I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 96: Our fathers are not vulnerable to the enemy.


Chen Lu no longer felt sorry for the spirit stones. Since he had already spent them, he didn't need to think too much. He just had to wait patiently for the results.

Then he looked at his cultivation panel.


"Cultivation": Foundation Establishment Stage 3 (36.9%)-

The effect of the Heavenly Dao Lower Grade Cultivation Pill was still very good. One pill could increase his cultivation progress by 0.7%. There were 67 pills here. If he took all of them, he could increase his cultivation progress by 46.9%.

It was far more than the cultivation progress brought by taking a golden pill of a cultivator at the first level of the golden elixir.

And there were no side effects, no impurities left, and it was absorbed quickly.

"Good stuff."

Chen Lu weighed the storage bag in his hand. At this time, the shopkeeper who had agreed with them had not come yet. He did not hesitate, but took out a Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill and put it in his mouth.

It melted in his mouth. In a few breaths, this Heavenly Dao Cultivation Pill was completely absorbed by him.

Then he did not stay for long, but picked up another one.

One by one, and then another.

Three sticks of incense later.

He slowly opened his eyes, and his cultivation progress had arrived.


"Cultivation": Foundation Establishment Stage 3 (83.8%)-

It is extremely difficult to improve the cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Stage. It is normal for many Foundation Establishment cultivators to be stuck in a small realm for three or four years. If they are busy with trivial matters or are the head of a family or have an important position in the sect, they cannot practice at ease.

It is normal to improve a small realm in five or six years.

Especially from the first to the ninth level of Foundation Establishment, it is extremely difficult to improve the cultivation level every time.

Most people can practice to the Foundation Establishment Stage as long as they have a little adventure in their life.

But to break through to the Golden Core, or to practice to the late stage of Foundation Establishment or even the peak, you need not only a little adventure, but hundreds of little adventures to get you here on the road of cultivation.

And the reason why he broke through so quickly in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Basically, it depends on two points.

Golden elixir and Heavenly Dao cultivation elixir.

These two are not small adventures, but great adventures that many Golden elixir cultivators rarely encounter. To put it bluntly, all the Golden elixir cultivators in the whole Great Xia Kingdom are counted as one.

Among them, at least 50% are Golden elixir cultivators.

I have never killed two Golden elixir cultivators in my life.

How can Golden elixir be killed so easily? After the cultivation level breaks through to the Golden elixir, everyone has experienced countless adventures to step on it. Who knows what backhands and trump cards other Golden elixir cultivators have in their hands? It is really hard to say who will win in a life-and-death battle.

Just then——

There was a rustling sound of footsteps outside the temple.

Last night, the shopkeeper came into the temple late. As soon as he entered the temple, he looked at Chen Lu and the other man with shadows flickering on their faces beside the bonfire with an apologetic look on his face: "My two lords, I am late. I made a mistake on the way."

"Then shall we start?"


Chen Lu put the remaining six storage rings in his arms on the ground and said seriously: "Then I will trouble you, old sir."

Although the shopkeeper looked a little tired, he got into the state quickly. Without saying much, he turned his spiritual energy into silk and sat cross-legged on the ground again, and began to concentrate on breaking the restriction again.

This time it was much faster than the last time. Perhaps he had some experience in breaking the restriction of the golden elixir storage ring once. Before dawn, all six storage rings had been broken.

"This time it is really done."

The shopkeeper's brows concealed the fatigue that could not be concealed. His face was pale and his voice was hoarse. "Then I will take my leave first."

After the shopkeeper left.

Chen Lucai probed the six storage rings with his spiritual sense. The storage ring of the poisonous cultivator's golden elixir was empty. There was nothing in it, not even a set of clothes.

It was just like a newly bought storage ring.

But according to the shopkeeper, there were many restrictions added by the poisonous cultivator's golden elixir on this storage ring, even several times more than the storage ring with the Heavenly Dao Jade Slip.

There must be a reason for being so serious.

But after thinking for a while, he still couldn't figure out why the poisonous cultivator's golden elixir added so many restrictions to a storage ring that didn't contain anything. He temporarily put it aside and looked at the remaining five storage rings.

Two of them belonged to the evil cultivator.

What disappointed him was.

There was not even a set of clothes in these two storage rings.

There were no spirit stones, elixirs, or the long-distance escape technique that he was most looking forward to.

There was a note in each of the two storage rings.

"Remember, I am an evil cultivator, Wan Yaozi!"


It can be seen that Wan Yaozi may have thrown away all the inventory in his storage ring when he was seriously injured, or hid it somewhere, so that even if he died, he would not leave any benefit to the enemy.

No wonder he is obviously just a foundation-building cultivator.

