The mother panda walked away and brought them back to the forest.

What they didn't know was that.

The mother panda who had walked far away.

It brought them trouble again~

The speed of an adult panda is 40 kilometers per hour.

If you are impatient, you can run faster and reach 50 kilometers per hour.

So, after a few hours.

The mother panda had already climbed over several hills.

It was very far away from Taoyuan Village.

And on the way.

This area is a very primitive forest area.

It is full of countless wild animals.

But the mother panda didn't bring her child.

In addition, she has recovered in the past few days.

She is not afraid at all.

In fact, adult pandas have almost no natural enemies in the wild.

Therefore, the panda mother had a smooth journey along the way.

And just at this moment.

The panda mother stopped.

She looked at the weak tiger in front of her in confusion.

This tiger had just given birth and was very weak.

This made the panda mother seem to see herself.

And the tiger mother also knew from her sense of smell that the panda mother was also a mother of an animal.

So, two different species.

At this moment, because of the same identity, they sympathized with each other.

"Well, you just gave birth to a child, you worked hard~" the panda mother said.

But she didn't dare to get closer.

She just stood far away.

The tiger mother nodded.

"Yes, it's really tiring~ I gave birth to two babies." The tiger mother said weakly.

Hearing this, the panda mother showed a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Me too, what a coincidence."

"But..." The mother tiger showed a painful look in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I feel I can't feed my child."

"I haven't eaten meat for a long time." At this, the mother tiger was very sad.

Hearing this, the mother giant panda was shocked.

"Well, I have a way!"

The mother giant panda said excitedly.

"At the foot of the mountain not far away, there are a few two-legged humans. They help me take care of my children, very attentively."

"I think they will help take care of your children too!" The mother giant panda began to pass on her experience.

If you have difficulties, find the ancestor!

That great human.

Do better than its own mother!

In addition.

The other two two-legged beasts are also very serious and meticulous!


Follow them.

This child will enjoy more!

At this time, the mother tiger who heard this was also shocked.


"Of course, if I lie to you, I will...I will never be able to eat fresh bamboo in my life!"

"My children are right there, two of them, I am at peace!"

Originally, the tiger mother was a little skeptical.

After hearing this, she gradually became convinced.

Yes, judging from the breath of this giant panda mother.

She did give birth to a child a few days ago.

And the child is not around.

It seems that it was indeed handed over to the two-legged beast.

Thinking of this, the tiger mother was also moved.

If this continues, the child will die if he follows it.

But if he goes to find the two-legged beast.

There is hope of survival!

So, after a long separation from the giant panda mother.

The tiger mother set out to find the old ancestor.

And the giant panda mother was also very happy because she did a good thing.

What she didn't expect was.

Next, less than an hour later.

The giant panda mother met a wounded lion again.

Next to the lion was a little lion baby.

It should have been born for a while.

But it looked thin and small, and its breath was unstable.

So, the kind-hearted giant panda mother recommended again.

"If you have any difficulties, find the old ancestor!"

"Yes, that two-legged beast is called the old ancestor, and everyone calls him that!"

"Find him, and your baby will be safe!"


With the enthusiastic recommendation of the giant panda mother.

In the evening.

When the old ancestor and his group came back.

They saw three animal cubs in front of the door.

Two were golden tiger cubs.

They looked smaller and their voices were weak.

The other one was actually a white lion baby.

Seeing this scene.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"No, can anyone tell me what's going on?" Xiao Xueqing was stunned.

The old ancestor was also a little in trouble


It's not like he hasn't encountered weird things before.

But this is the first time he's encountered something so bizarre.

If they were all tigers, or all lion babies.

That would be understandable.

What's the matter with this combination?

Could it be that the tigers and lions came to visit the family separately?

Then, they each left their children here?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng looked around.

But he couldn't find any trace of lions and tigers.

At this time, the fans in the live broadcast room also shouted that it was bizarre.

[Oh my god, I've lived for decades and this is the first time I've encountered this scene. ]

[Do you think there is a possibility that the giant panda mother returned to her hometown and told people everywhere that she had difficulties and was looking for humans, so they all came? Look, these cubs look very weak. ]

[Yes, this is true. Humans have caused too much damage to the environment, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for wild animals to survive...]

[It makes sense to say that, but why do I find it so strange...]

[What's so strange?]

[This is an animal?]

[What's wrong with animals? Aren't humans also animals?]

[Yes, there's nothing wrong with it. Animals are also spiritual, just like humans. We humans help each other, and animals will definitely do the same.]

[That would be so fun!]

At this moment, seeing these comments.

Qin Feng's guess in his heart was the same.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was a little helpless and shook his head.

This troublesome giant panda mother!

It really caused him trouble!

In fact, this afternoon.

They went out to buy milk powder for the giant panda baby.

Giant panda babies need to eat special milk powder.

You can't buy it in pet stores at all.

Fortunately, in the live broadcast room, some zoo staff paid attention and contacted the Animal Protection Department.

The people there also hoped that the old grandfather would take care of them first. After all, the giant panda cubs were still too young, and they were afraid of accidents if they were moved around.

So, they sent the milk powder specially for giant pandas, and then they went to the village entrance to get the milk powder.

But now, looking at these tiger and lion cubs.

Another tricky problem is in front of us.

These cubs can't eat the milk powder of giant panda babies!

For a moment, the new dad, the old grandfather, felt a little tricky...

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