er!”

Speaking of this, Cao Cao waved her hand, “Before the expedition, she specifically sought me out to discuss this matter with me. Between her father and her husband, she firmly chose the latter and chose to stand on the side of our Cao clan. , Help us to kill the righteousness. Zhang’er really married a good wife who understands the righteousness!”



Jia Xu’s mouth curled, his thoughts were more far-reaching, but he still didn’t understand.

“Cao Sikong, isn’t this right? Yuan Yi is just a mere woman. Her husband’s family is fighting with her father’s family, and she should have lost her thoughts? How can she be so clear about righteousness? This decision is very bold, but it’s not like it. Can a young woman make it?”

Jia Xu immediately questioned…

Cao Cao nodded. “Yes, at first I also had suspicions, so I sent a tiger army to investigate. Only then did I know that my daughter-in-law had contacted someone before…”

“Who?” Jia Xu asked next.

“The little girl from the Zhen family—Zhen Luo.” Cao Cao said Zhen Luo’s name immediately, as if he was afraid that Jia Xu would not understand, he added another sentence. “Zhen Luo has been staying at Youjian Villa during this period of time, following Brother Yi!”

Huh…Suddenly, Jia Xu understood it all.

No wonder, in such a complicated situation, a young woman can make such a wise decision. It is Brother Yi’s idea to dare to be in love with this matter.

Hey… Such a first rank, Jia Xu really thinks Brother Yi is very clever.

After such remarks were disseminated, this Yuan Tan’s daughter was successfully cleansed and became a hero of Cao Jun. In the second half of her life, her life will be easier;

Cao Cao can also easily plan to go to Qingzhou.

This is really a clever arrangement of killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone!

Hehe, it is worthy of being the treasurer of Yi, even if people are not on the battlefield, his actions are enough to influence the situation in Qingzhou.

——Awesome, Yi shopkeeper!

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