Two days later, it was evening.

It was the day when Hammer Industries announced the launch of a new battle armor.

It was claimed that this battle armor would be used by the military to fight for the country and protect the freedom of citizens. The overall title was:"Defending the Peace". So, at this century's expo, the venue was packed with dense crowds of people who came to visit this mass-produced high-tech robot.

Only the presidents of major companies and military leaders were invited to the seats in the inner auditorium.

As the evening approached,

Justin Hammer ran out with his clumsy kicking dance.

As the music slowly ended,

Justin Hammer took the microphone and gave a speech:

"OK, welcome to the new era technology conference held by Hammer Group for the theme of"Defending Peace""

"At this conference, I will introduce to you the new armor developed by Hammer Group."

"He will be more powerful than the armor developed by the selfish and stingy person in Stark Group!"

At this point, Justin Hammer's headset reminded him: the content of the angel.

So Justin Hammer said:

"Although I know that the angels in New Jersey are also part of the peace defense"

"But he is only one person, and he can't let the angels do everything."

"So the armor we develop can meet the needs of all parts of the world to safeguard peace." As soon as these words came out, both the people inside and outside the venue agreed.

Seeing the effect getting better,

Justin Hammer boasted more about some things that he could do without the angels.

At this time, Pepper and Natasha, who were sitting in the inner field, sat together.

Looking at Justin Hammer who was bragging,

Natasha was dismissive of his words in her heart.

Because the Hammer Group would never hand over the control of the armor in its hands.

So his words were nonsense.

It was not credible at all.

At this time,

Tony, who was doing experiments on the new Ark reactor at home, also listened to the calls from Whiplash, who he thought was dead.

Turning his head to look at the new element Ark reactor on the table,

Tony went to take it down and took it with him.

"Sir, the experiment has been carried out to 85%, and it is almost certain whether it is safe."

"I can't care about that anymore."

Tony finally patted the Ark reactor. With a click, it was installed.

Finally, a red and yellow figure flew out.

That was the birth of the Mark 6 new energy armor......

"Today, I would like to introduce to you the new technology of the US military."

"Hammer Iron Soldier!"

As the music sounded, Justin Hammer introduced the members one by one.

"Army Steel Soldiers!"

"Navy Iron Soldiers!"

"Air Force Steel Soldiers!"


Marine Corps Iron Soldiers!~~~~

Just as the audience's applause was getting louder and louder.~~~

There was a sound of fierce thrusters in the distance.

A red and yellow battle armor landed with a thud.

Tony stretched out the energy cannon in his hand and asked Hammer directly,"Where is Ivan Vanko?""

"Who is Ivan Vanko?"Hammer knew this, but as long as he couldn't find Vanko, he could just do Tai Chi.

And in public, Tony would definitely not kill him directly.

Although Justin Hammer retreated.

Dozens of armors on the scene suddenly stretched out their hands to Tony.

""Sir! They are about to attack you!"

Tony saw it and immediately flew into the sky with his palms facing down.

And Vanke, who was remotely controlling it, immediately controlled all the flying iron soldiers to fly with Tony.

And the iron soldiers who couldn't fly also quickly chased after Tony.


For a moment, there were gunshots, chaos, screams, and engine noises.

Hammer, who knew he was doomed, immediately ran to the backstage to inquire about the situation.

But it was obviously too late.

At this time,

Tony was being chased and beaten by more than a dozen iron soldiers and was fleeing in a hurry.

This was not only a huge disadvantage compared to the difference in numbers.

His palm cannon still had a delay before it could be activated.

The shoulder solid bullets were cancelled in the new energy armor, but even if they were there, they could not penetrate the steel armor of the soldiers behind him.

And what about the iron soldiers?

Not only did they have a large advantage in numbers, but their weapons were all serious thermal weapons.

Even if Hammer was rubbish, Tony's armor could not withstand the firepower of more than a dozen people.

"Jarvis, we seem to be in big trouble. I admit that the remote-controlled armor has the advantage in numbers."

"Sir, it's too late for you to admit it."

Jarvis quickly calculated how to defeat these armors.

But after calculating for a long time,

Jarvis could only say one sentence and nothing more:"Mr."

"", Jarvis?" Tony asked doubtfully,"Hurry up and tell us, we can't delay, things will get more and more chaotic!"

"Sir, are you ready?"

"Say it!"

"Sir, I mean....Sometimes you can keep using a unique skill as long as you are not afraid of the consequences."


"Sir, do you remember how Obadiah died?"


Thinking of Alan's sword, Tony's head still hurts a little.

Moreover, it seems that Alan just swung the sword casually.

However, he can't solve this problem alone.

Finally, thinking about the"teaching" of the angel,

Tony yelled :

"Damn it! I'll just kneel down to the angel until next year!"


"Plan a route for me to the angel!"

Jarvis:"Sir, you are really brave at this moment.".........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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