Who is the murderer?

According to Wu Nan's previous reasoning, many people have already thought of it. It is very likely Gou Anguo's younger brother Gou Anhua! Otherwise, Wu Nan would not have mentioned Gou Anhua, but this requires sufficient evidence to support it, and it is much more difficult to convict Gou Anhua than Gou Anguo, because Gou Anhua has too little connection with the deceased...

There was a buzz of discussion in the room.

Wu Nan, who deliberately kept silent for a while, said:"You don't have to think about it. The murder suspect I have confirmed is Gou Anguo! Not anyone else!"

"Both Song Qian and Gou Anguo had evidence of their alibis, and Gou Anguo's evidence was that he was on the plane at the time, flying from Xihang City to Kyoto City! In fact, when I found this out, I was also very confused. Since Gou Anguo was on the plane, he couldn't have committed the crime. Could it be that my inference was wrong? I even re-inferred the clues that I had given up before... until I saw this photo!"


Wu Nan snapped his fingers!

The picture on the white screen changed. It was a photo!

It looked like a photo of a wedding scene, with three bridesmaids and three groomsmen surrounding a newlywed couple!

"Look at this photo!" Wu Nan gestured to the back,"This photo is from Song Qian's QQ space. This is her wedding photo with Gou Anguo four years ago. Note that the groom Gou Anguo is the first best man on the left... They look very similar!"

"This person is Gou Anguo's younger brother, Gou Anhua! The two are not twin brothers, but brothers, and they look very similar... But Gou Anhua is slightly taller... So I thought, on the day of the incident, was it really Gou Anguo who boarded the plane?"

"This was a premeditated murder! If Gou Anguo was the murderer, he must have considered how to get rid of suspicion after killing Song Dong. The simplest way is to have sufficient alibis. Murder is something that must not be known to too many people, or in other words, must not be known to outsiders, people who cannot be fully trusted!"

"Out of a cautious mentality, Gou Anguo would not ask someone to perjure himself, and the testimony of relatives is less effective in law, so... Was it really Gou Anguo who boarded the plane? I think it might be Gou Anhua!"

"Although airport security checks are thorough and careful, they are unable to make a completely accurate detection of whether the person using the ID card is the real person. For example, the appearance of most women after makeup is very different from what is on their ID cards... You can only use the naked eye to confirm the facial features... If we only look at the facial features... Gou Anhua and Gou Anguo are really alike!"

"I think it was Gou Anguo who let his brother Gou Anhua take his ID card, pass the airport security check, and board the plane to Kyoto! This will be evidence of Gou Anguo's absence... I am not going in this direction for no reason. I said before that Song Qian had remitted money to Gou Anhua four times, totaling 18 million. This is very abnormal, unless Song Qian and Gou Anguo have a strong interest... What is this? Divide the spoils after getting the inheritance?"

"Therefore, in the final supplementary investigation, Gou Anhua also became a key target of investigation!"

"We investigated Gou Anhua’s call records, bank statements, and ID card usage for the past year... The day before Song Dong was killed, Gou Anhua’s ID card was used to purchase a high-speed train ticket from Xihang City to Mohai City, arriving at 9 a.m. on December 13 last year, which was twelve hours before the victim Song Dong’s death... However, the person using Gou Anhua’s ID card may not be Gou Anhua... it could be Gou Anguo!"


According to the information provided by the mobile company, Gou Anguo's mobile phone signal appeared in Mohai City on the day of the incident...

This is a problem that ordinary people don't notice at all, but many people have encountered it...

Mobile signal base stations have a certain coverage area.

For example, the mobile phone number signal in Hainan Province is covered by the signal base station in Hainan.

When a mobile phone owner with a Hainan number leaves Hainan and comes to Guangdong, he will usually receive a text message sent by the mobile company - Guangdong Mobile welcomes you!


"Because the mobile phone signal left the coverage area of the Hainan signal base station and was detected by the Guangdong signal base station... the background system automatically sent a text message!"

"Similarly! Gou Anguo's mobile phone number belongs to Zhejiang, but it enters the municipality of Mohai, so he also received a text message like this, Mohai Mobile welcomes you... According to the information provided by the mobile company, it is sufficient to prove that on the day of the incident, Gou Anguo's mobile phone signal appeared in Mohai City.……"

"However, according to Gou Anguo's statement, he should have been on the plane and flown to Kyoto... How could his phone not be with him? If it was with him, then... he was lying! He was not on the plane at all, but in Mohai City! On the plane was his younger brother Gou Anhua!"

Wu Nan suddenly sped up his speech:"According to the data provided by the mobile company, Gou Anhua's mobile phone number signal was detected in Kyoto after the incident, when the flight that Gou Anguo took arrived in Kyoto that night.

We also contacted Tencent and extracted the location information of Gou Anhua's QQ and WeChat...

Late at night on December 13 last year, Gou Anguo's ID card opened a hotel room in Kyoto.

After the person holding Gou Anguo's ID card checked into the hotel, Gou Anhua's QQ and WeChat logged in from the 4G network and switched to WiFi login.

The login IP was the IP address of the hotel's public WIFI that was used to book a room with Gou Anguo's ID card!


"In other words, according to the positioning of mobile phone signals and mobile phone software, it can be confirmed that on December 13 last year, Gou Anhua was in Kyoto, but his ID card was used in Shanghai, and Gou Anguo's ID card was used in Kyoto, but according to the positioning of mobile phone signals, he should be in Shanghai...

The two brothers just happened to be in reverse!

It can't be that the two brothers' phones were stolen at the same time? And they just happened to swap locations and appear in Shanghai and Kyoto?"

"The two exchanged their ID cards, which may be the only explanation!"

Wu Nan paused again, took a breath, raised his hand and knocked on the blackboard and said:"Most of you present here are criminal police. I think everyone should understand that when a person actively provides wrong information in a homicide case and lies when questioned by the police, what does this mean?!"


Wu Nan snapped his fingers before he finished speaking. A new photo was projected on the white screen.

A shoe print collected at the scene!

"This is the only clue found at the crime scene that can point to the murderer, a size 43 hiking boot print!"Wu Nan said quickly,"Gou Anguo was wearing size 43 shoes!"

"In summary, Gou Anguo had enough motive to kill and had the time to kill, and he lied when the police questioned him! The evidence of his absence can be said to be invalid... Therefore, I think Gou Anguo is the murderer!"

"Catch him!"


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