Will stretched out his hand and took it - pointing the sword of the royal family of Alabasta to Charlotte Lingling.

"bigmom, let me be your opponent."

PS: ask for support.

Chapter [-] The vitality of the four emperors


Chapter [-]: Bandits who dare to provoke the emperor


The blade collided with Napoleon.

Violent sparks came in and out, Napoleon roared as a conscious sword, and the aunt kept slashing wildly.

Cut, all were opened one by one by Weill.

"Zeus - thunderbolt!

Charlotte Lingling waved her hand, and a pillar of thunder fell from the sky, but Will did not hide.

The lightning fell, and even Weir's clothes were not damaged in the slightest, and the blue electric light illuminated his

Face, bigmom felt a huge crisis at this moment, even the symptoms of thinking about eating almost lost consciousness

He also subconsciously took a step back.

"Oh? Are you Ray?"

Will showed a terrifying smile, and then a terrifying electric light erupted all over his body, smashing the ground.

Layers of electrolysis melted, and even greater thunder and lightning condensed in the sky.

"That's it."

The thunder fruit is powerful, and he has already downloaded it.

Two hundred million volts. Lightning!

This thunder light made bigmom, who could ignore Zeus' lightning strike, feel horrified, and she instinctively lifted Napoleon.


Looking at the huge thunder light condensed in the sky that day, Napoleon was completely stunned, and he lost his previous viciousness.

Cold sweat broke out, and he shouted aphasia looking at the terrifying thunder light condensed all over his body.

"Mommy mommy! !"

But bigmom was already in a state of unconsciousness with eczema, and couldn't hear what he said at all.

Napoleon was like a lightning rod, enduring the most powerful electric light bombardment.

Mom! Sell! Batch!


An electric column that was ten times huge fell from the sky and fell directly on Charlotte Lingling through the guidance of Napoleon.

Then the ground under her feet was smashed into a huge pothole, and the hull was almost penetrated—

Fresh flowers

The smoke and dust in the sky covered the scene in the huge pothole, making it impossible to distinguish the state of bigmom.

"Is she dead?" Sanji asked, swallowing.

Sauron, who arrived not long ago, witnessed the whole process of the battle, and his eyes were also fixed on the smoke.

The sense of danger has not disappeared.


A hand sticks out of the crater, -cracks the edge of the crater, followed by a diabolical hoarse low



Everyone's heart seemed to be pinched.


bigmom is covered in lightning scars, even such a terrifying monster has a natural and powerful nature

It is impossible to survive such an attack unscathed, but it is still far

not enough.

"Mousse I want mousse!

Her most basic subconscious seemed to be broken by a lightning strike, and she fell into a semi-conscious state.

Personality Control, - Leaps up and rushes towards Vail, completely losing all rhythm and becoming a chaotic terror


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