After all, the old man was very young.

Then, Da Mao embarked on his journey.

First, he took a plane and came to the capital of Vietnam.

I thought that as the capital of a country.

It would be a little bit more prominent here.

After all, no matter how good Vietnam is, it is still a country.

However, what surprised Da Mao and his fans was that.

Even the capital looked very backward.

It was even worse than a third-tier city in China.

Or to put it more exaggeratedly.

This living standard.

Even Taoyuan Village couldn't catch up.

At this moment, Da Mao was even more fortunate.

Not only was he born in China.

He was also born next door to Taoyuan Village, which was the greatest honor of his life.

Then, Da Mao didn't have time to sigh.

He had to continue on his way.

His new girlfriend lived in a very remote countryside.

So, after getting off the plane, Da Mao took a rickshaw.

Then, he took a bus in the countryside.

Finally, a tricycle.

All the way here.

He changed several modes of transportation.

It took almost two days on the road.

Finally, on the morning of the third day, he finally arrived.

At this time, the fans were all numb.

[It's really not easy to date a Vietnamese girlfriend. It takes a long time to travel. ]

[Don't say I went there in person. I feel tired just by looking at it. ]

[Da Mao is fighting hard to get a wife. ]

[Don't rush to draw a conclusion. The poorer the place, the more serious the fraud. It's not certain whether you can get married. ]

At this time, Da Mao called his girlfriend.

A few minutes later.

A young woman appeared at the entrance of the village.

The woman walked over.

At that moment.

The whole live broadcast room was stunned.

Although the woman was not very beautiful.

She was even a little rustic and her skin was also yellow.

But she was very simple and had a pair of black and bright eyes.

She was a hardworking farm girl at first glance.

"Da Mao, you are here." The girl said shyly.

"Meifang." Da Mao was also excited.

Meifang was the good wife and mother in his dreams.


Meifang's family also appeared one after another.

The families of Yue State were all large and populous.

At this moment, seeing so many people, Da Mao felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, he prepared gifts in advance.

So he took them out of his bag.

There were candies for the children.

There were massagers for the mother-in-law.

There was also a razor for the father-in-law.

And a gold ring for Meifang.

It's not expensive, just over a thousand.

These things are not available in China.

T0 doesn't even look at them.

However, at this moment.

The family received it and was overjoyed.

"Young man, you are too polite. We don't have anything to give you. Our family is too poor." The mother-in-law said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, mother-in-law, Meifang is the best gift for me." Da Mao said directly.

As soon as this was said.

Meifang's family was happy.

Meifang blushed even more, embarrassed.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room were also numb.

[Good guy, this speed is too fast, the mother-in-law is shouting? ! ]

[I thought there would be a little process, but you have no process at all. ]

[I'm afraid it's time to enter the bridal chamber tonight? ! ]

[Fuck, this girl is progressing fast, but her family is also so fast? It's unreasonable, right? ]

At this moment, the last barrage also triggered everyone's deep thinking.


Marriage is a top priority for people.

Especially for girls.

Families who care about their daughters more will want to check their daughters, find a good family, and observe them.

What if they are anxious and let their daughters marry the wrong person.

If their daughters suffer in the future, it will be too late to regret.

But now it seems.

This family met Damao for the first time.

It was like meeting a prince. Not only were they polite, but they also wanted to marry Meifang to him as soon as possible.

At this time. ,

Facing the questions in the live broadcast room.

Damao also said directly.

"For people here, if locals get married, the basic betrothal gift is only a few dollars."

"After a daughter gets married, she belongs to someone else's family. In their place, women have a very low status. Not only do they have to keep giving birth to children, but they also have to help the family make money."

"Basically, there is no good life."

As soon as these words came out.

The fans all realized.

In this case,

That makes sense.

Since, find a local.

"But, to be fair, I think the most effective one is the True Love Talisman given by the Grandpa."

"If you don't believe me, look." Da Mao glanced at Mei Fang.

Mei Fang looked at Da Mao with a dazed look on her face.

That look really showed that she really loved Da Mao.

Logically speaking, it has only been a short time.

There shouldn't be such deep feelings.

But this strange picture.

It was so real, presented in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene.

The single brothers in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

[It seems to be really useful. This look, I can't stand it. ]

[You can tell from this look that the True Love Talisman must have worked. Where is the Grandpa? I want to buy it too. ]

[I want it too! ]

For a while, the live broadcast room was all looking for it.

At this time, Xiao Xueqing also found the Grandpa.

"Grandpa, your chance to make a fortune has come." Xiao Xueqing said with a smile.

At this time, the Grandpa glanced at the barrage.

"I knew it would be like this, so I prepared it in advance." After saying that, the Grandpa took out dozens of true love talismans.

Looking at the thick stack of talismans.

Xiao Xueqing almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Good guy.

The Grandpa really made a lot of money this time.

It's just a joke.

The Grandpa is serious!

However, just when the single guys were about to spend 50,000 to buy it.

The Grandpa changed the subject.

"50,000?! It's not that price anymore."

"It's 100,000 now. If you don't buy it now, there's a chance that the price will go up in the future~"


As soon as this was said.

The single guys were all screwed.

A profiteer.

A real profiteer!

[It's doubled in just two days? ! Grandpa, where is your conscience? ! ]

[Grandpa, this is a bit too much, you are raising the price, let's do this, I have a way, brothers, no one wants to buy, the goods are all here, I don't believe that Grandpa can't sell them, and won't sell them at a discount. ]

Obviously, this brother understands the market economy.

He wants to use this to control Grandpa.

However, what he didn't expect was...

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