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Dongwan Village is not small.

After the Ford commercial vehicle drove out of the village committee compound, it drove a few hundred meters on the rural dirt road, turning around and around, and finally stopped under a low wall next to the entrance of a small alley.

Sun Meng got out of the car with red eyes.

Wu Nan also opened the sliding door and jumped down, followed Sun Meng to the entrance of the alley and looked inside.

The alley was very narrow, about three meters wide, and could only accommodate one car at most. The road surface was not a dirt road, but a brick road. It just looked old, with ups and downs on the road surface, and there were small potholes with accumulated water.

"It's here, go inside, the fifth house on the left is the suspect's home!" Zhao Chenglong pointed, and then said,"See that van? That's the vehicle the suspect used to transfer Pan Yingying."

In the alley, close to the wall of a courtyard, there was a shabby beige Wuling brand van parked.

Li Tao had changed cars before!

This was recorded in the investigation files that Wu Nan had seen before. The reason why they were"lost" near Guilin Road according to the surveillance a few days ago was because the suspects changed cars. They should have hidden the silver-gray commercial vehicle somewhere near Guilin Road, changed to a beige shabby van, and took Pan Yingying back to the village.

Because they changed cars, they could no longer be tracked according to traffic surveillance, and no one knew what car they changed to at the time.

On the west side of the alley entrance, at the entrance of another alley, several people ran out in a hurry.

"Captain Sun!"

"Xiaonan is here."

They are all detectives from the Criminal Investigation Team. That's not all. Some detectives are still watching from their respective positions. There are detectives guarding the front and back of the house where the suspect is, as well as the yard next door.

"Xiaonan, do you need to prepare for something else?" Sun Meng looked at Wu Nan.

"No need for that." Wu Nan said, but then turned back to the car and said,"Sister, adjust the equipment!" As he spoke, Wu Nan pulled the collar of his torn clothes.

The pinhole camera was installed on the decorative pocket near the right shoulder of the torn clothes, and the microphone was on the collar.

"Xiaonan, turn around."


"No problem."

I did a simple test and there was no problem at all

"I went."Wu Nan said


In the dilapidated old house, the floor is paved with red bricks, which have turned black due to age. There is almost nothing in the living room of the old house, because the house has not been lived in for many years.

The floor is full of garbage, melon seed shells, empty beer cans, and some small food packaging. There is a temporary folding table in the corner, with leftovers on the table and flies flying on the table.

There are several plastic stools around the dining table, and not far away is a shabby sofa with a slightly cleaner pillowcase on it. Three people are surrounding the sofa, two of them are sitting on it, and one is sitting on a small stool.

"Third brother, when will the people arrive?"

"Almost there. Almost there."

"It's been a few days, and you always say it's coming soon. Why don't you keep pushing me?"

"Uncle Hao, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Why am I so anxious? It's been a few days, and the girl has been looking for her mother every day, calling out, and you won't let us do it. What if someone who comes to visit hears it? What do you think we should do?"

""Okay , okay , I'll call after we finish this round."

The three of them were talking while playing cards. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The three of them looked up at the same time! Looking at the door, they all looked a little nervous, as if they had done something wrong.

"I'll go check it out." Li Tao said, threw down his cards and stood up.

When he came to the door, he asked first:"Who is it?"

"Have pity on me...I'm hungry……"A very pitiful voice of a little girl came from outside the door.

Li Tao frowned. He didn't hear the voice outside the door clearly. He turned around and said,"It seems to be a child!" Then he frowned, unlocked the door, opened a crack, and looked out.

However, he saw a beggar child in ragged clothes outside the door. He was about eight or nine years old, with messy hair and dirty all over his body. Although his face was also dirty, it could be seen that he was a little girl.

The little girl's eyes were bright, but they were timid.

Seeing someone open the door, the little girl hurriedly shook the bowl in her hand. Her little hands were dirty, and her nails were full of mud. There were some change in the bowl, mostly dimes, about a dozen, and there were also a few fifty-cent and one-dollar coins, plus a few one-dollar pieces of paper and pens.

"Have pity on me...I'm hungry...Good man……"The little girl spoke in a low voice, not seeming to dare to speak, but her big eyes looked at Li Tao.

Li Tao opened the door completely.

The other two people in the room also came over.

"Where did this child come from?"


Wu Nan was shocked when he saw the other two people coming, because he didn't know one of them! Among the three people, the one who opened the door was Li Tao, the young man in the baseball cap who drove the car at the beginning. The two who came later, the one in his forties or fifties, was Li Tao's uncle Hao Zhenkun.

The last one was a tall, thin, dark-skinned man in his thirties.

Who is he?

We don't know yet, but he must be an accomplice!

"Have pity on me... good man……"The little girl started shaking the bowl again, making a clattering sound. Standing at the door, Wu Nan could already see the general helpless situation and said," is fine...hungry."……"

A timid voice, a look of fear but ignorance.

Wu Nan acted out the state of a little beggar girl to the fullest. Li Tao and the others looked at each other and exchanged glances. Li Tao suddenly leaned out of the door, looked left and right in the alley, then shrank back and said to the little girl,"Come on, little girl, there is food here.……"

They successfully"tricked" the little girl into the house and closed the door.

Hao Zhenkun led the little girl to the table in the corner.

There were leftovers on the table.

Hao Zhenkun wanted to give the little girl half a leftover fried dough stick, but he didn't expect the little girl to be crazy.

She held her bowl tightly with one hand and reached directly into the plate with the other hand.

There was half a plate of boiled peanuts and edamame left on the table.

The little girl grabbed a handful and stuffed it into her mouth.

She didn't even peel the edamame skin.

She was really eating it.

Before she swallowed it in her mouth, she grabbed the remaining cold dishes in another plate, stuffed them into her mouth with the soup, and the soup flowed down her chin and all over her body.

It was obvious that she was starving!

"The child is hungry."Hao Zhenkun said, and exchanged glances with the dark and thin man.

Li Tao, who had closed the door, came back, took a look, and then walked to the south of the house.

There was a door over there.

He went over to open the door and hurried in. Some unclear sounds came from inside. In just half a minute, Li Tao came out, and with him came a middle-aged woman!

It was Li Tao's aunt, the middle-aged woman Li Lihua who wore an orange coat that day._Please download Feilu to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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