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"Secretary Chen, please don't listen to Xiaonan's nonsense. Xiaonan has a strong sense of justice since he was a child. Although he is smarter than other children, he is still a child after all.……"Wu Xinyan hurriedly explained to Wu Nan.

She was the one who said this.

Wu Nan immediately gave her sister an admiring look, well said! Your language level is very high, yes, it's just that your sense of justice is too strong!

After Wu Xinyan finished her explanation, she glared at Wu Nan.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion today, Wu Xinyan would have slapped Wu Nan.


Night, Guanjiang Garden Community

"Xiaonan, if you talk nonsense again, I won't let you go to the police station. Look at what you said. Suppose, if the murderer is really found and the murderer really died accidentally, do you think people will not suspect you?……"

Wu Xinyan opened the door and walked into the house, still talking to Wu Nan.

Originally, when the two of them came back by subway tonight, Wu Xinyan was completely angry and ignored Wu Nan. It was when they went upstairs that Wu Nan coaxed Wu Xinyan, but Wu Xinyan kept talking and didn't stop.

"My dear sister, can you please stop being such a nagging mother? How could you possibly doubt me? I'm only nine years old, okay? You said that, I have a strong sense of justice.……"

"I'm talking to you about reason. What does it have to do with your age? Besides, if you know you're nine years old, why do you keep going to the police station?"

"OK, OK, OK, Wu Xinyan, you are awesome, whatever you say is right……"

"What did you call me?!"

Wu Xinyan, who had just dropped her bag, turned around abruptly and stared at Wu Nan.

Wu Nan sensed the murderous aura, sniffed and whispered,"Sister……"

Late at night.

In the small bedroom, the lights were off, but the computer screen was on.

Wu Nan stared at the screen, reading the latest information he had found online. It was about the Taicang 515 case, of course. The more he read, the heavier his heart became, because the murderer's perversion was beyond his imagination. He had killed people in his previous life, and knew thousands of ways to kill people, but when he killed people, he wanted to kill them with one blow and get away with it. He never tortured or mutilated them, which was meaningless!

But the murderer of the Taicang 515 case was really capable of anything!

The more he read, the more anxious Wu Nan became.

He wanted to see the detailed files of the 515 case as soon as possible, but he didn't know how many days it would take for someone from Jiangsu to come. This had nothing to do with efficiency, but mainly because the case was too big back then, and there were really too many documents to be collected and sorted out!

August 11.

Three days had passed since Wu Nan last went to the police station.

Luo Tiantian's case had caused a complete sensation like a storm, but the outside world still didn't know about Luo Tiantian's connection with the Taicang 515 series of rape, murder and mutilation of girls ten years ago.

The police did not dare to announce the relevant case to the outside world, because the Jiangsu police had not sent anyone over.

On this day, Wu Nan did not wait for the file of case 15, but waited for the move!

The bureau granted Wu Xinyan a special day off that day. Wu Xinyan went to the bureau once in the morning and came back after ten o'clock. She also brought back the moving company's truck. All of them were arranged by the bureau. She moved directly to Xuhui District.

The bureau will also help coordinate Wu Nan's transfer procedures. In the area of Mohai, going to elementary school is not something you can do whenever you want, especially when Wu Nan is from another place. But the city police station will help with this matter, so there is no reason why it can't be done.

Move first, and then transfer to a new school a few days later. After all, there is still more than half a month before the start of school. At more than one o'clock in the afternoon, the moving company's truck drove into Yongkang Community, Yongkang Road, Xuhui District.

That's right, Wu Nan's new home is here!

Zhao Chenglong's family of three lives here, and there happens to be a house for rent here, so after the municipal bureau gave Wu Xinyan several options, Wu Xinyan chose to move here and become neighbors with Zhao Chenglong's family. Zhao

Chenglong's home is Room 301, 3rd floor, Unit 5!

And Wu Nan's new home is Room 401, 4th floor, Unit 4.

"It's time for dinner, Xiaolei, Xiaonan, stop playing and come and eat." In the living room, Chen Min brought the boiled fish to the table and called to the small bedroom.

Wu Xinyan brought the bowl and chopsticks over, then turned around and said,"Sister-in-law, the captain hasn't come back yet, why don't you wait a little longer?"

"No, no, he should be home soon, let's eat first."Chen Min waved her hand and said.


Speak of the devil!

They both heard the door open at the same time, turned their heads and saw Zhao Chenglong, who looked tired, open the door and enter the house.

Wu Xinyan was on holiday today to move, and Zhao Chenglong just got off work.

In fact, he should be home at around five o'clock normally, but he worked overtime again today, so it's almost seven o'clock now! Because of the phone call before, Chen Min prepared the meal at this time, and Wu Xinyan also came to help.

"Captain Zhao, I brought Xiaonan here to eat again." Wu Xinyan said half-jokingly

"OK, we have all moved here. Visit us often. Welcome.……"Zhao Chenglong responded with a few words, looking absent-minded. He threw his police hat and briefcase on the sofa and sat down again, looking like he was worried.

"Lao Zhao, what are you doing? Come to eat, why are you sitting down?" Chen Min greeted

"Well, eat, you guys eat." Zhao Chenglong turned his head and looked at him.

"What's wrong, Captain Zhao?"Wu Xinyan felt something was wrong and walked over to ask

"problem occurs……"Zhao Chenglong said something.

He was about to continue.


The door of the small bedroom opened, and Wu Nan and Zhao Lei ran out one after another. Zhao Lei ran to the dining table, and ran to wash her hands under Chen Min's scolding, while Wu Nan went directly to the sofa.

"Uncle Zhao, how is Luo Tiantian's case going? Has the case file from Jiangsu not been sent over yet?"Wu Nan asked, he had been thinking about this matter.

"Not yet." Zhao Chenglong replied, subconsciously taking out a cigarette from his pocket, took out a cigarette, immediately put it back, and threw the cigarette box on the coffee table... He just remembered that smoking is not allowed in the living room, Chen Min does not allow it.

Zhao Chenglong rarely smokes.

"Uncle Zhao...something happened?" Wu Nan asked. He could sense that Zhao Chenglong was in a very bad mood!

"Um……"Zhao Chenglong responded with a nasal sound, then turned around, picked up his briefcase, took out a not-so-thick file bag from it, and threw it on the table.

"What is this?" Wu Nan went straight to the file bag and asked

"We received a report this afternoon that another girl is missing.……"Zhao Chenglong's voice was heavy.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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