Four hundred thousand.

Let the so-called million soldiers, in the snow-capped northern land, become the bear soldiers of eternal hibernation.

Even Numaseka himself was tortured by Esdes to lose his basic personality as a person.

The three counties that were given away for nothing really made Vail feel ashamed-

A huge branch of the Royal Academy of Sciences was built in the east of Dongwu City.

This base covers an area not even smaller than Dongwu City itself.

There is not only the Academy of Sciences, but also the headquarters of the Royal Air Force in another world.

Every Royal Air Force who joined Akainu's command could not understand what the Air Force represented.

Because this world only has the army, not even the concept of the navy, let alone the air force.

But Akainu is really the commander-in-chief of the Royal Air Force. How can he admit that his unit is a navy or a navy?


After the establishment of the Eternal Empire, all the navies he belonged to in the past were reorganized into the air force.

Because he has the right to use the God of Steel, he became the strongest of the three armies in one fell swoop.

For this reason, the Warring States did not quarrel with Akainu, because the God of Steel is a dual-use weapon of air and land, not a pure air.



Ordinary people can only lift [-] pounds, but wearing this single coat can lift [-] pounds.

It's not a double strength increase, but a direct increase of a fixed [-]-pound strength.


It's a huge improvement.

The man started doing anime 27.


1 on the workforce.

+ 2 1 12-[-]


3 million points

A person

? The man who started doing anime 27

5 And they must face the brave from the north



The dragon exerts its power.

E into ordinary clothes.



6 The empire can wait for two defeats from both sides

This quality has certain needs

38: 38

All injured, and then take action according to the situation.


7 But for what reason?


8 Abruptly to the three counties of the Eternal Empire, and

A powerful weapon.


and such obvious bad intentions must be


Find a



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