The old man was so angry that he was not very happy.

However, Xiao Xueqing did not notice these comments.

At this time, her attention was on the white-haired old man Qin Ming.

Seeing that, the old man sat directly on the driver's seat.

Xiao Xueqing and the photographer showed worried looks.

An eighty-year-old man driving a three-wheeled motorcycle?

The old man dared to drive.

They did not dare to sit either.

Although the old man showed amazing strength just now.

Xiao Xueqing still couldn't understand what was going on.

But driving involves life safety.

Even Xiao Xueqing had reasonable doubts.

The eyes of an eighty-year-old man.

Can he still see clearly?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xueqing trembled.

So, she spoke carefully.

"Grandpa, why don't you come sit in the back."

"I think this car, let Qin Feng drive it."

As she said that, Xiao Xueqing looked at Qin Feng with bright eyes.

Qin Feng is tall and strong, it would be a pity if he was not used to capture a strong man.

Seeing Xiao Xueqing's cunning smile, the live broadcast room was instantly flooded by her fans again.

[Hahaha, is Goddess Xueqing avenging the extra money? ]

[Only 1500 a day, driving a car, it's not too much to work hard. ]

[Goddess Xueqing is so cute when she smiles, I am willing to be your driver forever, I don't want money, free of charge! ]

[I am also willing to +999.]

[Tsk tsk, a bunch of clowns, the goddess asked Qin Feng, not you. ]

However, after hearing this.

Qin Ming's old face fell immediately.

His eyes, full of vicissitudes of life, stared at Xiao Xueqing and scolded.

"You little girl, you really have no manners at all!"

"This is my grandfather! As a grandson, it is only natural for me to work for my grandfather!"

"It's ridiculous to let the ancestors work for their grandsons! I'm afraid of shortening my life!"

"You can take this car or not, I'm here to take my grandfather!"

Xiao Xueqing was scolded by these words.

The live broadcast room was also stunned.

In an instant, netizens felt distressed and angry.

[Is this old man so angry? He scolded my goddess like this, I feel sorry for Xueqing! ]

[Xueqing, be good, get off the car quickly, let's not take this three-wheeled car, what's the big deal. ]

So, countless people were persuading Xiao Xueqing to get off the car quickly.

However, compared to the heartbreak of netizens.

Xiao Xueqing was much stronger mentally.

She smiled.

"Sorry, grandpa, I was abrupt just now."

"Don't take those words to heart, don't get angry."

After that, Xiao Xueqing kept silent.

Hearing this, Qin Ming snorted and turned his head away.

Then, he started the three-wheeled motorcycle.

At this time, the netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked and helpless.

[Goddess Xueqing is too kind. She was scolded and still considerate of the old man's health. Alas, such a good woman is really rare. ]

[There is no way. Xueqing is very ambitious. She really wants to do this column well. ]

[Being ambitious does not conflict with being wronged. ]

[The above, you said it simply, then tell me how to solve this problem? Xueqing has decided to interview someone, where can she find a suitable new partner temporarily? ]

[You are right. I feel sorry for Xueqing. I hope she can achieve the desired results.]

[Xueqing will definitely do it.]

At this time.

Li Hao, who was exhausted and panting, finally arrived at the gate of Magic City University.

But what Xiao Xueqing left for him was a back figure that was so far away that it was almost invisible.

Immediately, Li Hao was so angry that the screen of his mobile phone was almost broken.

Especially when he saw the scene in the live broadcast room where Xiao Xueqing was scolded by the old man.

Li Hao exploded immediately and typed quickly.

[Snowflakes, you have missed the point. The point should be that the goddess was deceived by this thief grandfather and grandson.]

As soon as these words came out.

It also woke up the netizens.

[Yes, have you forgotten that Qin Feng’s so-called ancestor is fake, so this old man must be fake too, and was invited by Qin Feng to perform. 】

【Tsk tsk, if it's acting, then this old man's acting skills are too amazing, at least a few hundred yuan a day, right? In order to deceive people, Qin Feng spent a lot of money. 】

【Goddess, wake up quickly, it's not too late to wake up now. 】

Countless netizens are trying to dissuade Xiao Xueqing.

But Xiao Xueqing has no time to read the comments now.


I saw Qin Ming yelling.

"Sit tight, take off!" Qin Ming is old, but his heart is young.

Hearing this, Xiao Xueqing curled her lips.

Can a three-wheeled vehicle take off?

There are no wings on this three-wheeled vehicle.

Just as she was silently complaining.

Suddenly, she saw Qin Ming twist the handlebars vigorously.

Then, the three-wheeled vehicle started to move at a high speed.

In an instant.

Xiao Xueqing only felt a gust of wind blowing past.

The speed was so fast that her black hair seemed to dance in the wind.

Even, it hit her fair cheeks, and there was a clear pain.

You can imagine how fast this speed was.

And this scene also scared the netizens in the live broadcast room.

[The old man is really cool, driving a three-wheeled vehicle and can also drive fast, it's amazing. ]

[Did this old man take some magic medicine? Stronger than my physical function at the age of 20? ]

[Did you overlook one thing? The old man is strong, but the car must be fast. Have you ever seen a three-wheeled vehicle that is so fast? Not only is it fast, but it is also so stable! ]

And this sentence also woke everyone up.


The speed of a normal tricycle is only 25 kilometers per hour.

Far lower than that of a motor vehicle.

However, the three-wheeled vehicle in the live broadcast.

It is almost moving at a rapid speed.

The motor vehicles on the main road next to it were all left behind by the three-wheeled vehicle.

Even at this moment.

The drivers at the scene were also stunned by this wild three-wheeled vehicle.

They all rolled down their windows and saluted this side.

Even the cars stopped.

All the motor vehicles on the road stopped.

It created a strange sight.

Everyone stopped driving and got off the car to watch.

Even if it wasn't live broadcast.

It would definitely be on the local news.

However, this spectacle didn't last long.

Because soon, the shadow of the three-wheeled vehicle disappeared in front of everyone.

It walked far ahead.

At this time, Xiao Xueqing didn't care about the live broadcast.

A violent cold wind made Xiao Xueqing sneeze.

"It's so cold." Xiao Xueqing shivered.

The frozen beauty showed a helpless look like a deer.

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