The cool mechanical arms suddenly clamped the huge head of the New Year Pig.

At this moment, the New Year Pig was clamped tightly and could not move at all.

There was a clear and confused look in his eyes.

And at this moment.

The blue mechanical arm suddenly made a violent "sizzle" sound.

In a flash.

A spark flashed in the pig's brain, and then quickly disappeared.

In an instant, the pig was dead.

Seeing this scene.

Xiao Hei was stunned.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded.

This is not a bed.

This whole piggy peaceful machine.

However, what frightened Xiao Hei greatly was still to come.

The machine did not stop.

Instead, it continued to make a roaring sound that resounded throughout the sky.

Then, the handle on it suddenly ejected a series of very sharp blades and directly hit the dead pig.

At this time, a villager trotted over and put an iron bucket next to the machine.

In just a few seconds, the machine cut the intact pig into pieces.

Then, the gurgling blood flowed into the bucket along the pipe.

At that moment, the whole scene was extremely bloody.

After killing this one, the villagers took the meat down and immediately sent the second one up.


Xiao Hei was shaking wildly.

Last night, he lay on it for a whole night.

[Fuck, Niubi, what kind of machine is this? It kills people... No, it kills pigs! ]

[I finally know why the grandfather is so mean to Xiao Hei. It's not the grandfather's fault. ]

[Oh my god, I want to know the psychological shadow area of ​​Xiao Hei. ]

[Is Xiao Hei okay now? ]

[It's true that Xiao Hei's body shape is similar to the pig in front of him. If it's just a little bit, Xiao Hei will become a pig. ]

[This machine is really good. I also killed the New Year pig at home during the Spring Festival this year. The fatter the pig, the stronger it is. This year, I beat my father-in-law and he is still lying in the hospital. If I had this machine, it wouldn't be so troublesome. ]

[Yes, I also want this machine. Where did the grandfather find such a good treasure? I need it urgently. ]

[Please give me a link. ]

[Xiao Hei is so pitiful. No one cares about Xiao Hei's sadness. ]

At this time, Xiao Hei was numb.

It's numb, really numb.

Just now he was sighing that the bed smelled really good.

I just realized it now.

This is not a bed at all.

This is a whole pig-killing machine.

To be honest.

This machine can kill people easily.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hei felt a chill all over his body.

The horror of this studio.

It's no less than Xiao Qing.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei wailed in his heart.

Woo, woo, woo, it's too scary, he wants to go home.

But unlike Xiao Hei.

Xiao Xueqing was very interested in the scene in front of him.

After seeing the requests for links flying all over the sky.

Xiao Xueqing looked at the powerful uncle next to him and said.

"Powerful uncle, this machine is really easy to use. Netizens in the live broadcast room all want to ask for links."

"If you don't mind, can you tell me where you bought it?"

However, when this was said, Powerful uncle was stunned.

"Bought it? You can't buy this thing."

"Ah? Then where did this machine come from?" Xiao Xueqing was puzzled.

Netizens were also confused.

They said they couldn't buy it.

Then where did this machine that was in front of them, which could kill pigs like crazy, come from?

It couldn't have come out of a stone, right?

Suddenly, Uncle Qiangda said with a smile, "Of course it was invented by our ancestor."

"Don't look at it, our ancestor is handsome, young, and intelligent, and was admitted to the Magic City University."

"In fact, he is also a genius inventor. Look, this machine was invented by him to kill pigs for the New Year."

"Let me ask you, is the ancestor awesome at killing pigs?!"

And this extremely Versailles remark.

Immediately, Xiao Xueqing and others were at a loss.


This machine was actually invented by Qin Feng? !

"Isn't Qin Feng studying finance? How come he is inventing something?" Xiao Xueqing was stunned.

"Our ancestors are knowledgeable and talented, what's so strange about this?" Uncle Qiang was speechless.

And seeing this scene.

Everyone was shocked.

[Oh my god, was this machine really invented by the grandfather? ]

[I remember, there are a lot of formulas and drawings on the grandfather's desk? Is he really a genius? ]

[Tsk tsk, in order not to tire himself, he specially invented a pig-killing machine. The grandfather is really awesome, saving energy. ]

[It's not just him who saves money? Killing the New Year pig is an activity for the whole village. With this machine, everyone is comfortable. ]

[Let me ask you one question, is it worth calling the grandfather? ! ]

[It's worth it, it's worth it. Being a villager in Taoyuan Village, not to mention the year-end dividends, there is also a knowledgeable and talented village chief. I declare that being born in Taoyuan Village means winning at the starting line of life. ]

[Then is it too late for me to reincarnate now? 】

【The above comment, the probability is not high. Now only Ah San is giving birth to children so fast in the world, so the probability of being reborn in Ah San is much higher than being reborn in Taoyuan Village. 】

【Forget it, I want to be reborn in Taoyuan Village to enjoy life. If I go to Ah San, I will live worse than animals. In this case, I'd better live well. 】

【The villagers are enjoying life, but the pigs are pitiful. 】

And this comment.

Instantly, everyone's attention was drawn back to the pigs.

It took only more than ten minutes.

The pig weighing hundreds of kilograms was instantly cut into pieces, and the bones and meat were cut perfectly.

If it was cut by manpower.

If you want to cut it so carefully, it will take a whole day.

This is just a matter of time. The most important thing is that you don't have so much strength, and your wrist will be useless.

This machine is really amazing.

[Love it, love it, I really want to have one too. ]

[What a pity, the grandfather invented it, and there is only one. ]

[It is really useful for killing pigs, isn't this a pig-killing machine? ! ]

At this time, someone discovered a blind spot.

[Is there a possibility that the grandfather did this out of pity for the pigs? ]

[The pigs were cut into pieces, what's the pity, is he crazy? ]

[You forgot that before this machine started, the pigs were electrocuted first, and they died in less than a second. After the cutting, the pigs were already dead and had no feeling. Generally, when people kill pigs, they stab the knife in and bleed a little bit. In comparison, the grandfather's method is much gentler...]

As soon as this was said, it immediately attracted the approval of netizens.

[That's true. ]

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