After hearing Alan's report,

Luo Hua leaned on the throne with his legs crossed.

He rested his right elbow on the armrest and held his chin with one hand. His other left hand tapped the left armrest. After opening the [Eye of Insight] to take a quick look at the situation,

"Go ahead"


Alan received the order, saluted and turned to leave.

But Luo Hua just thought of something and added

"By the way, remember to bring back both gene samples."

After saying that, Luo Hua took out two test tubes from the dark plane and used wormhole technology to float in front of Alan.


Ailan took the instrument, bowed, put it into the dark plane and left. After seeing Ailan leave,

He Xi stood under Luo Hua's throne and looked up curiously.

"Why does the black gene also need it? He must be a failure."

"Of course it was a failure before."Luo Hua sat on the throne.

He stretched out his hand to control the hatred model and data simulated by the energy just now.

"But now it might be a little interesting."

Different from the original abomination.

This time, the abomination not only injected the potion that Hulk was supposed to inject, but also injected all of Mr. Lan's strange potions.

All of this resulted in the abomination simulated by Luo Hua's energy being five meters tall!

It was even about two meters taller than Hulk!

And unlike before, the appearance of this abomination was covered with irregular black material.

And the knees, elbows, and some protruding parts of the back had long, hideous thorns like spears.

In other words, the abomination at this time had already mutated genetically.

So it had some research value.

Seeing the energy model in Luo Hua's hand,

He Xi also used the Eye of Insight to observe it again.

But it seemed...Not as complete as Luo Hua's.

But after seeing it, Luo Hua directly sent all the data to her.......


The scene turns back to the Hulk on the streets of Harlem.

With Ross's roar:"Go! Go! Go to a safe place!"

Hulk jumped into the air and caught Mr. Blue.

But at the same time, with a loud bang~~!

Mr. Blue's private laboratory was directly knocked down.

All of a sudden, the whole street of Harlem was filled with smoke and covered with dust.

Just when people were waiting for the dust to dissipate.

Bang~bang~bang~ a black shadow appeared in the dust, and every kick would cause the ground to tremble.

Although its appearance could not be seen.

But through the black shadow, you can see its huge body and hideous long thorns.

Whoosh~~ the black shadow's hand fiddled with the dust.

The original smoke was suddenly blown away by the wind.

Even the billboard next to it shook.

"Hulk! Come out!!"

The roar of the Abomination echoed in the street.

It had just heard Hulk's shout.

The figure it had been thinking about appeared in its mind.

The Abomination thought that it must have heard it right.

It turned its head and looked around.

At this moment, it was standing in the ruins of a building.

There was dust and fleeing people everywhere around it.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a three-meter-tall figure lying not far away, taking the person in his arms out.


Abomination immediately roared excitedly.

Bang bang bang~~~The five-meter-tall Abomination ran over with the sound of the ground shaking.

Hulk, who was lying on the ground, couldn't react.

The Abomination went up and kicked him directly.


A sound like an explosion sounded.

The dust around Hulk exploded the moment Abomination mentioned it.

And Hulk was instantly blown away hundreds of meters!


Along the way, he broke the billboard and flew to the street.

He knocked over several cars and a truck and finally banged! Hulk stopped after crashing into a wall!

Beep~beep~ ahhhhhh~~~~

Bang, bang, bang!

In an instant, the screams of the crowd, the anxious horns of the cars, and the sirens that had been ready to arrive all mixed together!

It only took more than ten minutes for the entire Harlem street riot to spread to New York.

Everyone knew what these roars and collisions meant.

Not to mention that the smoke and dust in the distance could be seen dozens of kilometers away.

""Cough, cough! Cough, cough!"

At this time, Hulk used all four limbs to support himself on the ground and coughed. Just then, the kick of the Abomination rushed over and directly kicked him on the waist.

As a result, Hulk actually coughed up green blood!

But before Hulk could rest for a while.

Bang~bang~bang~ the sound of heavy running came from the distance.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Along the way, the Abomination ran and dismantled everything. He would crush any car he saw!

He would pull it up and smash anything he saw!


Suddenly, the streets of Harlem were filled with screams and explosions!

Hulk looked up.

In an instant, he saw something that made him furious.


Because the Abomination came with Mr. Blue in his hand!

Held in the hand of the Abomination, his legs and head shook as the Abomination ran.

It looked like he was almost out of breath!


Hulk roared

""Let go! Let him go!!!""

Bang bang!"

Hulk pounded the floor twice to bounce himself up.

He clenched his fists!

His muscles were tense, and he felt his body become bigger.

His green pupils stared deeply at Abomination.

Then he suddenly ran towards Abomination!


Abomination saw Hulk rushing towards him.

