The old man parked the three-wheeled motorcycle while he was talking.

At this time.

Xiao Xueqing, who always respects the elderly and loves the young.

It was obvious that the old man was here to pick up his grandson.

She thought that it was not easy for the old man, so she went to help him.

As she spoke, Xiao Xueqing stepped forward and spoke gently.

"Hello, grandpa, are you here to pick up your grandson?"

When the netizens in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they were all moved by Xiao Xueqing's kindness.

【Goddess Xiao is really beautiful and kind-hearted. Facts have proved that I am not a fan of the wrong person. 】

【The old man is really lucky. 】

【Who understands? I wish I could be that old man. 】

【By the way, as a grandson, it is too unfilial to let an 80-year-old grandfather pick him up. 】

As soon as this comment came out.

Instantly, it was approved by everyone.

【What the above said is right. He even got into Magic City University. Tsk tsk, this high degree does not represent high character. 】

【If you don't cherish such a good grandfather, you are not a good grandson. 】

And at this time.

Everyone present, including Xiao Xueqing, actually thought so.

After all, the facts are in front of them.

However, things unfolded in a way they could not expect.

The old man heard Xiao Xueqing's words and waved his hand.

"What grandson? I'm here to pick up my grandfather!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was stunned.

Netizens were also dumbfounded.

[So that's how it is. You're not here to pick up your grandson. Then we misunderstood him. Take back what we just said. ]

[That's not right. This old man is so old. How old must his grandfather be? ]

At this time, Xiao Xueqing's face was also confused.

"Grandfather? Are you sure?" Xiao Xueqing looked at the old man in front of her in disbelief.

The old man looked innocent and nodded, "I'm sure. I'm old, but my mind is still clear!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Xueqing was amused and laughed.

Then, she immediately regained her composure, "Sorry, grandpa."

The old man waved his hand, "It's okay. You are a pretty girl. The old man doesn't mind."

Xiao Xueqing smiled, "Grandpa, may I ask, how old are you?"

"Eighty years old this year." The old man said.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Xueqing was stunned.

To be able to make an eighty-year-old man call him Grandpa.

Must he be over a hundred years old?

More importantly.

An old man over a hundred years old is very rare.

At this time, Xiao Xueqing turned her beautiful eyes, and in a flash, she thought of something.

"I know." Xiao Xueqing said.

"What do you know?" The white-haired old man looked confused.

Xiao Xueqing smiled, "Grandpa, your Grandpa is the retired leader of our university."

"Coincidentally, I just happen to have the phone number of the retirement home. If you are not in a good condition, don't walk around too much."

"I'll make a call and ask where the person is for you."

Xiao Xueqing suddenly remembered.

There seemed to be one or two leaders in the retirement home who were over a hundred years old.

If nothing unexpected happened, it was the Grandpa of this old man.

When Xiao Xueqing thought that she had done another good thing today, her heart was sweet.

At this time, netizens in the live broadcast room were praising Xiao Xueqing.

[Goddess Xueqing is so smart. She immediately thought of the retired leader. She really helped the old man a lot. ]

[Yes, the goddess happened to have a phone in her hand, so the old man didn't have to run around. ]

[As expected of my goddess, she is so smart. ]

However, the voice of praise has not ended.

The next second, the words of the white-haired old man seemed to slap everyone in the face.

"What leader? My ancestor is not a leader here!"

"He is a student, just a freshman, I came to pick him up and go back to the village for the New Year!" The white-haired old man simply said it all in one breath.

As soon as these words came out.

Xiao Xueqing was stunned.

Netizens were also dumbfounded.


Not a leader?

A student?

And a freshman? !

Doesn't that mean that the old man's ancestor.

Is a male college student who just turned 18?

Immediately, everyone was so shocked that they were speechless.

"Grandpa, are you kidding me?" Xiao Xueqing said in disbelief.

This generation is too weird!

I've heard of weird things.

This weird,

This is really the first time I have seen him.

"What kind of joke am I playing with you!" The white-haired old man had a speechless expression on his face.

Look at his serious look.

It really doesn't seem like he is lying!

And just when everyone hasn't reacted yet.

Suddenly, the white-haired old man's eyes lit up when he looked forward, and he was very excited.

"Oh, Grandpa, you are finally here!"

After saying that, the white-haired old man took two steps at a time and ran up.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Xueqing immediately turned around.

And the photographer carrying the camera.

He was also very sensible and pointed the lens at the person who came.

I saw that the person in front of me was tall, handsome and very handsome.

Like the young version of Yanzu and Tianle!

Even more handsome than these two.

The person who came was wearing a simple white T-shirt, a bag on his waist, and a bucket of one liter of mineral water in his left hand.

There was a white steamed bun in his mouth!

His eyes revealed a clean and clear temperament.

Is this man the ancestor of the white-haired old man? !

No matter how you look at it, it's awkward!

Everyone's voice was the same at this moment.

And just at this moment.

A scene that made everyone even more dumbfounded appeared.

The white-haired old man knelt down very piously and kowtowed to the boy directly.

"Grandfather, Xiao Ming kneels down to worship you here!" said the white-haired old man.

This scene shocked everyone!

And what frightened everyone even more.

was the boy's reaction.

The boy patted the white-haired old man on the shoulder and said earnestly.

"Not bad, Xiao Ming, you know the etiquette!"

"Your parents should be relieved if they know about it!"

Upon hearing this, the white-haired old man was moved with tears in his eyes.

"It's all the Grandfather's teaching! Grandfather, please accept my greetings!"

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