The moment Chen Yu stepped into the white vortex, he felt a dazzling white light flash before his eyes, and then he found himself on a vast grassland.

There was no one around.

He was the only one.

And above the grassland was the spirit of an old man, who was looking at him kindly at this time, and spoke after three breaths.

"The Su family inheritance secret realm has five levels."

"You can take all my inheritance after you pass all the levels."

"The first level, ask your heart."

"Is immortality in your heart more important, or is combat power more important."


Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around. This was his first time entering this kind of inheritance secret realm arranged by his predecessors. The secret realms he had entered before were all those of the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm or the Adventure Secret Realm, all of which were set by the Heavenly Dao.

And the one who set the rules of this kind of inheritance secret realm is the one who left this inheritance.

He was silent for a while and then said softly.

"Fighting power is the most important."

"Oh?" The old man's spirit in the air said with a smile: "Don't you want immortality?"

"I am not so obsessed with immortality. It doesn't matter whether it exists or not. What I care more about is whether my enemies can live forever. With strong enough fighting power, I can cut off their immortality. This is very important to me."


The old man's spirit in the air smiled and waved his hand and said: "Congratulations, you passed the first level and entered the next level."

Then, two puppets of the same level suddenly appeared on the grassland.

Easily defeated, entered the third level.

In the third level, three puppets of the same level appeared on the grassland again. From then on, they were easily defeated and entered the fourth level.

The fourth level is five puppets of the same level.

The difficulty increased a little, but that was it. After defeating them again, I entered the fifth level. At this time, there was only one puppet in the house.

"Here it comes!"

The young master of the Su family outside the secret realm stared at the puppet in front of Chen Yu in the picture and murmured: "The biggest test is here, and I don't know how Chen Yu will deal with it."

The Su family's inheritance secret realm is said to have five levels.

In fact, there is only the last level.

The first level is to ask your heart. No matter which answer you choose, as long as you are determined in your heart to take the path you want to take, you can pass the level. As for the second, third and fourth levels, defeating several puppets of the same level of cultivation is a normal level. Since you can be called a genius, it is still quite simple to defeat four or five people of the same level to open the puppet.

At the same level of cultivation, puppets are far weaker than cultivators.

But the last level, that is, the fifth level, is the real test!

This level!

You need to completely defeat this puppet to pass the test, but. Whether it is a sword or a spell, any form of attack on the puppet can only restore the puppet's injuries, and cannot cause injuries to it!

And the higher the attack intensity, the stronger the puppet will be.

This is the most unsolvable!

Not only did his magic fail to harm the puppet, but it made the puppet stronger and stronger. As the young master of the Su family, he naturally entered this inheritance secret realm many times, but he never passed the fifth level.


The head of the Su family put one hand behind his back and sighed helplessly: "The ancestor of the Su family could not leave us a fifth level that is impossible to pass. There must be some trick in it, but we, the younger generation, are stupid and have not found this trick."

If they could find a way to pass this fifth level, they would not give up this inheritance secret realm.

It is precisely because they do not have this ability that they are forced to give up the inheritance secret realm as a favor. Even if these Tianjiao did not pass this inheritance secret realm, they still owed him a favor.

And if someone passed it, they would owe him a big favor.

They have also tried many ways.

Since their magic can heal the puppet's injuries and make the puppet stronger and stronger, can they do the opposite, such as healing the puppet, and will it cause damage?

However. It still doesn't work.

It's useless. No matter if you use your bare hands or anything else, once you damage this puppet, it will become stronger and stronger, and you can only give up in the end.

And at this time——

Chen Yu, who was staying in the vast grassland of the inheritance secret realm, saw the puppet appear, and the spiritual energy surged out without stopping. A large number of dark clouds gathered over the grassland, and a violent storm roared. A thunder ball shot towards the puppet.


Countless thunder dragons exploded on the grassland with deafening thunder!

After the dust cleared.

