The first time, the first time, the second time.


Rose was so scared that her face turned pale and her whole body was shaking violently.

She couldn't care about the live broadcast.

The people outside were about to break in!

So, Rose was so scared that she quickly made a phone call and then picked up the self-defense tools.

See here.

The live broadcast room was blown up!

[Fuck, fuck, what happened? ! ]

[Fuck, was the old grandfather really right? This is going to be a murder scene? ! ]

[Oh my god, the old grandfather is really amazing! ]

[Oh my god, it's so scary! ]

[This time I'm really at the scene, so excited, so many people! 】

The people in the live broadcast room were all very excited.

Of course, there were also many enthusiastic people who helped to make the call.

But unfortunately.

The gangster still broke in.

Then, Rose's screams were heard.

Everyone saw.

The gangster picked up a stick and beat Rose.

"My life has been ruined by you. If I don't live well, you won't live well either!" The gangster beat Rose with a stick while cursing.

And at this time.

Everyone saw.

The gangster was actually a man in his sixties.

And Rose kept begging for mercy.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I was too young back then."


However, no matter how much Rose begged, the old man's strength was still very heavy.

Soon, Rose was silent.

Seeing this scene.

The live broadcast room was shocked.

It turned out that the gangster was no one else.

It was the old man who was slandered by Rose!

It seems.

Perhaps it was because of this live broadcast.

The old man touched Rose, who had been hidden for many years.

He avenged the hatred for many years.

At this time.

On the scene.

No one would sympathize with Rose.

Instead, everyone felt sorry for the old man.

[Poor old man, stop it! I don't pity Rose, but I think it's not worth it to sacrifice myself. ]

[Yes, it's too miserable to go to jail at such an old age! ]

[The old man was also forced to do so! If possible, who would want to swallow this bad breath? ! ]

[Are there any acquaintances of the old man in the live broadcast room? Look, Rose has personally admitted that it was a false accusation, and it's time to clear the old man's name! ]

[It's useless to be at the scene, right? When the old man was slandered, he still left the old man. Now the old man has killed someone, and he will only run further! ]

And at this moment.

Suddenly, a girl appeared in the live broadcast room.

[Hello everyone, I am the daughter of the old man. Back then, our family was deceived and framed by Rose, which made me hate my father for many years, but now, I finally understand that my father is really innocent! Please rest assured that I support any action of my father! ]

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was shocked.

Afterwards, they were also happy for the old man.

The misunderstanding was finally resolved.

And the old man’s family, this time.

Unlike many years ago, they stood opposite him.

Instead, they understood the choice of the old man.

At this moment.

The scene in the live broadcast room was too bloody, and the video connection was forced to be interrupted.

That scene was indeed quite brutal.

It is estimated that only half of his life is left.

At this moment.

Seeing now.

Wang Jiaying finally understood.

This Rose is a complete liar.

At this moment.

The words of the old grandfather always echoed in her mind.

That is.

Rose couldn't bear to see others happy, so she broke up countless people.

Thinking of this, Wang Jiaying suddenly remembered.

A year ago, she went home from get off work.

Halfway through, it rained heavily.

At that time, there was no taxi at all, so Wang Jiaying had no choice but to ask Damao for help.

So Damao came over with an umbrella himself.

The rain was too heavy, and he was soaked and embarrassed.

Especially when crossing the road.

Because he was too excited to see Wang Jiaying, he fell on the road.

That was very embarrassing.

At that time, Wang Jiaying's colleagues happened to pass by.

She still remembers what her colleagues said to her.

You are so lucky, it's raining so hard, and your boyfriend comes to pick you up in person.

But at that time, Wang Jiaying felt a little uncomfortable.

So she consulted Rose.

Rose told her that her colleagues were just mocking her.

She said her boyfriend was incompetent, too poor, and didn't even have a car.

That's why he let her get wet in the rain.

At that time, Wang Jiaying thought it made sense.


It was all Damao's fault.

Damao made her so embarrassed.

But at this moment.

Wang Jiaying suddenly felt that things shouldn't be like this.

She suddenly felt.

In fact, Damao was really good to her.

Maybe he didn't have that much money.

But he was devoted to her.

At this moment, Wang Jiaying also remembered countless moments.

Although Damao didn't make much money a month, most of it would be spent on her.

Thinking of this, Wang Jiaying felt heartbroken.

She felt as if a piece of her heart had been cut off by someone.

She felt empty and suffocated.

It was at this moment.

Wang Jiaying suddenly screamed sharply.

"No, I can't live without Damao."

"I want to be with Damao in this life."

After saying that, Wang Jiaying immediately applied for a live broadcast.

Seeing this.

Damao was confused.

What's going on with Wang Jiaying?

Curious, he clicked and took it.

He thought Wang Jiaying was here to scold him again.

Unexpectedly, Wang Jiaying was crying and wanted to win him back.

"Da Mao, I was wrong. Can you come back?"

"I can't live without you, Da Mao! I was deceived by Rose before, but now I realize that I was wrong. You are the best person to me, no one else."

At this moment, Da Mao was confused.

The fans in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

Good guy.

Is this a change of heart? !

And at this moment.

The fans saw Da Mao frowning and not speaking.

Thinking that he really wanted to agree to Wang Jiaying, they got anxious.

[Da Mao, don't agree, don't hurt Meifang's heart. ]

[Yes, listen to me, don't look back, just live a good life with Meifang. ]

And seeing these comments.

A glimmer of luck flashed through Wang Jiaying's heart.

It seems that Da Mao still has feelings for her.

Sure enough, this Meifang still lost to herself.

However, just when Wang Jiaying was feeling proud.

Suddenly, Da Mao hugged Meifang tightly and said seriously.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm not blind, how could I go to find Wang Jiaying."

"Meifang is my dearest and most beloved wife." Da Mao deliberately kissed Meifang on the face.

Meifang was very shy, but she didn't push Da Mao away.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jiaying was immediately petrified.

"Da Mao, I wish you an unhappy marriage!" After saying that, Wang Jiaying, who was cursing, went off the broadcast and cried loudly.

Perhaps, this scar will take a lifetime to heal!

At this moment, seeing this.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are all very happy!

[Luckily, you didn't let us down! 】

【Happy wedding! 】

And just at this moment.

Guo Wencai also stood up with a smile.

“The misunderstanding has been explained, so in two days, it will be the wedding day!”

“Then, the old ancestor will personally host it!”

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