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"It may be due to the weather that the body decomposed faster."

"Sister Chu"

"What's wrong?"

"I think you are most rational when facing a corpse."


Chu Jiani looked at Wu Nan angrily as he spoke those words with a serious face, and she was so angry that her teeth itched.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, let's do business first."

Wu Nan strolled around and observed, while Chu Jiani squatted beside Liu Si's body, put on gloves, and carefully observed Liu Si's body. Although there was a serious knife wound on his body, there seemed to be something wrong with his body. There was a strong smell of decay on the body, but it always felt that there was something that was easy to overlook.

Chu Jiani carefully turned over every part of Liu Si's body and found that in addition to the knife wound, there were indeed some other scars on his body.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this time, Chu Jiani suddenly found some plant leaves from Liu Si's clothes..

"This seems to be......"

Chu Jiani took a small piece, crushed it, put it under her nose and asked, and suddenly her glasses widened.

"Wu Nan, Wu Nan, come and take a look."

"What's wrong, Sister Chu?"

At this time, Wu Nan walked in from the main entrance of the ancestral hall with a few leaves from a plant in his hand.

"Wu Nan, what are you holding?"

Faced with Chu Jiani's serious question, Wu Nan was startled.

"Chu, Sister Chu? What's wrong? You're so serious all of a sudden. I'm so confused."

"......Nothing, just tell me where you got this from."

"I picked it from behind the ancestral hall. This is mint leaf, right? I asked."

"Bring it here and let me have a look."


Wu Nan said, and walked over with the leaves. Chu Jiani took them and smelled them. They smelled like mint.

"Indeed, this is mint leaf, it looks like this"

"What? Did you find it on the body?"


Wu Nan took the leaf that Chu Jiani found on the body, looked at it, sniffed it, and nodded vigorously, confirming that it was a mint leaf.

"Why is there mint on his body?"

Chu Jiani couldn't figure out this question and looked at Wu Nan in confusion, while Wu Nan just pouted and thought about something while holding the broken leaf.

When Chu Jiani saw that Wu Nan didn't answer her, she turned around and looked at the body lying beside her, and continued to check Liu Si's body.

Wu Nan squatted aside, without saying a word, and kept thinking about something. Wu Nan actually suspected that these mint leaves were put in Liu Si's clothes by Aunt Xu, because of their unusual relationship, Wu Nan was very sure that Aunt Xu had the opportunity to put these mint leaves on Liu Si's body, but he always felt that something was wrong. Where was it, and after Zhuge Tong said that he suspected Yue Ling, Wu Nan actually felt that Yue Ling's reactions were sometimes very abnormal.

Wu Nan was looking forward, but suddenly shook his head, wanting to deny certain ideas, but those ideas kept rolling in his mind and lingering.

"Wu Nan, he should have died of poisoning"

"What?. How did you know?"

"Because his internal organs are already black"


Wu Nan was surprised to see Chu Jiani holding the dead Liu Si's internal organs in her gloved hands. He was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Chu, Sister Chu, you are too violent......."Wu Nan wanted to say something, but when he saw Chu Jiani's cold smile, he swallowed the words he wanted to say back into his stomach.

"Chu, Sister Chu, can you find out anything else? For example, what kind of poison was it?"

"Wu Nan, do you think I'm a god? It's already rotten like this, how can I know what poison killed him? I can only say that he ate something that caused him to ingest the poison and then died."

"Sister Chu, what you said is nonsense, of course I know that you have to eat something to be poisoned, do you need to tell me that! Hey, now we need to know whether the murderer left some poison, otherwise, I really don’t know how to find direct evidence"

"You still have someone to rely on." Chu Jiani reminded Wu Nan from the side,"You can accept some of Zhuge Tong's opinions."

"Oh, by the way, do you know who Zhuge Tong is and what his identity is? He is really mysterious. When I first saw him, he was just a small policeman there, but I always felt that he was not that simple."

"Hey? You really don't know who he is? Didn't he tell you?"

When Wu Nan heard Chu Jiani's words, he was more certain of his inner thoughts. He just looked at Chu Jiani and waited for him to continue.

"Zhuge Tong is the senior inspector of Mohai City."

"What did you say? Say it again?"

Wu Nan looked at Chu Jiani in surprise, with a look of disbelief on his face. However, although Wu Nan was very surprised by this result, it was not to the point where Wu Nan could not accept or understand it. In fact, Wu Nan understood why Zhuge Tong was in the police station. Although others did not know his identity, no one would command him to do this or that, and he could go anywhere and use anything without any obstacles.

"But why do I see him so idle? Are all inspectors so idle?"

"Hahaha, although he is an inspector, there is really nothing for him to take care of, because he has taken care of everything, the division of labor and so on, and he is just slacking off all day long."

"But he is so young, how can he have such a high position? He is doing something that others cannot do even if they want to."

Wu Nan felt a little sorry for Zhao Chenglong and Chu Kuohai. They worked for so many years and climbed up to that position little by little, but he was so young and became a senior inspector just a few years after graduation.

"When he was in school, he was hired as a police officer as an exception. After graduation, he was directly transferred to the position of inspector. It was said that he seemed to have solved a big case at that time, and he had some background. Although he never relied on any background, his family gave him some help, which made his journey smooth."

"Some people's life experiences are really enviable."

"You two are not investigating the case, and you still have time to chat here, right?"

While Wu Nan and Chu Jiani were chatting enthusiastically, Zhuge Tong walked in from the main entrance of the ancestral hall, followed by Yue Ling.

"Who made you so mysterious? You hid your great identity so deeply, making others suspicious of you. Especially for someone like me, who must find out everything when I know something, how could I let go of information about your identity? Zhuge Tong."

Zhuge Tong didn't feel embarrassed about Wu Nan's cold response, but laughed instead.

"Okay, okay, our mission is almost complete, how are you two doing?"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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