The puppet stood still, not only unscathed, but even a ray of black appeared on the surface of the puppet, which was more solid than before!


Chen Yu frowned slightly, a little puzzled that a puppet with a perfect Jindan cultivation could withstand his full-strength attack without any damage. His full-strength attack, but even the Yuanying early elder of Yuanzong could not withstand it.

But he didn't think much about it.

The body teleported in the air for hundreds of breaths. After the spiritual energy was fully restored, accompanied by countless deafening sounds, hundreds of thousands of thunder dragons smashed towards the puppet!



The puppet was still intact. He could feel that these puppets had resisted his damage, but they were not injured. Moreover, with the intensity of his spell attack, the puppet became stronger.


Chen Lu was a little angry. He immediately opened the Tianji Umbrella, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to go all out. He didn't believe it!

After a hundred breaths, the spiritual energy will be restored to full, continue!

Still intact!

After the aura is fully restored, continue!

"The 37th time, the 38th time."

Outside the secret realm, a flash of shock flashed in the eyes of the head of the Su family. He looked at Chen Yuan in the picture. He was indeed the genius of the Dharma cultivator. The power of the thunder dragon smashing down from the sky far exceeded the damage that the genius of the Jindan could cause.

It has even exceeded the damage that a monk on the first level of Nascent Soul can cause!

This is not the most important thing!

In Zhongzhou, there are also many geniuses who can use their own unique skills to cause damage that far exceeds that of the first-level Nascent Soul monks when the golden elixir is perfect. This is not a very rare thing.

But the problem is

Chen Yuan’s fucking trick is not a trick, why does this guy keep using it!

Should the ultimate move be used as a minor skill?

After a long time, the head of the Su family sighed and murmured in a low voice: "Son, you are right. With the strength he showed in the secret realm of inheritance, Chen Yuan is indeed the most powerful talent in Quzhou, but his personality seems a bit stubborn. ”

"This fifth level is obviously not one that can be passed with brute force. It is a level of wits. It requires certain skills to pass. The more times Chen Yuan takes action, the stronger the puppet's body becomes."

"The 99th time, the 100th time."

Chen Yuan silently kept count to himself. He wanted to see how many of his attacks this puppet could withstand. Everything had an upper limit. For example, eating can replenish physical strength, but if you eat too much, you can also die. my own.

The same goes for this puppet.

This puppet can absorb the aura from his thunder dragon and use it to make itself stronger, but there must be an upper limit.

His plan is simple.

He just wanted to hold this puppet to death, and there was no time limit anyway. He wanted to see who fell first, between himself and this puppet.

at this time--

After the 101st full-strength release of the Thunder Jue was struck!

The world is quiet.

The puppet couldn't bear it anymore and fell into pieces and scattered on the ground.

In mid-air, the spirit body of the old man suddenly emerged slowly again. He stared down at the torn puppet in silence for a long time, then turned his head to look at Chen Yuan and said expressionlessly: "Who taught you to pass the level like this? Can't you see this? Is the level a battle of wits level?”


Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows lightly. He originally thought that the old man's spirit body had no self-awareness, but now it seems that he still has a certain degree of self-awareness and can react differently according to different things in the secret realm.

It may be that the ancestor of the Su family left a residual consciousness many years ago and is only responsible for the audit of this secret realm.

"That's all."

The old man's spirit body shook his head, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "It seems that none of the descendants in the future generation have brains. Haven't you discovered that the puppet in the fifth level is the fragment of the puppet that was broken by you in the second, third and fourth levels? Is it a combination?”

"The fifth level is theoretically impossible to pass."

"You only need to avoid killing those puppets in the second, third and fourth levels, and wait patiently for the countdown of the first three levels to end, then you can successfully pass the level, and then when you wait for the fifth level, they will not appear. This is a puppet."

"Isn't this a successful pass?"

"Is it really difficult?"

The old man's spirit waved his hands in annoyance and floated a few things into Chen Yuan's hands: "Go ahead, go ahead."

