
Lying on the ground, Wan Yaozi's body slowly stopped twitching under the effect of the healing pill. He took out a few more pills and stuffed them into the horrible wound in his abdomen. He then stood up tremblingly, took out a handkerchief from his arms and carefully wiped the spirit tablets on the altar.

"Brother. Xiaojiu finally succeeded. Didn't you always say that Xiaojiu was the most cowardly, the most afraid of death, and the least courageous among the brothers?"

"It would be great if you were still alive."

"I really want to let you see that I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to leave you. Now even the starling is dead, and I don't have any memories."

"You see, I can also be very fearless of death."

He didn't know who killed his eldest and second brothers.

The eldest brother died after escaping to the cave with serious injuries. Before he died, he refused to say who killed him, and told them never to seek revenge. Their only goal was to rescue the master. No matter who died in the hands of others, they deserved to die.

Forget all hatred, revenge will only slow down their progress.

Ignore everything and rescue the master.

The eldest brother is lucky, at least he left a last word.

The sixth brother, the seventh brother, and the eighth brother all died outside, and even their last words were not sent back.

Wan Yaozi took out 24 incense sticks from his arms in a trance, and after lighting them, he inserted them into the eight incense burners in front of the spirit tablet. The spirit tablet was customized a long time ago, and nine were made.

And now.

Wan Yaozi, who was ragged and covered with wounds, suddenly grinned, took out a brand new spirit tablet from his arms again, placed it neatly on the far right of the altar, and placed another incense burner in front of it.

He lit three incense sticks again, bowed three times respectfully to the ninth spirit tablet, and then said softly.


"There is only one step left. Xiaojiu should leave. I really miss you and come back to see you before I leave."

"After you leave, Xiaojiu is really lonely."

"Xiaojiu misses you."

"Fufeng City has been successfully selected as the place where Master will descend this time. It is the weakest area in the entire Daxia Kingdom, and I have spread the news in advance. Those who have some power behind them have already fled Fufeng City in advance. Now those who remain in Fufeng City are a bunch of chickens and dogs, so there is no need to worry."

"Master will definitely succeed."

"Xiaojiu. Say goodbye to the brothers."

"I'm leaving."

After that.

Wan Yaozi's originally hunched back gradually straightened up, and his ragged clothes kept shaking in the strong wind. He turned around and strode out of the cave. Standing in the sky, he waved his sleeves with a ferocious face, and the spiritual energy shot out, completely destroying the cave.

This cave was the hiding place that the eldest brother took them to find after the master left. For a long time, this was their home.

Now he destroyed his own home with his own hands.

A home without family members is not a home, and he has no chance to come back.

Over the years, although his brothers have made their master forget all hatred in order to save the master, and would rather die than tell him who killed him.

But Daxia is so small.

Those who killed his brothers spread the word that they killed Wan Yaozi everywhere.

How could he not know.

Just to make his brothers happy and let the plan go smoothly, he always pretended not to know with a forced smile, but secretly remembered the names of those people in his heart. At this time, the plan has been successful, and the rest is all left to the master.

And what he has to do now.

is to let those who killed his brothers feel the pain of losing their relatives!

In the last step of the plan, he mixed selfishness and made a little trick, leading those Jindan monks who had killed his brothers to a place. He couldn't beat Jindan, but it was no problem to kill some foundation-building juniors.


Wan Yaozi, who originally thought he was well prepared, could not help but roar in pain while floating in the air and looking at the black fog of Fufeng City. Two lines of blood and tears gradually slid down.

He did not understand.

His brothers had no conflict with those people. They just killed some mortals. Why did those people kill their brothers?

If they wanted to kill them, they should be killed by forces related to those mortals!

What qualifications do you passers-by have to enforce justice on behalf of heaven!

The next second——

Wan Yaozi's whole body turned into a red light and shot towards the sky. The speed was even faster than that of ordinary Jindan masters. His lifespan seemed to be consumed at will.

In the eyes of some people, lifespan is useless.

"Don't you all like to kill me, Wan Yaozi, to show off your righteous identity?!"

"I won't run away this time, I'm here!"

"Come and kill!"

In just a few breaths, Wan Yaozi stopped in a mediocre mortal city. The man who killed his fourth brother was a Jindan master named "Xiaoyao Taoist", who came from this city, and his former relatives have become the largest family in the city.

The strongest person in this city is only in the middle stage of foundation building.

Wan Yaozi, who was wrapped in the monstrous evil spirit, looked at the mortals in the city below who were full of fear, and a grim smile appeared on his painful cheeks.


"The person who killed you is called Wan Yaozi!"

"Evil cultivator Wan Yaozi!"

"Today, I will let this world see what is an evil cultivator and what is a Wan Yao evil cultivator!"

"Blood Flows Thousand Miles, open it for me!!!"

This is the first time Wan Yaozi has taken the initiative to retaliate in Daxia Kingdom over the years, and it is also the last time.

