Chapter 17 [True] Heartbreak!


How embarrassing!

From morning till now, she didn’t even know Shen Yi’s name!

Zhou Xiaoya gave a dry cough, her pretty face flushed, “I’m really sorry, may I ask your name…”

“Shen Yi.”

With two simple words, Shen Yi didn’t lift his head and continued to eat his own.

Zhou Xiaoya, “Well, Shen Yi…No, Mr. Shen, you are too eager to eat!”

Shen Yi, “Isn’t it here to eat?”

Zhou Xiaoya took a deep breath to keep herself from getting agitated and suppress her temper.

Shen Yi, “Wait for me to eat well.”

The four women looked sideways.

Who just said that they were tired of eating?

Man’s mouth!

Liar ghost!

Zhou Xiaoya’s eyes twitched fiercely, and after being rejected again and again, she lost her temper, and she ate her own stuff in silence.

The atmosphere was weird for this meal.

The three daughters of Dong Qing’er look at Shen Yi on the left and Zhou Xiaoya on the right.

“All right!”

They don’t talk, and they eat their own food.

Finally, Shen Yi was full, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said, “I’m done.”


Finally eaten!

Zhou Xiaoya also said, “Mr. Shen, I want to know the source of these lists.”

Shen Yi smiled back. As long as he talks about business matters, the stigma in him is gone, “Commercial secrets, no comment.”

“And let me emphasize again, Miss Zhou, I call you Miss Zhou from the beginning to the end, it is my respect for my partners and partners!”

“And you call me Mr. Shen, please also treat me as a partner, not just a polite title.”

Shen Yi’s meaning is obvious. We are a cooperative relationship. There are some questions. Although you are curious, these are commercial secrets. You should not be stupid enough to ask them.

Shen Yi emphasizes cooperation.

It is to pull the two hair into a formal and equal cooperative relationship.

Zhou Xiaoya was speechless, she had faced many difficult people, but Shen Yi made her scream.

Did I underestimate the enemy?

Do not!

It is impossible!

Zhou Xiaoya began to reflect, and she realized that she was led by Shen Yi again.

“What I can tell you is, and please rest assured, our list is not stolen or robbed. It is obtained honestly and legally.”

Shen Yi directly cut off Zhou Xiaoya’s small abacus.

“Miss Zhou, do you have any questions?”

Zhou Xiaoya shook her head, and her voice gradually became more formal, “Then what do you mean by further discussion…?”

She started to face Shen Yi squarely.

Shen Yi, “The commission issue, I don’t know if Miss Zhou is the master.”

Zhou Xiaoya frowned and looked at the three of Dong Qing’er.

Shen Yi said bluntly, “They are not outsiders, it doesn’t matter.”

Zhou Xiaoya, “Well, you can talk about it. In some respects, I am still the master of Fanxing Education.”

Shen Yi nodded, “I was invited by you to take the experience class from my list and signed, I will get a commission for each one.”

Zhou Xiaoya’s heart sighed, what’s going on with this guy, how can he know so much about the internal model of today’s educational institutions!

Before the rebirth, there was one who worked with Shen Yi who used to be an educational institution, and the other party had often talked about this with Shen Yi.

“Although the cost of each course of your Fanxing Education is different, we treat them equally and charge 50 yuan for all.”

“For your sales, this price is already very small.”

One yuan!

Ten is!

How about a hundred?

Is this still less?

Dong Qinger’s three daughters are so excited!

They couldn’t think of how they could still make money like this!

Suddenly they felt that the three hundred lists received in an hour of hard work were simply a big profit!

“I’m going to the bathroom, Miss Zhou, you think about it.”

Shen Yi got up and left. This is the second stage of his cooperation. It needs a commission!

The reason why Dong Qing’er and three daughters are all there is exactly the same. He has never thought about making this commission, or in other words, he has never thought about making Dong Qing’er and three daughters.

He has to give them trust appropriately, and in exchange for this will only be harder work and trust in Shen Yi.

At this time, Dong Qinger’s three daughters were full of admiration for Shen Yi.

Zhou Xiaoya’s face was pale.

She is the first group of people in China to accept the model of foreign educational institutions, and she can understand and even accept such cooperation.

But she is worried about her boss.

After getting up, Zhou Xiaoya went out and contacted her boss.

When Shen Yi came back, Zhou Xiaoya was still on the phone.

ten minutes!

She played outside for ten minutes.

When I came back, the whole person was even worse.

His face was almost dark.

“I’m sorry…Mr. Shen, I broke my promise, our boss disagrees, let you run away for nothing, this meal is my personal treat!”

Dong Qing’er and the three daughters shook their hearts and pulled together.


The three of them glanced at Shen Yi, “The talk collapsed?”

Shen Yi is still indifferent, “Why is it a vain run? We have 300 lists. Fanxing Education doesn’t want it, other educational institutions don’t want it?”

“There will always be someone who needs it.”

The three women’s eyes instantly turned into a smirk, “Jiang is still hot!”


Shen Yi finally said, “Are you full?”

The three women nodded, “I’m full.”

“Well, thank you Miss Zhou for your hospitality, let’s go.”

“Thank you Miss Zhou.”


The sound of “thank you” plunged into Zhou Xiaoya’s heart, like a sharp dagger.

[True] Heartbreak!

PS: Good morning, little brother and sister!

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