When the shopkeeper just cracked the two storage rings, his brows were furrowed and it looked extremely difficult. It is estimated that the restrictions laid inside are as many as the spider webs of Chaotian Sect.

Chen Yu shook his head and put the two storage rings into the small world, and tilted his head to look at the other three storage rings.

These three storage rings are the storage rings of the owner of Wentian Market. Although he is a casual cultivator, his cultivation is not low, and he must have a lot of inventory to manage a market. Apart from other things, the inns in Wentian Market alone can bring a lot of income to the owner every year.

The first storage ring.

It is extremely simple, with only spirit stones.

But for some reason, there are much less than the poison cultivator's golden elixir, only more than 2,000 spirit stones. The poison cultivator, who is only at the first level of the golden elixir, has tens of thousands of spirit stones in stock. How can you, a master of the middle stage of the golden elixir, have more than 2,000 spirit stones in your pocket?

Thinking that there might be more spirit stones in the other two storage rings, Chen Lu tentatively probed his consciousness into the second storage ring.


He was slightly stunned.

I really saw something good.

And it was his favorite thing.

Among a large number of elixirs, talismans, etc., there were several jade slips emitting milky white light.

The three jade slips were surprisingly the "entry jade slips".

"Good guy."

Chen Lu narrowed his eyes in expectation and probed his consciousness. This brother is really a good person. He left the entry jade slips unused and kept them in the storage ring for the benefit of future generations, right?


"Entry name": Destiny Dual Cultivation.

[Entry Level]: Purple.

[Entry Effect]: When you have the 'Nine Bull Power' or 'Nine Yin Power', you will practice any dual cultivation method nine times faster. If you have both the 'Nine Bull Power' and 'Nine Yin Power', you will practice any dual cultivation method eighteen times faster.


".Oh my god!"

Chen Yu looked at the entry panel in front of him, and his mouth opened slowly in disbelief. This entry panel was a bit too exaggerated, if it just met its prerequisites.

This entry is not even inferior to the pink entry, or even the colorful entry!

Excluding special entries such as gray entries, bloodline entries, and heavenly entries.

The entry levels from low to high are white, green, yellow, blue, purple, red, gold, pink, and colorful.

And this entry is a purple entry!!!

It is already a very high-level entry. Although I don’t know where the owner of Wentian Market got this jade slip, it is foreseeable that if this entry is taken out, it will definitely be sold at a sky-high price.

"Fei Long"

Chen Yu rolled his throat slightly, and took his mind back from the small world. He looked at Fei Long who was sitting cross-legged and practicing the mind method and murmured: "Your opportunity seems to have come."


Fei Long, who was practicing, opened his eyes and asked in confusion: "Brother Yu, what are you talking about? Isn't my biggest opportunity meeting you?"


Chen Yu was speechless and didn't speak at the first time. Then he took out the purple jade slip of "Heavenly Destiny Dual Cultivation" from his arms and threw it into Fei Long's arms: "Take a look."

Only Fei Long is the most suitable for this entry around him.

As long as he finds a suitable dual cultivation mind method for him, under the effect of this entry, Fei Long's cultivation progress will usher in a rocket-like leap.

This is also the first time he has encountered a purple entry.

In the past, he had either encountered "pink terms" with unlimited growth, or "colorful terms" that were basically impossible to have.

The highest level terms he had seen before were yellow terms.

I vaguely remember that he was a lucky guy, a young master of the Huang family, who had the yellow term "Violent from Front and Back", but it was a pity that his brain was not very good.

The only thing that puzzled him was.

How could anyone have both the "Nine Bull Power" and "Nine Yin Power" terms at the same time?

In theory, only male cultivators can get "Nine Bull Power" randomly, and the probability of women getting it randomly is not zero, but the probability is very low, and the same is true for "Nine Yin Power".

Moreover, after the grand ceremony in Fufeng City, he specifically inquired that there were no jade slips for terms such as "Nine Bull Power" and "Nine Yin Power". Not all terms have item jade slips that can be produced from places such as the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm.

For example, the entry "Nine Bulls' Strength" can only be obtained randomly when breaking through the realm.


A bright light suddenly flashed in Chen Lu's mind, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

If a cultivator randomly gets the entry "Nine Bulls' Strength" when entering the Qi Refining Stage, and then chooses the entry "Yin and Yang Reversal" when breaking through the Foundation Establishment Three Selections, and then chooses the entry "Nine Yin Strength" when breaking through the Golden Core.

In this way, it can completely meet the harsh condition of having both the "Nine Bulls' Strength" and "Nine Yin Strength" entries at the same time.

At this time, add the entry "Heavenly Destiny Dual Cultivation".

Oh my God.

Practicing the dual cultivation mental method at eighteen times the speed, he can't imagine how fast the cultivation level will increase!