At the cost of greatly consuming lifespan, blood mist spewed out all over the sky, almost dyeing half of the sky red. Along with the roar of Wan Yaozi, the eyes of tens of thousands of monsters within a hundred miles gradually turned scarlet and lost their minds. They gathered in ferocious groups and rushed toward the city.

The monsters kept in captivity in the city also lost their minds, their eyes turned red, and they began to attack the people around them indiscriminately.

Maybe what Master said is right.

The nine of them are really lucky people. They are born with bloodline entries. They have a lifespan shared by nine people, a cultivation level shared by nine people, and a skill level shared by nine people.

If one person practices a certain skill to Dzogchen, the other eight people will also achieve Dzogchen in that skill.

If one person breaks through to the peak of foundation building, the cultivation of the other eight people will also break through to the peak of foundation building.

One person dies unexpectedly, and the remaining lifespan is shared equally among the remaining eight people.

Sometimes he also wonders, if the master is not an evil cultivator but a righteous cultivator, will they be like other people?

Live a normal life.

but now.

He just wants everyone who deserves to die to die!

Since the world calls him evil, he will tell the world what true evil is!

And at this time——

At the smashed gate of Fu Feng City, the officers and soldiers had lost their formation under the impact of a large number of painless monsters. The whole scene was completely chaotic. In the black mist, Chen Yang, who was wearing a green robe, was holding a long sword.

The robe on his body rippled violently in the wind, and he walked slowly through the fleeing crowd around him, heading upstream towards the city gate.


Chen Yuan slowly stopped. In front of him were countless monster beasts that had lost their minds and had red eyes, and behind him were more than six thousand monster beasts that had also lost their minds and had ferocious faces.

The whole scene seemed to become quiet instantly.

But soon, those monster beasts roared and launched a desperate charge towards Chen Yuan!

"They all like to knock."

"Then let me knock on it too."

Chen Yuan's face showed no trace of emotion. He slowly raised his long sword and pointed it directly at the monsters running towards him in front of him and said softly: "Kow."

The next moment!

Hundreds of rays of lightning suddenly used the sword as a guide, and like thousands of thunders, turned into several thunder snakes and smashed crazily at the monster!

The sky even lit up for a moment.

Almost in just an instant, countless demonic beasts died suddenly on the spot, and the ten demonic beasts transformed by these dead demonic beasts died again at the same instant, turning into ten demonic beasts and joining the battlefield again.

"Brother Yang's methods are still fierce."

The fat dragon standing at the back looked at the hundreds of thunder snakes at the city gate with a somewhat shocked expression and murmured: "But Wan Yaozi's methods are not bad either. A person with peak foundation-building cultivation can actually control so many monsters."

"And according to what you said, Wan Yaozi has learned at least three remote escape techniques. If he wants to be faster than ordinary golden elixirs, his remote escape techniques must be at the level of Dzogchen. It's just that a person needs to master the three remote escape techniques. Can he reach the state of Dzogchen? You also said that Wan Yaozi has several weird methods. Does he have the talent and time? "

"What's more, you said that his three remote escape techniques all rely on the consumption of lifespan to activate."

"It's just the foundation building period. His lifespan seems to be more durable than mine."

"Not sure."

The scholar, who was cross-legged and suspended on the Qingfeng sword under him, said softly: "I killed him three times, but every time he always appeared again not long after."

"I only killed his outer body and the like. This man's escape skills are extremely good. Several golden elixir powers chased and killed Wan Yaozi, but they only seriously injured Wan Yaozi and did not kill him on the spot. Only I continuously killed Wan Yaozi on the spot. Yaozi three times.”

"It was those three times that made my reputation as the number one sword cultivator in Great Xia even stronger, but every time, the person I killed was not Wan Yaozi's true form."

"I always wanted to kill him completely so that I could be completely famous."

"It's just that this person is really difficult to kill."

"It can be considered a regret in my life."

Fei Long crossed his arms and sighed: "Killed three times in a row. It sounds like you were very strong before. The title of the number one swordsman in Daxia is very loud. Is there any hatred between you two? Let you kill him in a row." three times."

"No grudges or grudges."

"If you don't have any hatred, why would you kill someone three times in a row?"

"Evil cultivators must be punished by everyone!"


Fei Long didn't know what he suddenly thought of. He tilted his head and smiled and looked at the scholar sitting cross-legged on Qingfeng, suspended in mid-air: "They are all open-minded people, why can't they just say that it is for fame?"

The scholar hung silently in mid-air without speaking. After a long time, he spoke softly.

"That sounds a bit too utilitarian."

"That makes sense."

"What's more, someone has to do justice for God."

"But Heaven doesn't care, so why do you care? Maybe Heaven doesn't care at all."

"But this little fish cares, and so does that little fish."

"Yeah, you actually know this story too."

"When I was in the capital, a storyteller told it. I thought it was interesting, so I wrote it down."

"Okay, that makes more sense."

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