At this time, a voice suddenly came to mind outside the door.

"Dong Dong! Your Royal Highness, are you back?"

Vilsis stood up and responded, and then saw a man wearing an Arabian turban, dark purple makeup under his eyes, and a white robe decorated with purple four-pointed stars. He had a long sword hanging from his waist, and his eyes were solemn. , is a meticulous man, the adjutant of the guardian of the kingdom of Alabasta, Hayato Bell, the devil fruit ability person of the animal type!

"Bell?" Wilxiston paused, wondering what the adjutant had come to find him.

Seeing the strange 'boxes' placed around him, Bell didn't say anything. After seeing the ceremony, he was silent for a moment, and then said to Wilsis.

"Your Highness, you shouldn't be so impatient. That 'hero' is too powerful. If it weren't for the navy...and many"

Vilsis was stunned, and he realized from Bell's words that this guy seemed to know that there was a problem with Crocodile, and he didn't run away from home to be a pirate as he originally thought, but to plan something, and Ke Rockdale related!

"But your experience has also made me sure of one thing," Bell slowly knelt down halfway, "His Royal Highness, forgive my distrust of you before, now I have confirmed that Crocodile is indeed uneasy and kind. The rain in Pakistan is all his fault!"

"Get up, Bell..." Vilsis thought for a while, "Who else knows about this besides us?"

"At present in Alabasta, only the two of us know the true face of Crocodile... Maybe His Majesty the King also has some guesses, but there is no concrete evidence." Bell said.

"Bell, do you believe me?" Facing the threat of Crocodile, Vilsis was not so afraid because he still had a stronger bug in hand.

"You have proved that you are a true royal family, and I am willing to swear allegiance!" Bell said sternly, Vilsis spared his life to prove that Crocodile's actions had completely moved him. In fact, he did not know that it was this time. The temptation, the real Velsis is dead...

"The strength gap between us and Crocodile is too great. It is inconvenient to disclose this matter for the time being, even if it is the father." Vilsis said.

"Now that Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel is in Alabasta, why don't we..." Bell asked hesitantly.

"Bell, you have to know that Crocodile is the Shichibukai, and the Shichibukai is a pirate that the world government and the navy have jointly decided to allow to exist. Without concrete evidence, we simply can't persuade the world government and the navy to treat him. Shoot...even if we have certain evidence..." Vilsis hesitated to speak.

Bell also paused when he heard the words and nodded.

"I understand... It's just that I can't disclose it to His Majesty the King and the Princess, and I will be wronged Your Highness."

"It's okay, Bell, we have more important things to do next," Vilsis waved his hand indifferently, and then took out his mobile phone made of mobile phone fruit, "This is a new type of communication device, it is Created by the power of the Devil Fruit I ate, it has the same effect as the phone bug, but the cost of counterfeiting is extremely low, and I hope it will become popular in Alabasta."

"Yes." Bell didn't ask much. Now that he has decided to pledge his allegiance, there is no need to ask clearly about every decision and every matter of His Highness. From the exchange just now, he has deeply realized that this young man is young. , but by no means an ordinary child.

Book from:

Chapter 100 [-]g, Frozen Fruit Ability!

Phone bug-like devices called mobile phones, also known as 'cell phones', quickly became popular in Albana, the capital of Alabasta.The function of the phone bug can be said to be no weaker than the mobile phone technology level of the earth in the [-]st century in terms of communication.

But its biggest Achilles heel is that it is extremely expensive.

This kind of phone bug is a special life form created by the scientific research institutions of the world government based on snails. , so in the world of One Piece, only nobles and government agencies have sufficient financial resources.

It's a fool's errand to want everyone to carry one with them.

In addition, even the smallest phone bug is not very convenient to carry. After all, it is a creature rather than a machine. It needs to be fed every day to survive. Taking care of it is a burden in itself.

Vilsis' mobile phone perfectly solves these two problems. As a mechanical product, it does not need to be taken care of every day, and the product of Devil Fruit does not need to be charged. More importantly, the price is cheap enough that ordinary people can afford it.

Referring to the charging method of the mobile phone in the previous life, the price of the mobile phone is only [-] Baileys, and the monthly communication fee is [-] Baileys.If it is replaced by a phone bug, although there is no communication fee, even an island phone bug requires [-] Baileys, and a large multinational phone bug requires at least fifty or even millions.

Vilsis seems to have a limit of [-] mobile phones a day, and it will continue to grow every day with every day's hard work.Because of the extremely low price and the relatively wealthy capital, the mobile phone quickly caused a huge wave, and in just three days, thousands of units were sold.

But Velsis still couldn't download a decent ability. One was that he didn't like it, and the other was that the distance was not enough. After all, the ancestors of Alabasta were also Tianlong people. There was still a one-kilometer range of the palace. It's still too hard to get close to someone who has a cell phone.

The flying squirrel happens to be in Alabasta!

If this guy has a mobile phone, then Vilsis will find a chance to download his abilities, and then Lao Sha will not be difficult to deal with, this is a veteran lieutenant general.

People's acceptance of new things is not high, but the price of mobile phones is indeed too low. Under the discount, it is not difficult to buy it as a plaything with the average salary of the navy.

Five hundred Baileys is just the price of five newspapers!

It's almost like a free gift!

Finally, this kind of strength set off a wave in the navy stationed in Alabasta, from the soldiers who initially admired the officer with the phone bug, and then later the senior non-commissioned officer who felt that the mobile phone was more convenient than the phone bug.

But it was a pity for Velsis that even if Bell gave Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's mobile phone in person, he didn't mean to use it after he went back, but just discarded it somewhere. After all, there is no shortage of characters at the level of Lieutenant General. A phone bug, and it is also necessary to consider whether this kind of phone bug is in danger of leaking secrets, which made Velsis very regretful after learning about it.

"Basic fighting skills, 9MB."

"Intermediate Fighter, 50MB."

"Primary Application of Zoology·Lion Fruit Ability, 1GB."

"Primary armed color domineering, 500MB."

"Primary experience and domineering, 500MB."


Velsis looked at a lot of abilities, but did not choose to download directly. He currently has limited memory and has not developed skills to delete or overwrite abilities, so downloads must be careful.


On the streets of Albana, the capital of the capital, a tall man in a cloak watched people coming and going holding black boxes. Sometimes strange noises sounded. Then the person holding the box picked it up and pressed a button. Soon someone else's voice came from the box.

Is this the thing they were discussing, someone in Alabasta made this thing and sold it at a price that civilians can afford... It's interesting.

The man who was originally here to detect the movement of Shichibukai Crocodile became interested and walked towards a man with a mobile phone.

"Well, little brother, where did you buy this thing?"

The little brother was stunned for a moment, and then saw the man in the cloak without hesitation.

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