He instantly threw Mr. Blue in his hand.

This throw was hundreds of meters away.

Mr. Blue was like a rag doll, falling in the air.


Without thinking, he was smashed into a pulp.

Hulk, who was running, saw this.

He instantly became angrier! He ran faster and rushed up!


"Ha ha ha ha~~~"The laughter of hatred and rampage spread far away.

It roared with laughter.

"Hulk! You are already useless! You are not as strong as me!"

While talking, they rushed to each other and punched at the same time. Boom


The air wave squeezed out the middle of their fists.


All the glass around was shattered.

Beep~ Beep~ plus the car alarms sounded.

For a moment, the whole street was noisy.

However, the hatred of the fist only made him retreat a few meters.

And Hulk.


He was instantly knocked back by a punch.

The 5-meter-tall Abomination and the 3-meter-tall Hulk fought.

When they didn't know that concentration was the essence.

The huge size represented strength and tonnage!

Boom boom~

After knocking down several more houses.

Hulk rested in the ruins for a long time and didn't come back to his senses.

Moreover, there was a crack between the index and middle fingers of his fist.

The deep wound inside that could see the bone was caused by the fist explosion.

Hulk was panting.

He shook his head and looked at the tall black figure walking towards him not far away.

He couldn't beat it.

He really couldn't beat it.

If the Abomination had only been injected with Hulk's potion alone.

Then he might not be able to use any ability at this time.

But he also injected a bunch of miscellaneous drugs.

This directly led to the genetic mutation of his body.

Hulk watched the Abomination getting closer and closer.

He struggled to get up slowly.

Then he turned around.

He looked at the Angel Building that was as holy and towering as a cloud from a distance.

"You expect angels to save you!?"

Abomination laughed after noticing Hulk's actions.

"I think the angel will judge you directly after seeing you! Because you are also a monster hahahaha!!!"

Hulk threw his head back abruptly after hearing this.

He stared at Abomination and spoke word by word:"You! Are! Also! A! Monster!!""

"Jiejiejiejiejiejie~~!!"When Hate heard this, he immediately laughed loudly.

Then he roared angrily:

"That's because I'm different from you! You still hope to be saved by an angel! But I'm different!"

"I hope to hunt angels! Become the most powerful creature in the world!"

"I must try what the angel's blood tastes like!"

Hulk's rage soared after hearing this.

In Hulk's eyes, the angel is his savior!

But Abomination is shit in his eyes!

He wants to hunt down the angel!?


Hulk was panting heavily.

His whole body was shaking with anger.

What he didn't even know was that the cracked fists were slowly healing!

In fact, the potion that Mr. Lan prepared for Hulk only had two functions.

One was to make it easier for Hulk to merge with Banner.

The other was to weaken Hulk's violent power.


Hulk, who was not injected with the potion in the original plot, was actually more likely to be violent and stronger.

But the reason why he was beaten now was because Abomination's genes mutated all of a sudden.

Otherwise, the current Hulk could hang up and beat the Abomination in the original plot!

And the Abomination didn't fight back before.���Power!

This is the power of the violent Hulk!

While taking a breath,

Hulk suddenly lowered his head and ran wildly.

He jumped towards the Abomination and smashed it hard!

The Abomination saw it and immediately rushed up and waved his fists.

I don’t know if he is not smart enough or just wants to have a fair fight.

The Abomination now has long thorns on his joints but never uses them.

If the Abomination uses them directly, it can cause serious injuries to the Hulk. boom~~!!

Another punch.

This time the Abomination actually rolled on the ground.

But then he got up again without any damage, hammering the ground angrily.

But Hulk flew backwards again like last time.

And his palm cracked again!

Looking at the Hulk lying on the ground, the Abomination tilted his neck, clenched his fists and laughed.

"Hulk, you are too weak. I will play with you for a while, and then I will find an angel to be my opponent instead of you who are weak now!"


The footsteps that shook the ground continued to sound.

The Abomination that was two and a half stories high walked on the streets of Harlem.

The citizens hiding on the second floor were scared to peed their pants when they saw the huge head passing by.

If there was not only one Abomination, it would have a sense of déjà vu from Attack on Titan.

"Mommy~Mommy~Mommy~Where are you, woooooo~~~~"

At this time, a crying child was walking on the street, wiping her tears.

She had a water bottle hanging on her body and a sandwich she bought at the supermarket last night in her hand.

The girl was crying, shouting, wiping her tears and walking in one direction in confusion.

She didn't know where her mother was because the riot just now had separated many people.

"Children." He looked at her with disgust. There were actually children on the wild road?

""Heh." It gave a sinister smile.

Suddenly it turned away from the Hulk and walked towards the little girl.

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