The old man was very happy.

Look at the old man's appearance.

It doesn't seem like a joke!

Could it be that he encountered some difficulties? !

Subconsciously, Xiao Xueqing wanted to lend a hand.

But suddenly remembered that last time, the old man almost refused her without thinking.

At this moment, Xiao Xueqing felt a headache.

She really couldn't figure this person out.

Logically speaking, with tens of millions of dollars in profit, he shouldn't be short of money!

But it seems.

The old man doesn't seem to be lying.

Where did the money go?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xueqing got a headache.

And just at this moment.

A group of people came over.

Seeing these people.

Everyone was shocked.

"Hey, hey, is this Dahe Village? We are looking for Guo Wencai." The leader casually pointed at a villager and said in a domineering manner.

This impolite look instantly made people very disgusted.

In particular, this group of people were carrying cameras, which made Xiao Xueqing and others even more unhappy.

"Hello, please do not shoot without permission! Thank you for your cooperation!" Xiao Xueqing quickly stood up and said.

Hearing this.

This group of outsiders were very unhappy.

Especially the photographer, a muscular man.

Facing a weak girl, he looked like he was going to get angry.

It was the person who spoke just now who stopped him.

And seeing that this person looked unhappy.

The photographer immediately changed his expression and became flattering.

Obviously, this person is the leader of this team.

"I forgot to introduce myself just now. We are the director team of the popular show "Metamorphosis" recently."

"I am the director Niu Hu. We came to Dahe Village to find the lucky guest." When speaking, Niu Hu was very arrogant.

He had a congratulatory tone.

Hearing this.

A villager from Dahe Village stood up.

"The village chief of our Dahe Village has something to do. He has been out for the past two days and is not in the village."

"If you want to go to our village, I will take you there!" The villager said very enthusiastically.

Hearing this, Niu Hu looked unhappy.

"No, we are in a hurry."

"How about this, you bring Guo Zhanxi here, we are here to find him."

Guo Zhanxi is the lucky guest they are looking for.

That is, the rural protagonist of this issue of "Metamorphosis".

At this time.

Hearing this, Qin Feng's expression moved.


Isn't this the popular youth program in the previous life?

The program is very simple.

It is to exchange children from cities and rural areas.

Rural children go to cities to enjoy life and see the world.

And children from cities go to rural areas to suffer, learn lessons, and learn to be grateful for what they have.

Once it was broadcast, it became popular all over the Internet.

It was even broadcast to the tenth season.

You can imagine how influential this program is.

However, Qin Feng deeply understands it.

This program is simply a cancer program!

On the surface, it teaches urban children to suffer and be grateful for what they have.

Let rural children see the world, broaden their horizons, and then teach them to work hard.

In fact.

Let a poor child.

Experience the cold facts too early.

To witness what others have when they are born.

And the life that you may not be able to have even if you struggle all your life.

What a cruel experience!

Many rural children collapsed.

And for urban children.

They will not get better either.

Because for their long life.

These few days of experience in the countryside are simply insignificant.

It cannot shake a dandy boy.

They should be free and easy, and they will still be free and easy when they go back.

But for rural children, it is completely different.

For the rest of their lives, it may be difficult for them to get out of such a shadow.

And at this time.

Niu Hu also introduced his program endlessly.

"Fellow villagers, our program is a big, conscientious and good program."

"We can let your children go to the city to see the world, which is a prosperous metropolis, and when the children come back, they will want to work hard and get rid of poverty."

"So, just leave your children to us with confidence!"

"Yes, that's right, you are very lucky, villagers present, our program will be held for many seasons, and we need more rural children. If you are interested in signing up, hurry up. If you are selected, one person can get five

Thousands of performance fees!"

The villagers present were all stunned.

It was the first time to hear such a novel program.

The villagers of Taoyuan Village were indifferent.

But the people of Dahe Village were indeed a little moved.


With the help of the old ancestor.

They took out a lot of online loans.

But in order to build a house.

The money was almost spent.

These days, building a better house in the village.

It is not much cheaper than a pigeon cage in the city.

In addition.

Every household in Dahe Village has several children.

If everyone goes to school, the family pressure is still quite large.

So, even if there is a house to live in, but economically.

The improvement is not big.

Therefore, after hearing the performance fee of 5,000 yuan.

In addition, it can let the children see the world and broaden their horizons.

Indeed, many parents are eager to move.

So, at the scene, there were several parents of children from Dahe Village who wanted to sign up their children.

At the same time.

Guo Zhanxi, who was first spotted by the program team, was also called over.

This boy is about ten years old and looks very refreshing.

He is a little dark, and when he came, he was holding a farm tool in his hand.

Obviously he just came down from the field.

His eyes are black and bright, his clothes are patched with many patches, and his shoes are also very old. At a glance, he has been worn for many years.

But he has a very determined look despite his simple appearance. .

At the same time.

Standing opposite Guo Zhanxi.

is the frivolous Gazi.

Seeing Gazi.

The viewers in the live broadcast room are no strangers.

[Isn't this Gazi from Little Soldier Zhang Ga? Why is he here too? ]

[Gazi seems to have participated in the show. It is said that he skipped classes, fought, and didn't do his homework when he was in school. He was punished by the school several times and was ordered to drop out! ]

[Family members, I went to the official website of this show. The director is real. He didn't lie. This show is quite interesting. It's about children from cities and rural areas exchanging lives. ]

[So, the protagonists of the first season are Gazi and Guo Zhanxi? It feels quite interesting! ]

[Yeah, I also think this program is meaningful! Director Niu seems to be a good person. This exchange will be good for both children! ]

[I also think so. This program is very meaningful and educational! ]

At this time.

Niu Hu also noticed Xiao Hei carrying a camera.

Only then did he realize.

This is actually a live show.

I was glad that I had performed well just now.


At this moment, Niu Hu also saw the comments in the live broadcast room.

Seeing all these words praising himself.

Niu Hu was so proud.

"Well, netizens have sharp eyes and good vision!!" Niu Hu said very arrogantly.

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