But this condition is too harsh. It is difficult to successfully break through to the Golden Core Stage if you get several entries in a row without any improvement in combat power. The entry of too late stage is actually not a good thing, which means that you will have a hard time in the early stage.

"Great stuff!!!"

After seeing the effect of the entry, Fei Long on the side jumped up excitedly and looked at Chen Lu excitedly: "Brother Lu, do you want to give me this entry?"


"Great, great, great, great." Fei Long, who was a little excited and incoherent, wanted to say something to express his gratitude, but soon he seemed to think of something and looked up at Chen Lu.

"Wait, Brother Lu, I don't seem to be able to practice the dual cultivation method."

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Lu, have you forgotten that I have the "100% accurate" entry? Sexual intercourse will definitely lead to pregnancy?"


Chen Yuan, who suddenly reacted, had just thought of this and immediately fell into silence. After a moment of hesitation, he tentatively asked: "Is there any kind of double cultivation method that is not the Eighteen Forbidden Rules?"

"For example, the kind that doesn't require having sex, but only requires two people to sit cross-legged facing each other, and then put their hands together to practice cultivation?"


Fei Long shook his head affirmatively: "At least I haven't heard of it anywhere."

"That's a real problem."

Chen Yuan fell into deep thought for a while and didn't know how to solve this problem. This was indeed a drawback. He couldn't lead a bunch of children on the path to immortality, but he couldn't kill the children either.

Even if you have to kill him, you have to find the entry "Talking on the Path to Immortality" and then kill him.

Otherwise it would be a waste.

Killed in the stomach? This feels weirder and more sinful.

Chen Yuan didn't answer immediately, and he didn't think of any good solution. He just subconsciously looked at the two remaining jade slips in the storage ring.

One of them was quite useful to him.


"Entry name": Step by step.

"Entry level": gray.

"Entry effect": After you learn the 'shrinking the ground into an inch' movement technique, when you perform this movement technique, the distance you can cross will be strengthened five times, and the spiritual energy of the world will be consumed, and your own spiritual energy will not be consumed, but you There will be no control over the direction and landing location, and the landing location and direction will be completely random.


"Shrink the ground into an inch".

Like the "Leading Thunder Technique", it is a relatively basic spell in the world of immortal cultivation. Even many monks who are not cultivators of magic, such as sword cultivators, alchemy cultivators, etc., can master the "Leading Thunder Technique".

It's not such a complicated spell after all.

Just like many monks will learn the "Spring Rain Skill", the purpose of this spell is mainly to water the spiritual field, but many monks use this spell to bathe themselves when they go out.

Shrinking the ground into an inch is a very classic and widely spread body technique.

It is a movement technique that is not suitable for running and escaping, and for short-distance combat.

Can quickly move to a location several feet away.

The speed is extremely fast, even comparable to some remote escape techniques, but it consumes a lot of spiritual energy, making it difficult to use it several times in a short period of time. It is a movement technique used to avoid the enemy's fatal blow at critical moments.

But after having this entry.

This movement technique has become extraordinary. Not to mention anything else, it is very powerful just because it does not consume spiritual energy. This means that you can use it without restriction. The speed of this movement technique is faster than many long-distance escape techniques. All fast.


The location and direction of the landing point are completely random, which means there are many surprises. For example, it is entirely possible for you to teleport right in front of the enemy and be face to face with the enemy.

But even with this shortcoming, Chen Huan still crushed the jade slip, and the name of this entry gradually appeared on the foundation.

In a short period of time, this entry had a very good effect on him, at least it made up for his lack of movement skills.

When I have better body skills in the future, I won't need to shrink to an inch. This entry can also self-destruct.

The movement technique of "shrinking the ground into an inch" is very common. There are even a dozen secret realms of "shrinking the ground into an inch" in his small world, but he has no intention of practicing it.

Tomorrow I will go to Kaishan City to buy "Shrinking Earth into an Inch" produced by Tiandao Secret Realm.

Once it is practiced, it will reach the state of Dacheng.

When Chen Yuan looked at the last entry on the jade slip, his expression gradually became strange. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he just threw the entry on the jade slip into Fei Long's arms.

"See for yourself."


"Entry name": The father's generation is invincible.

"Entry level": green.

"Entry Effect": Any attacks you suffer will be spread evenly to your children, and any attacks your parents suffer will be transferred to you.


What a father who is invincible!

It can be said that filial piety has been carried forward!

To a certain extent, this may be a quite powerful entry for certain races that reproduce more powerfully.

This world is not just about humans.

There are also demons, serious demons, not the kind of demon monks.

There are also monsters and so on.

It's just that in Daxia, the human race is the highest level, and all demon races have to stay in the prescribed areas, and the demon race has not been seen for many years. I don't know if it was all extinct early.

