I don't know how long it took.

It was getting dark.

The two soldiers of the assistant finally climbed to the top of the building.

Looking at the door that had been opened along the way to give them the way.

The two soldiers looked at each other and walked forward with the note in their hands.

Along the way, they looked at the clouds outside the French window.

One of the soldiers gradually became jealous and said,"Isn't he just an angel? Such a good place was built for him alone!"

The other soldier holding the note looked at the magnificent decoration along the way and couldn't help but become excited and said:

"That's right! Wouldn't it be better to give this money to the poor? Can't angels live in ordinary houses?"

"What's more, he may not be a real angel! Who knows whether it is true or not? There can be angels in this world!"

"I do not believe!"


I don’t believe it either!"....

With the sound of chaotic footsteps, the two soldiers finally reached the place where they were supposed to enter.

Entering the last door, what appeared before them was an angel sitting at a table and reading a book casually.

His wings were attached to the sides of the chair and fluttered from time to time.

One of his legs was even raised on the table.

This was obviously a very rude action, but it looked so natural on the angel in front of them.

One of the soldiers suddenly reacted.

He patted the soldier next to him.

After the two men woke up, one of the soldiers took out the note in his hand and prepared to read it out.

The other soldier opened the box in his hand on the ground.

"Mr. Angel, due to my age and inconvenience in walking, I will not come here in person. The following words will be conveyed by my soldiers."

"Let me introduce myself. I am General Thaddeus Ross, and I also work for the Ministry of National Martial Arts."

"As a general, I have the right to negotiate and judge every matter that may threaten the country."

"So for the sake of the country and your"freedom", I need to draw a portion of your blood, and it must not be less than 500cc"

"From now on, since you are an"angel", I will not restrict your freedom."

"But please cooperate with us as much as possible in the future, such as other research."

When the soldier finished reading in an"impassioned" tone, another soldier pointed to the blood transfusion equipment on the ground with his hand as if to relieve his anger.

They raised their heads slightly.

It seemed that the words conveyed by the general were so noble.

After a while, the picture turned to Luo Hua.

As the night light fell, a layer of fluorescence floated on Luo Hua like a veil.

The flowing silver-white hair even emitted a little starlight.


A light laugh came out of Luo Hua's mouth.

But he still sat sideways on the chair with his legs crossed and read a book.

He turned another page.

He didn't even look at the two soldiers, but a cold voice came out.

""You tell me, should I be angry or not?""

Be angry, they are just two idiots.

Don't be angry, they are provoking me like this again.

Thinking about it, Luo Hua smiled helplessly.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Luo Hua took the bookmark on the table and put it in the page of the book he was reading.

Then he closed it and put it on the shelf beside him. With his legs still on the table, Luo Hua glanced at the width of the door.

Well, it's enough for two elevators.

Seeing that the angel was still so lazy there.

The two soldiers on the side couldn't help it again.

One of them stretched out his hand and shouted:"Hey! That bird....."

Bang! Bang!

Snap! Snap~~!!!

Luo Hua waved his hand.

【Microwormhole transport technology]

Two silver-white elevators flew out directly on their faces.

Accompanied by the sound of glass clicking.

Due to the high speed, two rectangular holes were printed on the entire floor-to-ceiling window.

At this time, under the building.

The assistant leaned on the hood of the jeep and impatiently opened his sleeves to look at his watch.

"It's been so long! Why haven't they come down yet! What are they doing! ?" Just as he finished speaking.

Boom! Boom!


The sound of heavy objects falling and the sound of sauce rang out at the same time.

The assistant touched the tomato juice that had just splashed on his face in a daze.

It was a little fishy, not too sticky.......

Looking over, what fell to the ground were two silver-white elevators.

And under the elevators.

There were two camouflage cloths.

One run, two open the door, three step on the accelerator.

Even the birds around hadn't reacted yet.

Ross's female assistant had already turned the car around.

Then she stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the bridgehead of the island.

Two elevators were thrown out directly?

No matter how the angel threw them, she didn't carry heavy weapons, so her life was more important.

The speed reached more than 100 yards, and the"Tomato Juice" assistant didn't even have time to wipe it off before being thrown onto the collar by the speed of the car.

She had been scared by the bloody tomato juice just now.

For Luo Hua, this matter was just a joke.

The real appetizer.

It was at night.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, please, this is very important to me.)

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