End combat power.

Shortly after Smoke and Dusky left, the total number of mobile phone users also managed to exceed [-].

Wan, perhaps thanks to Weir's large investment in the construction of the entire Alabasta, the people have more money

Therefore, more mobile phones are bought, and more importantly, they are sold to the outside world following the business route of Xi Luobu's family.

There are also more.

Just when everything was thriving, bad news came from the River of Life project.

The River of Life pipeline in the Yuba section suffered enormous damage from sand pirates of unknown origin, although the Third Army

The sergeant stopped him, but he still suffered heavy losses, requiring nearly three days of water cutoff for repairs, and then a week of reinforcement and repairs.


This made Will very angry, and he immediately summoned Admiral Zefa for talks.

This time he wants to completely solve the hidden dangers of Crocodile. ,

Chapter [-] The Three Ancient Weapons

Alabasta Royal Navy Headquarters in Eluma.

"Ugh... I can't be addicted to my phone anymore.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the sudden call from Weir, Zefa could continue to browse the forum until the next morning.

Were can only say that you are already seventy old, you really have to be careful not to stay up late.

Although Zefa is already the Marshal of the Royal Navy of Alabasta, and there is a special team to help him clean up the big

Remarks that shouldn't appear in the forum, but Zefa still enjoys browsing the forum and being a permission dog.

I just like the way you don't like me and want to be fucked by me.

Hehehe, little thief, come to Eluma and fuck me if you want? ?

I, Zefa, sit on the seat of the marshal and wait for you!

- An unparalleled confidence rose in his heart, and now he is the Admiral of the Navy!

Although he is not the Admiral of the World Government, but the Admiral who has sheltered [-] million people is not that bad.


This world does not have the concept of such-and-such country's sea area. In fact, in addition to the world government, every corner of the world is also

There are quite a few navies, of which the more famous is the Eight Treasures Navy in the New World, but the specific sea area division can be

No, in other words - the whole sea is free and unowned.

Therefore, many people do not know at all that Vail has another purpose for establishing the navy, which is to develop sea resources.

Zefa put on his coat, ordered the assembly, and walked to the naval headquarters.

Although the building has been completed, there are still more complex decorations that need to be perfected, this is not the fruit

The ability can be done, and the workers must catch up with the progress little by little.After such a huge renovation is completed, at least

It also takes more than a year, and the manpower invested is extremely huge.

But it is no problem to give priority to renovation - part of it for the current thousands of navy to live and work.

On the school field, Zefa stood on the towering stand with his hands behind his back.

Below are more than [-] navy lined up neatly, and [-]% of them are retired from the navy.

Those who came to find him were at least a lieutenant, an officer with a military rank, not an ordinary soldier.

There are even a few lieutenant generals in the naval branch, although there is not a lieutenant general in the headquarters, but Zefa also knows that,

Like that kind of powerful old lieutenant generals are often involuntarily, and can put a few branch lieutenants for themselves.

It was already the biggest compromise of the Warring States Marshal.

In addition to this, there are the three disciples who are most closely related to him, Ain, Xiu Zuo, and Binz.

Unlike Polsalino and others, these three are his disciples who teach the mantle in the true sense, not simply

The students of the naval school are like the difference between a master and a master.

Master Master, one day a teacher, a lifetime a father.

For the three of them, Zefa is the father, and for Zefa, they are their children.

Not subject to the navy of the World Government, with a team that truly belongs to you, you can carry out the truth in your heart.

justice, this is something Zefa has never dreamed of, just like a dream, at the age of seventy, suddenly

Then it came true.

The joy cannot be concealed.

"Soldiers! You will be the true banners of justice on this sea!" Zepha shouted.

"Justice shall prevail!"

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