Spandam swaggered out of the huge experimental base.

As soon as I went out, I heard a rough voice. "Thief hahahaha!

He stretched out his head and looked at the source of the voice, it was a tall man walking slowly with a group of vicious and vicious men.


Tooth, red coat, black hat, fingers covered with gemstone rings.

And the terrifying overlord that was released in that instant!

In an instant, the entire island trembled in this monstrous domineering, and nearly half of the defenders fell into a coma!

Spandam's teeth chattered and his feet trembled.

Blackbeard - Marche Titch!! .

Chapter [-] Huang Yuan: Why do you always pit me


Spandam slammed the door shut, shaking his head desperately.

How could it be Blackbeard!

This guy has just attacked the advance city, can he find it here now? ?

There were constant laughter and explosions outside, and he felt a little flustered for a while, and at the same time he was still praying for the world outside.

The cp members of the world government can resist this guy, at least until the support of the world government arrives!



The movement outside the base suddenly disappeared.

Spandam carefully opened the door slowly, and looked out from the crack of the door, everywhere.

It is the cp member who was knocked down, and there is no other


Taking a long breath, the island is so large and there are many buildings. It is estimated that these guys have gone to other places.

Or hurry up and find a way to transfer Dr. Vega Punk, don't alarm them

Just as he was about to close the door, the door remained motionless.


Spandam used all his strength, but still didn't move.

He raised his head a little stiffly, and saw - only some dark palms, from a high place above his head, steadily

grabbed the door.

Spandam's pupils shrank, and then he felt a huge force move his body along with the door.


The door was slammed open.

A dark shadow enveloped him, and the terrifying smiling face of the black beard above his head was imprinted into his eyes, with

The special flavor thief laughed, and then Spandam heard him say.

"Hello, little brother."

Blackbeard, quite polite.

Spandam's mind went blank, his last last shot before the giant fist fell on his head and passed out.

An idea is this

off the coast.

The golden photons pierced the sky with the electric ray, and two huge waves were drawn on the sea.

For the first time in his life, Kiaburu Polsalino hated that he ate the Glitter Fruit, why every time

All of you are supporting yourself?? Just because of the speed!

The Eluma War was beaten, the support for Beihai was beaten, the support for the advance city was beaten, and now it was the turn to support Vega Punk.

Before he reached the coast, he already had an ominous premonition.

Although the door fruit ability person is powerful, but he has never been here, naturally there is no way to directly reach Bergapang

What a pity I have to go to the front line at my age.

Fortunately, there is also a Qiwuhai to accompany this time, it is better to talk than nothing.

Thor Anilu and Kizaru had not reached the island before they were forced to stop by an overwhelming terrifying sword energy.

People have to release their strength to smash the sword energy, set their bodies and look towards the sea

Standing there were two pirates with astonishing aura.

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