The food was so delicious that it was hard to eat.

Uncle Lei himself had no hope.

Until he sat down.

He smelled the fragrance coming towards him.

Suddenly, Uncle Lei sniffed and his index finger moved.

Even Uncle Lei was stunned when he noticed this change.

"It smells so good, I actually have an appetite." Uncle Lei said in amazement.

And this scene was already expected by Qin Feng.

"If you think it smells good, eat some." Qin Feng said politely.

Hearing this, Uncle Lei nodded heavily, picked up the soup spoon, and poured himself a bowl.

Leian didn't have time to stop him.

Uncle Lei hurriedly drank a sip.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

Then, he took a second sip.

He drank more and more vigorously.

He felt that the chicken soup tasted very sweet.

As soon as he drank it, his body was warm and he had strength.

With a "gulp", Grandpa Lei drank the whole bowl of chicken soup.

This scene shocked Lei An.

Lei An showed a surprised look.

"Father, you finally want to eat?"

"Excuse me, Grandpa, is this chicken soup a panacea?" Lei An was slightly surprised and looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

In a moment.

Lei An threw away her prejudice against Qin Feng.

How bad is her father's health.

She knew it better than anyone.

Before, even if her father drank white porridge, he would vomit it out due to rejection.

He could only survive by transfusing nutrient solution.

Now, not only can he eat, but he also eats this greasy chicken soup.

It seems that Qin Feng is quite capable.

Lei An is a smart person. She knew immediately that from this bowl of chicken soup.

This Qin Feng is not simple.

Therefore, Lei An immediately called Qin Feng "Grandpa".

Qin Feng did not care about Lei An's change of attitude.

Instead, he said openly.

"This chicken soup is called Guben Peiyuan Anti-cancer Chicken Soup."

"The ingredients are chicken soup, fresh mushrooms, and Chinese medicine bags."

"The Chinese medicine bag is a prescription for Guben Peiyuan. Its main function is to prevent cancer, but it can also play an anti-cancer role for patients who already have cancer."

"However, there is another very important ingredient in it, that is, water."

Hearing this, Xiao Xueqing was puzzled.

"Is there any difference in the water?"

"Of course there is a difference. There is a natural underground hot spring under Taoyuan Village."

"The water from the ancient well is natural hot spring water. The temperature is above 86 degrees all year round. It is rich in a large number of mineral elements, especially selenium."

"Selenium has a very great effect on fighting and preventing cancer. People in Taoyuan Village who have lived here for generations are healthy and have never had cancer. Therefore, it is also called a cancer-free village and a long-lived village."

"And natural ancient well hot spring water that can be drunk like this, only Taoyuan Village has it in the whole country."

As soon as these words came out.

Several people were shocked.

"This chicken soup is so sweet, it seems to be because of the hot spring water." Uncle Lei reacted immediately.

"That's right." Qin Feng said.

Xiao Xueqing and Xiao Hei only came back to their senses at this time.

"Speaking of which, the water in Taoyuan Village really tastes sweet, sweeter than the mineral water I drank before." Xiao Xueqing nodded and said.

"Yes! I discovered it a long time ago, but I just never said it." Xiao Hei also said excitedly.

"Hehe, I love drinking water these days since I came to the village. I didn't like drinking water before. I once had kidney stones and often had back pain because I didn't like drinking water."

Upon hearing this.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were speechless.

[Good guy, Xiao Hei is the only one who can speak after the fact, right? ! ]

[Wow, I finally know why the elderly in Taoyuan Village live so long. It turns out to be because of hot spring water! ]

[Oh my god, this is an ancient well hot spring! In addition, it is surrounded by green mountains and green forests. It is a real natural health care place! ]

[I envy you. I also want to go to Taoyuan Village to taste what hot spring water tastes like! ]

[But, this Mr. Lei is already in the late stage, and the attending doctor has sentenced him to death. He said that he would not die until tomorrow. At this time, even if it is hot spring water, it will be useless to drink a few tons, right? ! 】

【I remember, didn't they say that Uncle Qiang had pancreatic cancer? If that's the case, the cancer-free village is untenable! 】

Seeing these two comments.

Xiao Xueqing and Lei An were also shocked.


Lei An said immediately.

"I know that selenium is very beneficial to human health, but my father is in a very bad condition now."

"Besides, Uncle Qiang, if I am being presumptuous, I apologize in advance."

"But I still want to ask, didn't you say that you had pancreatic cancer before?"

"If you have had it and recovered after being treated by the old grandfather as you said, can you show me the information of the diagnosis at that time?" Lei An's words were like a cannon, like a bombardment.

Xiao Xueqing and Xiao Hei were stunned.

Uncle Qiang was also shocked.

At the scene, only the old grandfather remained calm.

[Hahaha, worthy of being a researcher, the logic and thinking are very clear. ]

[Yes, just ask, we also want to know the answer. ]

Qin Feng, who was still sober, spoke first.

"Of course, water alone can't cure Uncle Lei."

As soon as these words came out.

It was visibly that both Lei An and Uncle Lei became nervous.

Then, Qin Feng immediately said.

"You still have to take medicine to treat the disease. I have a ward specifically for lung cancer."

"However, to recuperate, you need to take medicine both internally and externally, so you have to stay in Taoyuan Village for at least three months for a course of treatment."

"The water, air and environment of Taoyuan Village can all heal the sick body and enhance resistance."

"As for the prescription, it's a little late today. You have been running all the way here and are exhausted. It's hard to see it accurately now, so take a rest for a night. I'll take a closer look tomorrow morning."

"As for Xiaoqiang's pancreatic cancer..." Qin Feng gave Uncle Qiang a look.

I saw Uncle Qiang looked over quickly.

That little look always felt weird.

Uncle Qiang took out a report from his pocket.

"Well, if you want to see it, just look at it." Uncle Qiang gave it to Uncle Lei.

Uncle Lei unfolded it and took a look.

Suddenly, it was written on the report that Grandpa Qiangda was suffering from pancreatic cancer.

Suddenly, Grandpa Lei looked at the lively Grandpa Qiangda in front of him again.

When he thought of what the old grandfather had said just now, he was very excited.

"That's great, old grandfather, I don't know what to say to thank you..."

Obviously, Grandpa Lei believed every word of what the old grandfather said.

At this time, Lei An still felt something was wrong.

"Let me see." As she said, she also wanted to take the report.

And just at this moment.

Grandpa Qiangda suddenly rushed over and stuffed the report into his arms quickly.

"Ahem," Grandpa Qiangda looked very strange, "This is my privacy, old man, I am shy to be seen by so many people."

Lei An, "..."

Xiao Xueqing, "..."

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