The doctor said that the patient was very happy.

"Hello everyone, I am Dr. Sun Peng, and now is the free clinic time." Sun Peng yawned at the camera.

Soon, a patient opened the application for a live broadcast.

"Doctor, please, save me!" As soon as the call was connected, the patient's crying voice came from the other side.

Sun Peng has seen this kind of scene too many times. He said expressionlessly, with a little indifference in his voice.

"This patient, please speak properly, don't cry here, it's not decent."

"Just treat the disease, everyone will get sick, you are not the only one who is unfortunate, just go for treatment if you are sick." Sun Peng said impatiently.

Sun Peng often deals with acne scars and posts many short videos. He is well-known on the Internet and is considered an Internet celebrity doctor.

Therefore, many viewers in the live broadcast room are also his supporters.

[Dr. Sun is right. If you have something to say, just say it nicely. Don't cry right away. ]

[We are all patients or family members. It's not easy. Be strong and don't cause trouble for Dr. Sun. ]

After saying so much, the patient didn't dare to cry anymore and immediately got to the point.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Sun, let me talk about my situation now. I was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer last year, and then..."

Sun Peng interrupted him directly.

"Is there any metastasis?"

"No." The patient was a little confused and wanted to continue, "Then..."

"You don't have to say it, listen to me," Sun Peng said, "Since there is no metastasis, then do chemotherapy quickly. Do a CT scan after three cycles of chemotherapy to see if there is a chance for surgery."

"If there is, there is a chance. If not, there is no hope."

"Okay, next one." Sun Peng said.

The speed was so fast that the patient was stunned on the spot.

Before he could say anything, Sun Peng hung up the phone.

"Please be considerate. There is nothing I can do. There are too many patients and my time is limited."

"Let's do this. Later, follow this pattern. Come up and tell me about the general situation, and then listen to me."

Soon, the next patient came again.

"Doctor Sun, I have mid-stage lung cancer. There is no metastasis at present. It was discovered early."

This time, the patient listened to Sun Peng very much, as if he was reporting, and did not dare to say a word.

"Mid-stage," Sun Peng paused, "It is not too late for mid-stage. Let's do three cycles of chemotherapy first, and then do a CT scan to see if there is a chance of surgery."

"If there is, the probability of survival is high. If not, prepare for the funeral."

"Okay, next one." Sun Peng finished quickly.

At this time.

Some people who should not belong here also poured into the live broadcast room.

These people all came from the live broadcast room of "Winter Vacation Documentary".

Hearing here.

The netizens were all upset.

Of course.

If they hadn't seen the old man's live consultation before, it might be okay.

But after seeing it.

These people felt that the problem was serious.

[No, why is it that no matter whether it is in the late or middle stage, they all come with chemotherapy, surgery, and CT, and there is no other treatment? ]

[Yes, what Uncle Qiangda said is really right. This Western medicine is a thousand-sided prescription. ]

[When the old man treats patients, let alone the different treatment methods, just talk about his patience, this person can't compare. ]

[That is, he doesn't even want to listen to the patient's words. Is this also called seeing a doctor? ]

[If this is also called seeing a doctor, then I want to say that I can also be a doctor. Whoever comes, I will say one sentence: chemotherapy first, then surgery, I can recite it. ]

[Looking at it this way, this Western medicine is too lame. ]

[I understand, the most lazy profession in 2024 was born: Western medicine. 】

At this time.

This is full of questioning voices.

It also gradually increased the popularity of the live broadcast room.

Sun Peng frowned, very unhappy.

"Why are there so many troublemakers in the live broadcast room?"

"Where are the administrators? Kick them all out?!" Sun Peng shouted hurriedly.

However, it was this move that completely angered the fans.

And the future Sun Peng.

In the future, he will regret his decision for the rest of his life.

I saw that these blacklisted fans ran back to the live broadcast room of "Winter Vacation Records" to pull people.

【Fans, go and rush the doctor of the quack Sun Peng, who not only slandered the old ancestor, but also treated him randomly. 】

【Give justice to traditional Chinese medicine and the old ancestor, now is the time.

【Go! 】

In less than a few minutes.

Originally, Sun Peng's live broadcast room, which had only a few hundred people.

Tens of thousands of people poured in all of a sudden.

And it is still growing exponentially.

Seeing this.

Sun Peng was shocked.

"Hey, the traffic in the live broadcast room is so good today?"

"Are they all coming to see me for medical treatment?" Sun Peng had not realized the truth yet.

"Well, just find someone to connect with."

Then, a lucky friend connected.

"Tell me, what disease, early, middle, or late?" Sun Peng saw that the live broadcast room was so popular, and thought he was famous, and smiled happily.

And at this time.

A sentence from the other side immediately made Sun Peng autistic.

"No, I just want to know, does it make a difference to you?"

"Isn't it still surgery, chemotherapy, and CT? Is there no other treatment?"

"Speak up?!"


The next second, the water friend who was connected to the microphone was blocked.

[If you have the guts, just say it. ]

[You are a quack doctor. I don't know how many people you have killed. ]

[You spent more than one million yuan, but lost both money and people. You call this saving people? ]

At this time, the original users in the live broadcast room said one after another.

[Who are these people? Are you here to make trouble? Please don't mess around. We are all poor people who want to see Dr. Sun. ]

[Unfortunate patients, I know you are very pitiful, but I also hope you can see clearly that this person can't cure you at all. Wake up and don't be pua by him. ]

[Yes, if you don't believe it, watch the video on my homepage. I have recorded the entire process of Mr. Lei's medical treatment. After watching it, you will know what real medical skills are! 】

At this time.

The original patients, seeing this, were curious and really went to see it.

After watching it, they were all numb.

In the video, a white-haired old man was determined by Sun Peng to not see the sun the next day.

Unexpectedly, the man not only saw the sun, but also became full of energy.

Not only that.

The young handsome guy in the video also cured the old man's daughter.

Throughout the process, he was patient in front of the patient, and his medical skills were different, and the effect was very good.

None of these were what Sun Peng had.

Even so, Sun Peng still cursed people as quacks, and scolded Uncle Lei for looking for Qin Feng to die.

As the saying goes.

There is no harm without comparison.

This comparison immediately made those who supported Sun Peng sober up.

[Damn, you Sun Peng is a quack! 】

【Thank you for letting me see clearly earlier. Otherwise, if I really listened to him and went for chemotherapy, I really wouldn't see the sun the next day. 】

The live broadcast room immediately turned into a war of words against Sun Peng.

And Sun Peng was numb.

Looking at the lively Lei in the video.

Sun Peng almost doubted his life.

But soon, he gave a reasonable explanation.

"This must be a last gasp!"

As soon as these words came out.

The fans couldn't stop laughing.

【Good guy, your last gasp lasted so long? 】

【Yes, from morning till now, it must have been six or seven hours. Whose last gasp can last so long? 】

【Your mouth is really tougher than my life. 】

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