Some monsters, such as rabbit monsters, can give birth to many in one litter. For those who can give birth, this entry is more powerful.


This entry seems to be suitable for Fat Dragon.

"How to say?"

Chen Yang looked at Fei Long with a complex expression: "It seems that God wants you to have children. As long as you have enough children, hundreds of thousands, you can directly resist the golden elixir."

"You will definitely not die until all your children are dead."

"Directly invincible."

"And you don't have a father or a mother, so you don't even have any side effects."

"Brother Xuan, wait a minute." Feilong looked at the entry "Fathers are not invincible" in a daze, and murmured in a daze: "Let me figure it out, why do I feel a little confused?"

"I really don't want to have a child. I'm here to cultivate immortality. What kind of child will I have?"

"I'm still thinking about realizing the Nascent Soul!"

Just like that, after a few sticks of incense!

"I thought of a way!!!"

Feilong suddenly screamed excitedly, causing Chen Yang, who was practicing his mental method, to almost have his spiritual energy flow back. He couldn't help but open his eyes and said angrily: "Let go!"

"Look at Brother Yang."

Feilong tugged his fingers with a serious look on his face: "I now have an entry that is extremely suitable for dual cultivation, but I also have the entry "always on target" that is not conducive to dual cultivation, right? "

"But Brother Yang, do you know about reproductive barriers?"

"Humans and demons cannot have children."

"So I can find some female monsters, so that I can fully utilize my "Double Cultivation of Destiny" entry, and at the same time ignore the negative effects of the "Always Hit" entry. "

“Absolutely perfect!”

"What do you mean, Brother Xiong?"



Chen Yuan was expressionless and silent for a long time before he said softly: "Female monster? In fact, there is no need to humiliate yourself so much for the sake of cultivation? Can you really do it?"

"Can't get down."

The fat dragon suddenly calmed down and looked at the stars in the sky along the gap on the temple roof in a trance: "How can I do it? If I want to get rid of those carapace, those viscous liquids, and those horrible mouthparts, I will do it Don’t take your hands off.”

"I am a human being, not a beast with only Goba."

"How is it possible that you can just see a hole and kill it?"

"Especially when I think about those monsters that have even eaten people, I feel sick to my stomach."


"Then what can be done?"

"It was my chance to meet Brother Yang, but Brother Yang, your cultivation level is improving faster and faster. I can't keep holding you back. Scholars and others have all found their own positions in Mootian Sect, and although I, Fei Long, He claims to be the great elder of Tianzong, but it’s of no use.”

"People need to realize their value. No one wants to be an unknown waste all the time."

"What's more, I, Fat Dragon, still hope to realize the Nascent Soul one day, so how can I live under the protection of others all my life."


"Even if I can't do it, even if I feel sick, even if I feel extremely nauseous, even if the world doesn't understand me, I will force myself to do it."

"Just think of it as slaying demons."

"It can be considered a blessing to the world."


Chen Yuan was expressionless and silent. In fact, he wanted to complain now, why did you make it sound like you were going to die for some unattainable ideal?

But seeing Fei Long's serious look, he didn't say anything, not wanting to hurt Fei Long.

After a moment, he nodded slightly.


Soon the sun was high in the sky.

It's already noon.

Chen Yuan woke up slowly from the Tianzihao guest room of an inn in Kaishan City. He had a day off from practicing last night and had a good sleep. Originally, he had decided to continue sleeping in the Xiaotian Sect disciple dormitory in the small world last night. .


The Chaotian Sect is really too broken.

It was not comfortable to sleep at all, so they entered the city in the middle of the night and ran to the inn. Sleeping in this sky-sized guest room was much more comfortable than the stone bed in the disciple dormitory.

After getting up and sitting on the bed, he worked through some mental techniques to expel all the turbid air from his body and some of the dirt outside his body. Then he opened his eyes and played with a token in his hand.

This token was found yesterday in the third storage ring on the owner of Wentianfang City.

When I saw this token.

He knew why as the head of Wentianfang City, he only had more than two thousand spirit stones on his body.

It is estimated that most of the spiritual stones were used to purchase this token.

"Seven Killing Formations of Fiery Flames"

"The middle-grade golden elixir formation plate can kill fifth-level golden elixir monks when completed."


Chen Yuan played with the token in his hand and looked out the window in a trance. Now that he thought about it, he was really on the verge of life and death. That is to say, he started too quickly, and Wentianfang City didn't react at all.

Otherwise, once this array is activated.

Even if it has just been activated and the power of the formation has not reached its maximum, it is still enough to kill him!

It can only be said that it was a bit too lucky. If there was even the slightest mistake, he would not see the sun tomorrow, and now this good thing belongs to him.

I don’t know why the owner of Wentianfang City spent so much money to buy such a formation plate.

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