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"Aunt Xu did stab the knife into Liu Si's body, but that didn't kill him immediately. Sister Chu just took out Liu Si's internal organs in the ancestral hall, and they were all black, so it can be confirmed that Liu Si died of poisoning."

"But, but I saw with my own eyes that after I stabbed the knife into Liu Si's body, he fell down and didn't move. He must have been dead at that time. I must have killed him. I killed him!"

Aunt Xu, who was kneeling there, grabbed Wu Nan's clothes and asked Wu Nan excitedly, while Wu Nan looked to the side and said nothing more.

"Well, no matter what, Aunt Xu and Mr. Chen Bin need to go to the police station with me. The rest of the matter has nothing to do with you two, so you don't have to worry too much."

Zhuge Tong waited for Wu Nan to deal with the two people and stood up to maintain order.

"I have contacted the nearest police officer in Yuejia Village, and they will drive over soon. I hope you two can seriously explain your actions at the time of the crime and actively admit your mistakes."

Zhuge Tong said, and then glanced at Wu Nan. After getting Wu Nan's next move, he nodded and walked out of the house first.

Soon, the police car drove into the village. The sirens attracted many people. People in the village came out and gathered at the door of Aunt Xu's house. There were several policemen there to maintain order. The rest of the people walked into Aunt Xu's yard. After seeing Zhuge Tong's ID, they saluted Zhuge Tong and took Aunt Xu and Chen Bin to the police car.

""Wait a minute."

Just as the police were about to leave, Wu Nan shouted, and everyone's attention was focused on Wu Nan.

"There are still some details that require my friend and I to go to the police station to record. Zhuge Tong’s car can’t accommodate everyone. Can you take us there?"

One of the police officers in charge looked at Zhuge Tong. After all, among the people present, Zhuge Tong had the highest official position. After Zhuge Tong nodded his instruction, the police officer asked Wu Nan and Yue Ling to get on the police car, while Chu Jiani sat in Zhuge Tong's car and went to the police station with them. When

Wu Nan's car arrived at Yue Gang's house, Wu Nan asked the driver to stop the car, and he got out of the car himself to call Yue Gang out, took Yue Gang to the police car, and went to the police station together.

Along the way, Wu Nan briefly introduced the general events of the day to Yue Gang, and thanked Yue Gang's sister Yue Ling for her contribution today.

Soon, cars arrived at the police station one after another. Yue Ling, who had just finished taking notes in the interrogation room, was a little scared, but the police officer who took notes was kind enough to calm her down and said that someone else wanted to talk to her for a while before finishing. So, Yue Ling continued to sit in the interrogation room with a nervous heart and waited. After a while, Yue Ling saw the door open, and the person who walked in was Wu Nan.

"Wu Nan? Why are you here? The policeman just said that there is another person who needs to talk to me for a while before I can leave. Are you going to stay here with me for a while? Where is my brother?"

"Sister Yue Ling, please tell me the truth"

"What do you mean?" Yue Ling's attitude suddenly changed in response to Wu Nan's words, and she looked at Wu Nan impatiently.

"Tell me how you killed Liu Si, and why you killed him."

""What are you talking about? How can you think that I killed Liu Si? I have no connection with him, and didn't Aunt Xu admit that she killed Liu Si with a knife? Why are you still talking to me like that? Are you kidding me?"

Wu Nan looked at Yue Ling's expression. In fact, he admired Yue Ling's calmness in the face of danger, but after all, he was not a professional actor and his acting skills were still very poor.

"I believe you also heard me at Xu Yi's house just now. I said that Aunt Xu only injured Liu Si and made him fall to the ground, but it was not enough to kill him. What about you? You should have been at the scene at that time. I think you should have seen all the plots between Aunt Xu and Liu Si, and then you ran out and ran home after Aunt Xu ran away."

After listening to Wu Nan's words, Yue Ling was obviously a little dazed. She sat there and looked at Wu Nan in surprise, as if she was looking at a monster.

"Sister Yue Ling, tell me, what is your relationship with Liu Si until death?"

Yue Ling's eyes gradually became a little erratic, and her mood suddenly became a little abnormal, but Wu Nan still didn't say anything, still waiting for Yue Ling to tell the truth herself. After all, there are some things that Wu Nan can't say, and it's better to let the person involved say it in person.

"You want to know the truth, right?"

Wu Nan didn't say anything, but just kept looking at Yue Ling, looking a little calm.

"Well, I admit that I was there at the time. You are right. I saw the argument between Aunt Xu and Liu Si, and I also heard what they said about the collusion."

"You pushed the table over on purpose, right? Because the scratches you made on purpose would make it easier for us to find something strange underneath, and thus it would be easier for us to find a secret compartment there, and it would be easier for us to realize that those things were the documents of dispute between Aunt Xu, Chen Bin and Liu Si, right?"

"Haha, that's right. In fact, if I had known that Aunt Xu and the others had a dispute, I would not have taken the initiative to kill Liu Si. It really dirty my hands."

"Can you tell me why there is such a deep hatred between you that makes you want Liu Si to die so much?"

"You won't come out? You are so smart."After admitting that she was the one who killed Liu Si, Yue Ling seemed to be relieved.

Wu Nan looked at Yue Ling quietly without saying anything. He didn't know what to say, because based on Yue Ling's performance, Wu Nan already knew roughly why she had to kill Liu Si, but he really couldn't tell such a cruel fact to a girl.

"Do you know when I started to hate Liu Si? You would never guess that it was when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school.

Because my brother worked away from home all year round, I often stayed at other people's homes.

I wanted to go home to get something when I got the money, but when I was walking home, I met Liu Si.

He lied to me and said that my brother was back, but was waiting for me at his home, so he asked me to go to his home with him, and then he raped me at his home.

"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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