The resulting movement is also enormous.

The first to greet them was not Velsis.

The leaders of the foreign nations saw that at the end of the road was a group of neatly arranged and very familiar people.


Central Imperial Army!

A little tight in their hearts, they are not afraid of the Eternal Empire because they do not understand.

But the Central Empire has really suppressed them for thousands of years.

It is impossible to say that it is not afraid. With the same number of people, the alien race will never be able to defeat the fully equipped one.

Imperial Army.

But soon they were relieved.

Because the number of the Imperial Army was unexpectedly small.

Only about less than [-] people.

The general headed by him is an unknown guy, neither the invincible old general nor the strongest in the empire.

General Bude.

The old king of the North who put down the monocular, Numaseka's father let out a long cry.

"As long as it's not those two, it's fine."

He took a closer look, and the general at the head was actually a woman.

Wearing a white military uniform, a tall, beautiful woman with blue hair and icy eyes.

"Let a woman lead a team to stop our army of [-] people?"

One of the leaders burst out laughing, and tears were about to burst out.

"If so, let the Empire feel the horror of our family."-


The leaders of several major tribes sneered.

He dared to call himself a clan so soon, but who is the only leader of this clan is yet to be known.

But they agreed with the leader.

This imperial army of less than [-] people, maybe even only [-] or [-] people, was just a team before the capture of North Star City.


It doesn't make sense.

It means medium.

"Encircle them! Don't let anyone go!"

A leader raised his fists and sat on his horse to roar.

"Don't take prisoners!"

Then, as soon as his voice fell, his expression froze.

The woman who was regarded as a 'rabbit' was emitting a violent cold air from her whole body.

Then the whole world began to freeze.

Thousands of huge ice cavalrymen appeared on the snow field with the blizzard.

[General Binglan]

Estes showed a cruel smile.

"It's a zealous enemy, so I too, let's have a little bit of strength."

The leader just watched this terrifying woman with earth-shattering aura, suddenly changed from prey to

The hunter, her hair fluttered.

Walking across the snowfield in a white military uniform.

Every inch of the earth is frozen.

Ice blue eyes stared at it.

Everyone became an ice sculpture.

The [-]-strong army was surrounded by thousands of ice cavalry General Binglan Corps.

They finally shattered the body of a cavalryman, and then froze back again in the next moment.

These undead monsters caused enormous psychological pressure to the alien race.

They tried to break out like crazy.

Such a demon, who would fight her!

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