The more money you make, the more you earn.

He has already taught me the method.

As for whether to do it or not, it all depends on the individual.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng continued to borrow money online.

This 100,000 yuan could not satisfy his appetite.

So, Qin Feng downloaded several irregular small platforms in a row.

In a few minutes, he earned millions.

Seeing this scene.

The eyes of the surrounding villagers almost popped out.

"Big nose, Grandpa, this income is too lucrative!"

"A million yuan from 0 cost, this is no longer a huge profit, this is simply a ten-thousand-dollar profit!"

"What are you still standing there for, hurry up and follow Grandpa!"

As soon as the words came out, the villagers of Dahe Village also reacted.

He quickly copied Qin Feng's homework and downloaded the same APP.

So, a strange scene appeared on the scene.

A group of villagers gathered together and crazily took out online loans.

Every time they received money, someone would make a carnival sound.

The scene was so grand.

Qin Feng was almost surrounded.

At this time.

In the live broadcast room, some people couldn't sit still.

[What should I do? So many people are taking out loans, and I want to follow suit. ]

[I don't care, I have already followed the old ancestor, I trust the old ancestor, he won't cheat us. ]

[The old ancestor won't cheat, but the loan company won't let you go. ]

[Don't think too much, the timid will starve to death, and the bold will die of gluttony, so I would rather do the latter. ]

[Yes, that's the truth, brothers, I'll go first. ]

It's obvious.

Many netizens in the live broadcast room also followed the trend.

They all took out online loans.

At this moment.

In a small office in Shanghai.

Sitting on the desk was a bald fat man wearing a big gold chain and big gold teeth.

This man was the boss of several irregular black online loans, the black fat man.

At this time, seeing the skyrocketing loan orders on the computer, the black fat man laughed so hard that he was numb.

"Oh my god, it increased by a thousand orders at once... No, it's still increasing..."

"Damn, this year is going to be a fat year!" The black fat man said with a smug smile.

After saying that, his big hand dishonestly patted the sexy Xiao Mi beside him.

"Hate~" Xiao Mi said coquettishly and threw a coquettish eye at the black fat man.

Then, he came over to look at the computer.

Xiao Mi's face showed worry and said in surprise.

"Boss, this is not right."

"What's wrong?" The black fat man smiled disdainfully and smoked a cigar.

"Look here, many of these places where people borrow money are from the same place, and they are all in the countryside."

"It is said that poor mountains and bad waters produce unruly people. Do you think these people's debts will not be recovered?!"

Loans require an ID number.

And the villagers of Dahe Village, who took collective loans, must have the same address on their ID cards.

However, the black fat man was dismissive of Xiao Mi's worries.

"Bah, they are just a group of rural people. With my strength, Sun Wukong has to pay me back if he borrows money. Do you believe it?" The black fat man snorted.

As soon as these words came out.

At the same time, bursts of shrill screams came from the toilet of the office.

"Stop fighting, someone will die if you fight again!"

"I'll pay back the money, I'll pay it back!"

And hearing this shrill voice.

The black fat man seemed to have heard a wonderful symphony, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"Poor and bad waters produce unruly people? Haha? Even if they are unruly people, they have to become good people in front of me." The black fat man gritted his teeth and said viciously.

After saying this, the black fat man began to look at houses and cars, rubbing his hands excitedly, as if he saw a grand prize of gold and silver waving at him.

"Business is so good this year, I can change to a big villa with a river view after the New Year."

"This car must also be replaced with a fancy one, otherwise, it is not worthy of my identity as the boss of a big company, so let's get a Rolls-Royce."

"Well, let's do it, but I have to wait until the repayment in a few days before I can buy it..."

The black fat man became more and more excited as he spoke, and he wished that he could go to these people to collect the debt now...

Anyway, the interest is almost ten times the principal, and he made a fortune in this deal...



At this time.

Taoyuan Village entrance.

Half an hour has passed.

The villagers of Dahe Village have used all the informal small platforms on the market.

The most have earned millions.

The least have earned 200,000 or 300,000.

Who would have thought.

Half an hour ago, these people

Still poor, there is not a penny in the card.

In the blink of an eye, it is the transformation from heaven to hell.

Thinking of this, the villagers of Dahe Village immediately kowtowed to Qin Feng to thank him.

"Grandpa, thank you for your advice, we can finally have a good New Year this year!"

"Yes, Grandpa, you are really a kind man!"

"It's okay, a small matter, just a matter of convenience!" Qin Feng shook his mobile phone, and he also successfully got 4 million.

As he said, Qin Feng helped those people up.

This sentence is his true words.

Qin Feng originally planned to take out online loans.

He happened to meet the villagers of Dahe Village. He felt that this group of people were simple and honest, not bad, and they were also from the next village. After so many years, he could help them.

At this time.

Among the villagers of Dahe Village.

An eighteen-year-old boy clenched his fists and his eyes were red.

Behind him were his parents and relatives.

"Xiao Qiang, why don't we follow them to take out online loans? Even if something happens and the sky falls, there are so many people to support us together. There is nothing to be afraid of." Guo Qiang's old father said tremblingly.

"Your father is right. We can take out as much as we can. Otherwise, we won't even be able to eat meat on New Year's Eve. Every other family can have a feast, but we won't get a share." Guo Qiang's old mother also said.

"Yes, Xiao Qiang, don't be stubborn anymore. I think there is nothing wrong with following the old grandfather." The clan member said.

Hearing this, Guo Qiang looked unhappy.

"I said no, it's not allowed. This kind of thing is illegal!" Guo Qiang said seriously.

"You don't let your parents take out online loans, but you can't let me do it too?! We are not from the same family." At this time, the clan member who was already eager to move couldn't bear it anymore.

Looking at the four million displayed on the old grandfather's mobile phone screen, his eyes were shining green.

However, he thought that Guo Qiang would not stop him after saying so much.

Unexpectedly, Guo Qiang still stopped him.

"No, you are my uncle. If you go to jail, it will affect me."

"Uncle, just listen to my advice. This old man has no good intentions. I think he just holds a grudge against our Dahe Village and came up with such a bad idea to send all of us to jail."

"What black online loan? I am also studying in college outside, and I am a member of the student union. I know Qin Feng. He sleeps every day in class and doesn't listen to the class. Can you believe what a bad student like him says?!"

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