Immediately afterwards, his body gradually dissipated. At the same time, a rumbling sound like a collapse was heard throughout the vast grassland. This was a sign that the secret realm was about to collapse, and that the inheritance had been taken away.


Countless geniuses were expelled from the white vortex.

As soon as Chen Yuan landed, he saw the young master of the Su family coming towards him to congratulate him on winning the inheritance. He looked around before asking in confusion: "Where is your father?"


The young master of the Su family looked embarrassed for a moment and didn't know how to respond. When he learned that the way to clear this secret realm was so simple, and he could clear it by standing still, his father's Taoist heart was a little damaged.

I can't accept my own ignorance.

He fled in shame on the spot.

Chen Yuan did not continue to ask. He just took out a stone from his arms and handed it to the young master of the Su family: "I took the body of the transformed god. Thank you to the Su family. It really helped me a lot. Count me in." I owe you a favor.”

"If there is any need to exterminate the family and sect in the future, please come to me at any time."

"As for this stone, it is a magic inheritance left to you by your ancestors. I am holding it for no use, so I will return it to your Su family."

"Is there any magic inheritance?"

A bright light flashed in the eyes of the young master of the Su family, and then he hurriedly took the stone with a respectful face and thanked him several times.

This matter has come to an end.

After Chen Yuan inherited the secret realm from the Su family and obtained the body of a god, he did not stay for a long time. Instead, he left "Su City" for hundreds of miles before choosing a desolate and barren place to enter the small world.

In his small world, he sorts out what he has gained these days.

First of all, there is only one body left to transform into a god, and one more body will make up three bodies. He got one in the "Long Night is Coming" incident, and another one in the "Su Family Inheritance Secret Realm". If After the batch of storage rings are cracked, if you can find another body of the god, those three will be enough.

As for the nine second-grade Nascent Soul bodies, he is now only five short of them.

The Heavenly Spiritual Treasure obtained in Dayuan City requires ten pieces of evil wood to wash away its grievances, and a bracelet that needs to be brewed in the Dantian for ten days. Now it only takes a few days for it to return to its original state.

There are also those storage rings. It will take some time to crack all the restrictions.

He needs some time to digest what he has gained during this period

for example--


"Entry name": The sword flies away.

"Entry level": yellow.

"Entry Effect": The faster your flying sword is, the higher the damage your flying sword can cause.


He once came across this entry randomly. Although it was useless to him, it was excellent for scholars. He was slightly regretful at the time. It would be great if this entry could be turned into a jade slip for scholars.

With the speed of the scholar's flying sword, coupled with this entry, it will be even more powerful.


He just looked through the 14 jade slips he brought out from the "Yuan Zong" treasure house. Among them, the highest grade jade slip is yellow. There is only one, and it happens to be this "Sword is like flying"!

This entry is simply the most suitable entry for scholars, bar none.

"Brother Xiang, call me."

The scholar who flew to the peak of the back mountain of Mootian Sect stood behind Chen Yang with a puzzled look on his face: "Do you have any orders?"

Chen Yuan shook his head and then threw the entry "Swords are like flying" in his hand: "I'll give you a jade slip of entry. Take it off and read it again. Don't stand here and read it."


Although the scholar was a little confused, he still stuffed the entry into the storage ring obediently, and then flew towards the site of the Mootian Sect under the mountain. After a few breaths, an excited voice from the scholar sounded in the sky above the Mootian Sect. Loud roar.


Chen Yang shook his head and chuckled without saying anything. He just continued to look at the other jade slips. The remaining jade slips were basically not very useful. They were all very ordinary. If there were good jade slips, they would be better. They had long been crushed into pieces and engraved on the golden elixir by the leader of the Yuan Sect. They were all ordinary entries.

It's of no use to him.

But...he happened to need these useless entries.

There are also thirteen entries on the jade slips.

