Blackbeard, played by Will, laughed lowly, and then went wild.

Yes, go back and ask for a raise.

"Thief hahahaha! Navy - try it again! If you dare to do anything, I will crush his throat immediately.


At this moment, the back of the Warring States period was faintly shivering, this guy is a true Four Emperor level opponent!

Blackbeard - what a horrible man.

The reason why Weil didn't use this big move at the beginning is entirely because two hours are too long.

The world government can be regarded as a fool, if they are given enough time to react, the other party will make some extreme reactions.

Should not be impossible.

But the raid at this moment was enough to make the Warring States stunned.

There is no flawless strategy in this world, only the right time to use it.

In this game, you can lose a hundred times.

But be sure to win one last time!

Garp blocked Roger, Kizaru and Anilu blocked Ryoma, Lieutenant General Crane blocked Smog, and even Yu Teng

Tiger also almost lost his life, and finally the navy came to him in high spirits, is it useful?

"Dangerous man." Vegapunk sighed.

He is the only one who knows that the navy even got the object of anger and hatred wrong!

break. "I can let you go, but Saint Charmac must stay!" After weighing it, Sengoku made a decision.

Alabasta has learned that the Draconian was taken away by Blackbeard, which means that if he made it himself

An extreme choice is absolutely unbearable.

By forcing the repaired phone, Vail signals to retreat.

Several men with seriously wounded bodies eventually took - a navy ship -

Under the 'friendly' gaze of the navy, he left with a big laugh.

The price is that Saint Charmak was left on the island. Although he was angry, everyone still had to be respectful.

Although Garp went to sea to chase, but after chasing less than [-] kilometers, he lost track of the other party.

The entire island suffered heavy casualties!

Lieutenant General Crane gritted his teeth angrily.

This time, there was a chance to leave this dangerous pirate with the power of the emperor!

On the coast, countless wounded soldiers were waiting for treatment, and the white stretcher fell to the ground.

"Quick! He's bleeding!" someone shouted.

"I don't believe in Alabas, such a country will be snatched from its mouth by Blackbeard." Lieutenant General Crane

He said to Sengoku in silence.

Sengoku didn't believe it either, he looked at Charmark, trying to get some information from his mouth.


A loud noise exploded from the depths of the distant sea.

Then, like a boiling sea bottom, an incomparably huge head rose slowly, a pair of dark

Staring at the coastline, the ancient giant beast surfaced to the sea again after a long absence.

Countless tentacles are intertwined, and the huge blood mouth opens and closes to drive a howling wind, and a giant beast hangs on its tentacles.

A huge iron cabin that seems to be waterproof.

"Woo-" Changming from ancient times shocked the four fields!

People all over the island stopped to witness this evil and terrifying, strange and familiar monster.

The evil god of the sea - Leviathan!!

"Dududu——" The justice mobile phone on the Warring States body rang. "Marshal Zefa of the Warring States Period said, I heard that you rescued Saint Charma, and he expressed his gratitude, and hoped

I want you to hand him over to Leviathan and bring him back to Alabasta," the voice on the phone said.

Sengoku stared straight at this giant beast, his breathing almost stopped, and Akainu's face was black and he was almost overwhelmed.

Go up and fight for your life.

Dry Blackbeard, you were kidnapped by him without saying a word, and you sent Leviathan to us??!

In the end, Sengoku held Akainu's arm tremblingly, and said slowly.

"The big battle is not worth letting him go."

Charmaco Sanso was happy for a moment, and said to a few people.

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