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"To him, the little girl is the door to a new world. When he opened the door to the new world, he couldn't extricate himself. He became more and more crazy and began to commit crimes frequently. From more than ten years ago to now, including Luo Tiantian's case, he has committed a total of ten cases in the 515 series. But these are only the ones discovered by the police. Maybe there are more that have not been discovered... I think there must be more that have not been discovered!"

Wu Nan took a deep breath and finally said:"Of course, all of this is just my guess. The clues are not clear, and the characteristics of the suspects are not clear enough. I can't guarantee whether it is right or wrong, but this is at least a direction worth investigating.……"

Wu Nan had a headache!

This case was so damn hard to analyze. There were no clues about Luo Tiantian's disappearance, and although there were clues in the previous nine cases of the 515 series, they were all cases from ten years ago. Apart from the text information on paper, it was no longer possible to obtain clues through visits and field investigations.

This greatly increased the difficulty of solving the case!

There was a moment of silence in the office.

Pang Hai looked at the table, thinking, and occasionally glancing at Wu Nan.

He should still be thinking about the issue of August 2nd. This could be said to be a major omission in the police investigation that year. The murderer committed crimes on August 2nd for three consecutive years. If all this had been discovered that year, perhaps, as Wu Nan said, August 2nd was really the murderer's birthday, then checking the cake shop might reveal some important clues!

In Taicang back then, with that kind of environment, there wouldn't be too many cake shops!

"Ten years later, the murderer committed a crime again." Pang Hai left his cousin behind, walked around the desk, sat down opposite Wu Nan, and hugged his shoulders again,"Why do you think the murderer committed a crime again?"

"It could be that there is no reason, and the pressure of life pushed him to extremes again."Wu Nan glanced at Pang Hai,"But it is more likely that there is a reason. After April 2007, the murderer basically did not commit crimes again, because the case had already caused a sensation across the country, and the case was combined into the 515 series of cases, and the Ministry of Public Security put it on the list for supervision. He should have stopped under pressure from the police.……"

"If, I say if, my previous analysis is correct, the murderer should have been 21 or 22 years old in 2007. Maybe he fell in love, got married, and returned to a normal life... A happy family and a normal living environment made him lose the reason and motivation to commit crimes again... And he committed crimes again this year, it is very likely that his family suffered a major change, or it may be because of illness.……"

"There are too many possibilities, and it is meaningless to discuss this now.

"Wu Nan looked at the computer screen,"But I think that the possibility that the murderer lives in Xuhui District is more than 80%!

Because now is different from the past, and Mohai is different from Taicang.

Mohai is a big city with surveillance cameras everywhere.

The murderer can only determine the location of surveillance cameras nearby before committing the crime.

If it is too far away...

no one can guarantee where there will be surveillance cameras.


"So I think the murderer should not be able to take Luo Tiantian out of Xuhui District, and given his cautious personality, he should not take that kind of risk. The more roads he takes, the greater the possibility of being exposed.……"

Luo Hai was silent.

He lowered his head and raised his hand to pinch his brows, thinking for a while, and then looked up at Wu Nan. He no longer thought about the case. Wu Nan had said everything he should say, and now he was thinking about Wu Nan.

Wu Nan successfully refreshed his three views!

If you don't see Wu Nan himself, don't hear his childish voice, and only listen to what he said, I'm afraid no one would believe that he is just a nine-year-old elementary school student, with outrageously clear logic, good at discovery, and amazing memory.

During the whole process of the conversation between Wu Nan and Luo Hai, he looked for documents, but he didn't want to see them himself, but to show them to Luo Hai. All the data he said were said directly!

"Are you going to start school soon?" Luo Hai asked

"Um... at the end of the month." Wu Nan replied. School will start on September 1st, but we have to report at the end of the month.

"After school starts, will you come to investigate again?" Luo Hai asked again. He seemed to no longer think that Wu Nan's investigation was such an unusual thing.

"Whether to check or not depends on my sister's attitude.……"Wu Nan was somewhat helpless.

He couldn't not go to school, otherwise Wu Xinyan would definitely beat him. However, even if he went to school, it didn't mean that Wu Nan couldn't investigate the case. He still had time. The schoolwork in elementary school was not heavy, and school was normally over at 3:30 in the afternoon.


The door of the office suddenly opened, and a female police officer in her thirties came into the office carrying a big bag. She smiled and nodded to Luo Hai, called Luo Director, and then ran to Wu Nan.

"Xiaonan is busy"

"Sister Bai."

Wu Nan smiled at the policewoman. She was a policewoman from the logistics department of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Municipal Bureau. Her name was Bai Jingjing. She was pretty and had a good relationship with Wu Xinyan.

"Xiaonan, this is for you.……"Bai Jingjing put the big bag on the table.

It was a big bag of snacks, potato chips, instant noodles, spicy noodles, biscuits, chocolate and other things.

""Thank you, Sister Bai." Wu Nan did not refuse. He had refused before. Wu Nan had been at the police station for a long time, and many people had bought snacks for him. He also knew that if he accepted snacks from others, his sister would have to repay the favor. Although it was only a few dozen yuan, people always bought it for him, and Wu Nan could not refuse. Every time, he was too lazy to refuse.

"Sister Bai looks so beautiful today, she is like a fairy descending to earth……"

"Oh, little girl, you are so sweet. So tell me, am I prettier, or is your sister prettier?"

"Of course, Sister Bai is prettier. My sister is so old-fashioned that she can't even put on makeup properly.……"

"Hahaha, you're done, I'm going to tell Xinyan"

"Sister Bai, can you please not be so cruel?"

After a few jokes, Bai Jingjing left with a smile on her face as she was praised by Wu Nan. After leaving the office, she took out her cell phone and dialed Wu Xinyan's number.

"Xinyan, um, it's okay... I was eavesdropping outside the door and went in to see what they were talking about. They didn't fight.……"

Not long ago, a young policeman named Chang entered Sun Meng's office and saw Pang Hai there. After he left, the news spread in the office lobby. Everyone knew that Pang Hai had a conflict with Wu Nan before. Bai Jingjing called Wu Xinyan who was already out. Wu Xinyan was worried and asked Bai Jingjing to go and see. That

's why Bai Jingjing bought some snacks to see Wu Nan.


In the office, Pang Hai looked at Wu Nan and felt a little confused.

After Bai Jingjing came in, Wu Nan finally looked like a child. This even made Pang Hai feel that Wu Nan had a dual personality and could switch at will.

"Aren't you going back to Jiangsu?" Wu Nan suddenly looked up and asked

"Hmm?" Pang Hai was stunned. What was he going to do?

"Why don't you check the schools in Taicang? Although my analysis is only a possibility, if the murderer was really a teenager when he committed the crime for the first time, then Taicang junior high school and high school may have his academic records.

He may not be studying after graduating from junior high school, drop out of high school halfway through, or not continue his studies after graduating from high school...

You can focus on those whose birthdays are the second day of the eighth lunar month!

Maybe you will find something!


Pang Hai stood up suddenly!


If Wu Nan's analysis is really correct! Then! This case is going to be solved!

Because the second day of the eighth lunar month is too indicative! It can directly lock the suspect in a very small range!


PS:【Book Friends Group**】_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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