Crushed them all at once, and soon all thirteen entries were engraved on his golden elixir. The last time he attacked Yuan Zong, he used up all the entries that could self-destruct, and now he has added a wave of information.

Ten entries are left as materials for the formation of the twelfth-grade Nascent Soul, and the remaining three entries can be used as his trump cards.



Chen Yuan looked at the large pile of magic jade slips produced by the Tiandao Secret Realm in front of him, and began to carefully select them. He planned to learn a few more spells. Of course, for the attack spell, he felt that Lei Lei Jue was enough for the time being.

As for Shen Dharma, the entry "Shen Dharma is supreme" is enough.

The main thing is to see if there are any suitable auxiliary spells, such as "Flying Snow". Although the attack strength is not enough, it can freeze the aura in the enemy's body.


He then selected the appropriate spell.

"Invisibility Technique", "Golden Light Body Protection Technique"

Well, invisibility is suitable for stealth attacks. Foundation-building spells are not very advanced things. They can be used by fellow practitioners. Like the time he sneak attacked the leader of the Yuan Sect, his cultivation was too different. No matter how advanced the invisibility technique is, it can't be used by other practitioners. Can be detected by divine consciousness.

At this time, you have to take a gamble.

Bet that the other party won't use his spiritual sense to detect, and will only use his naked eyes to see.

The remaining "Golden Light Body Protection Technique" is an advanced thing, a top-grade golden elixir spell, a spell suitable for legal practice. The strength of the defense depends on how much spiritual energy is consumed. His main defense methods now are the Tianji Umbrella and the protective spiritual energy.

There is no body protection spell yet.

It makes up for one of his small flaws.

Once these two spells are learned, they reach the state of Dacheng. Without the Enlightenment Stone, there is no way to directly ascend to Dzogchen. The Yuan Sect's treasure house has everything, but there is no Enlightenment Stone.

In addition, there are three special treasures.

It was also found in Yuan Zong's treasure house.

The first one is the inheritance of Yuan Sect.

A small spoon.

It is a special spiritual treasure. As long as you touch it, any of your spells of the highest grade of golden elixir or below will be upgraded to the state of perfection. Every touch will consume the spiritual energy of the world and the earth of this spoon itself, and it can be used up to 300 times.

This spiritual energy of heaven and earth cannot be replenished by any means.

Once it's used up, it's gone.

After he tried to touch it, he quickly upgraded the golden elixir magic "Golden Light Body Protection Technique" to the Great Perfection state. With a little more proficiency, he could exert the full power of this spell.

You can throw it in the Mootian Sect and let the disciples come over and touch it one by one, which can also improve the overall strength.

Basically every larger force has this kind of inheritance.

Some can be touched to enhance the state of a certain spell, and some can be touched to obtain a fixed entry. They are all different, but no matter which one, they are the heritage passed down by a force.

This means that as long as you join this sect and become a formal disciple, you will always have one more thing than casual cultivators.

This is also the biggest difference between sect disciples and casual cultivators.

There is no such thing among casual cultivators.

Unless you grab it.

The second special spiritual treasure is a stone.


Chen Yuan looked at the panel in front of him that was wrapped in clouds and mist, thinking thoughtfully.


"Treasure Name": Heavenly Magic Stone.

"Source of acquisition": Spiritual objects from heaven and earth are gifts from God.


1: Only applicable to the Tiandao Lingbao. After use, the Tiandao Lingbao can be transformed into its second form, and an additional Lingbao effect corresponding to this form will be randomly produced.

2: After swallowing, it can randomly transform into a monster and last for one year.


Very simple two effects.

The second effect can be ignored and is basically useless.

The first effect is that it can give your Tiandao Lingbao an additional form, and it can also produce an additional Lingbao effect.

After thinking for a moment.

He looked at the Tianji Umbrella beside him.

Currently, his Tianji Umbrella only has three effects.

1: Enhance spell power and reduce spiritual energy consumption.

2: Integrated offense and defense.

