"Zulong in order to reach his purpose, he did not hesitate to make the life of our Dragon, gave us the whole group to the dark bark, in order to let the darkness to swallow our strength, was eternal of the mysterious power forever From this world, it is good to insist on his belief that he has not changed his belief. Each species should be high and low in his position. The dragon should be the same as the dark bullish, so he and Will not swallow us, but in order to prevent we will transfer important intelligence from the black group to the bright family, it is forcibly sealing our blood, and therefore, our family can be guaranteed. "Tulong commanders Shake the head and open the mouth.

It is also a pity that his own race is also a glimpse of the eyes. He has followed the bright family, and there is no correct understanding of the dark family. Although the secret of the dark family is alive, if you think about it, it is not this. ?

"Mom, I have recently made a big business, earn more tens of millions of things, so I bought a car, I have called for 2 million, do you have received information on the bank on your phone?" I saw that the expression of Jiangmu suddenly became cold and ruthless. Jiang Nan quickly explained. He was afraid that he was explained later than a few seconds, and the mother should let him drive the car to the police station!

It's really, this little is not too door, starting to help the mother talk, go back to the education education in the evening ...

"My phone will not receive any information from half a year ago.

Although some low-level races are reluctant to believe, this world is a weak meat, a dark group, what is wrong with it?

Confused this bright bodies of the boss, the words of the wonderful, and the tongue, the tongue, I originally thought that he really provided a warm place to give weak races, and finally not all his chess pieces were placed!

"In fact, I have this thing that the Silong's brother said, telling the truth, the ninety-five Dragon Scholar dragon and I live almost together, I haven't awakened before we haven't awakened, it is only Mao Two crocodiles in the swamp were also a circular circle, and they were brought here, and the water corner dragon didn't have such luck, and left behind Mourns. "

"When I wake up, I have my own consciousness, I think about my companion, so I will leave the autumn deep forest, returning to the Mourns Marsh, I want to find my companion, but I didn't expect it. I have encountered him in the half road. At that time, he had complete awakened the strength and consciousness of the ancient times. When he saw him, I was particularly excited. I was worried about sweeping, but I didn't expect his eyes. Very sluggish, see me clearly, but I didn't expect him to come up with the first sentence to dedicate the power to the ancestral adult, you should be more early than I am awakened. At this time, you should be with the ancestors. Dragon is two for one. "

"When I heard the words he said, there was some doubts, but after hearing this Dragon Brother and Dream Shadow Dragon, this suddenly realized that it was true, In addition to the few dragons we have, other brothers have passed the power to Zulong. "

This person who speaking is the ninth-generation dragon, the Dragon Dragon, the giant teeth of the dragon!

"Well, tell the truth, I am very sympathetic, but even other Dragon Si, all the dragonzi will transfer strength to Zulong, but we don't really have to go without a road." Dream Shadow Dragon took the giant The shoulders of the Dragon Dragon, continue to open: "Maybe you have nothing to know about your own brothers and sisters,

At this time, there is a big brother. "

I heard these dreams said that all Dragon Dragons were in confused, and I didn't know what he said.

"In Mourns Swamp, there is the second dragon in our second Dynasty. At that time, I was fortunate to be discovered by me, so I brought him on the lotus leaf of the ancient ruins, and the result is not enough. I expected, he really is the second place in Dragonz ... Flame Actol! "

On the side of the Dream Shadow Dragon, while using his finger to the corner left on the room, in many huge figures, the only one-pointed-eyed petty body is on the sticker, and I don't know what to do. .

Everyone saw the petite figure, all doubts, this dream movie is not a joke? The second place in the dragon family should also be the strength of the strength, which is very powerful only in the Diabue Riranean, but I didn't see the breath of a strong person in his body, and even a little weak feeling.

"Flame Guolong world is a strong creature of a very mysterious bio-born, a very mysterious bio-champion, a very mysterious bio-champion, a great creature in ancient times, and a godlock that swallowed the sun in ancient times is also the third of ancient times. Birth in this world, the strength is second only to Dark Shou, I thought I can swallow the sun, how to say that there should be half a day in the mainland, but everyone didn't think of it, actually The reminder of Na Thaldo's reminder is not much different from ordinary birds, and even their hobbies are transformed into other bird camouflage in other races. "

Obviously, it can be seen that the doubts of the brothers, the Dream Shadow Dragon is quickly explained to the opening.

Although he saw it at the time, he did not believe it, but the two brothers had just awakened the unparalleled power, and it was also in an instant to conquer him.

However, if this is the case, maybe the Dark Raurong king should be more stronger than him, but I don't know where the guy is going. As the big brother is the strongest existence of the Dragon Control, he should not Stand up and controlled the global?

"First of all, let us first imperative, the first dragon is born, so the Dark Ruilong Wang Ping stalls the general strength of Zulong, the second dragon is the birth of Zulong and Jiaoa Luo Luo, so Second brothers should share half of Zulong half, that is, one quarter. "Dream Shadow Dragon said that the mouth smiled slightly, continued to open:" That is, we have at least Zulong here. More than one-quarter strength, this is a very powerful chip! Zulong wants to move, we also have to quantify. "



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