3: Automatically lock a wide range of consciousness.

It is also his most commonly used weapon at present. In addition, he has several entries that can be linked with the Tianji Umbrella, such as "Holding the Umbrella for the World." After the umbrella is opened, it cannot be locked by divine consciousness unless the cultivation level is higher than him. Big realm.

After thinking for a moment, he put the Tianhuan Stone and the Tianji Umbrella together. Under the outflow of spiritual energy, the Tianhuan Stone quickly slowly merged and penetrated into the Tianji Umbrella.

After a hundred breaths——

The Tianji Umbrella in front of me has not changed at all.

But as Chen Hong thought, the Tianji Umbrella in front of him instantly turned into a long bow-shaped spiritual treasure!

This is the second form of his Tianji Umbrella after using the Tianhuan Stone!


After transforming into a longbow, the overall color was dark blue, and one could clearly see the purple-blue electric arc flowing continuously on the surface of the longbow. There was no bowstring, or the bowstring was invisible, but he could feel it when he held the bow.

This bow string is made of the power of heaven and earth!

This is the fourth new effect.


4: The bow string is composed of the power of heaven and earth, and the arrows fired will shoot towards the enemy at an extremely fast speed. If the enemy is locked with his consciousness, the speed will be even faster.


Very simple effect.

But Chen Yuan's face gradually became weird. How could he have any arrows as a Dharma cultivator? He was not an arrow cultivator. It wasn't that he didn't have an arrow cultivator, but he was too niche, even more niche than the hexagram cultivator.

But he has another good thing.

A thought came to my mind.

The twelfth-grade golden elixir emerged outside the body.

As he raised the bow with his left hand, a looming bow string emerged. He held the twelve-grade golden elixir in the palm of his hand and placed it on the bow string. He aimed at the desolation in the distance of the small world and slowly pulled the bow hard.

When you feel your limit.

His right hand suddenly released.

A force of heaven and earth suddenly swung out from the long bow in his hand towards the surroundings, and then he saw the twelfth-grade golden elixir shooting away into the distance at a speed that even his spiritual consciousness could not catch!

The ear-piercing sonic boom resounded throughout the sky above the entire Chaotian Sect.

A golden tail flame was left behind.


Chen Yuan looked at the twelfth-grade golden elixir that flew back to him with a strange expression. He seemed to have another attack method. With the strength of his twelfth-grade golden elixir, it could be said to be invincible!

Plus a long bow that uses the power of heaven and earth as its source of power!

Give him an acceleration that even his consciousness can't capture!

The attack power of a single target is almost maxed out.

Even if he is a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he is confident that he can kill him in one shot!

This kind of single-target attack intensity is much stronger than that of Yin Lei Jue. In terms of momentum, the twelfth-grade golden elixir is far inferior to Yin Lei Jue. After all, with the full force of Yin Lei Jue, there are violent storms and dark clouds, which only cause The power of heaven and earth is huge.

But in terms of single-target attack strength, the twelfth-grade golden elixir is currently his strongest method.


It seems that it is not only possible to shoot golden elixirs.

As the spiritual energy surged out, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky above the Chaotian Sect, and a violent storm roared in. A small thunder ball containing hundreds of thousands of thunder dragons slowly appeared in Chen Yang's palm.

And in Chen Yang's mind.

This small thunder ball gradually turned into the shape of a translucent arrow.

You can clearly see hundreds of thousands of pocket-sized thunder dragons wandering inside the arrow. The arrow is purple-blue in color, surrounded by purple-blue arcs, and looks much slender than ordinary arrows.

It goes well with the Tianji Umbrella that turns into a long bow shape.

Chen Yang raised the bow with his left hand again, took a deep breath, and was a little ready to test its power. He put the "Thunder-inducing Jue" arrow on the bow string and aimed at the Mootian Sect under the mountain.

This arrow goes down.

It’s almost time to completely send the Chaotian Sect.

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